School Newsletter: February 2017
Staff and pupils worked tremendously hard to put on a range of performances and raised an amazing total of £1466. We couldn’t have achieved such a fantastic result without the support of parents/carers and families.
As Christmas is all about “giving” the Pupil Council decided we should give a donation to Radio Clyde “Cash for Kids” Appeal. We will be donating £300 to this appeal.
A BIG THANKYOU must go to The Co-op and their generous customers who helped P7 raise £421.24 towards their Ardentinny Appeal.
P7 are off to Ardentinny on 6th March and in order to reduce costs as much as possible we are having a DRESS AS YOU PLEASE, minimum donation £1, on Thursday 9th February.
I am sure you will have heard this week that the Scottish Government have allocated £120 million to schools across Scotland to help reduce the “poverty related attainment gap”. This is a very exciting opportunity for us to consult and plan with staff, pupils, parents & partners to make the very best use of the £201,600 we have been allocated. We must have an initial plan in place by 27th February 2017. To find out more and give your views I’d like to invite you to attend one of the following meetings –
- Monday 20th Feb @ 9.15
- Monday 20th Feb @ 2.00
- Monday 20th Feb @ 6.30
If you can’t manage any of these meetings, but would like to express your views, please send a note with your child or send me an email
Teachers are currently planning for the coming term and Class Newsletters will be available with ideas of how you can help at home.
Our development of reading skills is going from strength to strength and you can see what we are up to on Twitter. The next edition of the Castleton Improvement Challenge Newsletter will be issued after the February weekend.
We are very excited to be welcoming Google Expeditions Pioneer Programme on Friday 17th February. Using a virtual reality app and virtual reality goggles the teachers will guide their classes through a virtual reality experience.
This term, in Health & Well-being, all classes will undertake the national programme of Sexual Health & Relationship (SHRE) set by the government for their year group. This will be delivered by the six teachers at Castleton who have been specifically trained to do so.
The programme of 4 lessons for each stage (5 for P7) is as follows:
P1 / Naming body parts/recognise individual; ‘Stranger Danger’/Keeping Safe;Feelings; People Who Are Special to me.
P2 / Living Things Where They’re From (animals & pets); Pets, our Special Friends;
I am me, I am like you; Family Life, ups & downs.
P3 / Living Things Where They’re From (humans); Bullying & how to deal with it;
Girls & Boys, all friends together; Understanding & Expressing Feelings.
P4 / Conveying feelings & considering the feelings of others; Appropriate ways of
Expressing feelings ; Problems – we can fix them; People who care for us/the
Life cycle of the baby in the uterus.
P5 / Respecting & Caring for Others; The importance of individual talents/abilities;
Managing Feelings and Emotions; Early puberty changes to the body &
Terminology for body parts.
P6 / What makes friendships work?; Keeping safe using the internet & mobile phones;
Understanding the issues around gender inequality and how media/society
Contributes to these issues; Physical & emotional changes of puberty.
P7 / Keeping safe when out with friends; feelings in relation to changing
Relationships in their lives; emotional changes that puberty may bring;
Growing Up/the process of reproduction; Families – the range of different
Families in our society.
We are delighted that Ainsley Rogers now joins us as a permanent member of the Castleton Staff Team. She had an excellent interview and spoke with great enthusiasm and passion about the children and how she can motivate and support their learning.
We welcome Lynne McKinley back from Maternity Leave. Lynne is covering Non Class Contact time Mon-Wednesday and teaching P2K on a Thursday and Friday.
We also welcome HairaAkram on a temporary basis;she covers Non-Class Contact Time on a Thursday and Friday.
The PTC met last week and are planning a SPRING DISCO on Thursday 2nd March to raise funds. The discos will be
- P1-3 5.00 – 6.00pm - £2 (includes Tuck Bag)
- P4-7 6.30 – 8.00pm - £2.50 (includes Tuck Bag)
Tickets will go on sale on Thursday 23rd February. P7 will sell tickets during the school day. If you need to buy a ticket out with this time they will be on sale from the School Office between 3.00 & 3.20 only.
The PTCare a very hardworking bunch of parents who work tirelessly for ALL the children in Castleton. It would really be great if more parents could help out at events to spread the load. They are also hoping to serve tea & coffee and have a Pre Loved Bookstall at the Parent/Teacher Consultation Meetings. If you would be willing to help please let the School Office know and we’ll pass on your details.
Parent/Teacher Consultation Meetings will be on Wednesday 15 March. Appointments, based on November requests will be allocated within 3.30 – 5.30 pm or 6.15 – 8.15 pm. These will be issued by the end of February.
HELP YOUR CHILD SUCCEED – Reading Workshop for Parents will be held in school on Wednesday 1st March 6.30 – 7.30pm. Come along and hear about Paired Reading and other activities you can do with your child to help develop their reading skills.
We are also delighted to be working with Glasgow Clyde College to provide a variety of classes for parents. Come along to the Coffee Morning, in Castleton, on Wednesday 8th March at 9.15am to find out more.
LOST PROPERTY – You wouldn’t believe the HUGE pile of clothing in the School Office!!! If your child has lost anything PLEASE come and look. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE name everything, if you do we can return it.
You may be aware that Police Scotland is currently assessing all offices. As a result, the future of Castlemilk Police Office is currently under review. At this stage, no decisions have been made and I’m just informing you of the start of Community engagement.
Paul Cathcart, new Deacon at Castlemilk will be coming in to speak to the children and staff on Wednesday 1st March. Paul is keen to work closely with the school and Castleton families. He is available to any family who may wish his support. You can contact him atCastlemilk Parish Church or on07708396074
A reminder that Miss Breckenridge, Mrs Gillies or myself are available on a Tuesday and Thursday from 8.45-9.15am to speak with you about school matters. Other than this you will be able to make an appointment to see us or the class teacher via the school office. To keep up to date with school news follow us on twitter @ Castleton-Pri or the school website
If you child is absent please call the PUPIL ABSENCE REPORTING LINE 0141 287 0039
DATE / EVENT / CLASS / TIMEThurs 9th Feb / Dress as You Please - For Ardentinny - minimum donation £1 / P1-P7
Fri 10th Feb
Mon 13th Feb
Tues 14th Feb / Mid-term holiday / School Closed
Wed 15th Feb / In-service Day 4 / School Closed to pupils
Fri 17th Feb / Google Expedition Programme / P1-P7
Mon 20th Feb / Pupil Equity Fund – Parent Consultation Meetings / Parents / 9.15am
Mon 20th Feb / Castlemilk Library Visit / P2k / 10.15am
Wed 22nd Feb / Assembly – Parents of P5r invited / P1-P7 / 9.30am
Mon 27th Feb / Castlemilk Library Visit / P1b / 10.15
Wed 1st March / HELP YOUR CHILD SUCCEED – Reading Workshop / Parents / 6.30-7.30pm
Thurs 2nd March / Dental Inspection / P1 & P7
Thurs 2nd March / PTC Spring Disco / P1-3
P4-7 / 5.00-6.00pm
Warmest wishes,
Jackie McIver