Board Meeting Minutes


The Carlisle Board of Education met in regular session on Monday, June 22, 2015 in the Choir/Lecture Room located in Carlisle High School at 250 Jamaica Road, Carlisle, Ohio.


Board President Tammy Lainhart called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. with the following roll of attendance present: Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. James Campbell, Mr. David Clay, Mr. Bryan Dunkman, and Mr. Bill Jewell.


Mrs. Lainhart asked those in attendance to stand with the Board for the Pledge of Allegiance.


Mr. Shane Estep recognized two teachers (Elisabeth Middleton & Ryan Thomas) with certificates of achievement. Mr. Bruce Terry gave an update to the Board on the technology department for the district.


Kendra Campbell, 8662 Butterfield Ct., Carlisle, and Elizabeth McKinney, 120 Chestnut Ave, Carlisle, both spoke in support of Tom Shelton as softball coach.



Mr. Dan Bassler reminded the Board of the July Board meeting changed to be held on July 20 at 6 p.m.


(2015-67) It was moved by Mr. Dunkman and seconded by Mr. Campbell to approve the May 18 Board minutes.

Roll Call: Ayes – Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Clay, Mr. Dunkman, Mr. Jewell

Nay – none

Motion Carried

(2015-68) It was moved by Mr. Campbell and seconded by Mr. Jewell to approve the special minutes from June 18.

Roll Call: Ayes – Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Clay, Mr. Dunkman, Mr. Jewell

Nay – none

Motion Carried

(2015-69) It was moved by Mr. Campbell and seconded by Mr. Dunkman to approve the Financial Report.

Roll Call: Ayes – Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Clay, Mr. Dunkman, Mr. Jewell

Nay – none

Motion Carried

(2015-70) It was moved by Mr. Campbell and seconded by Mr. Jewell to approve a donation of $50 from the Alumni to the Fine Arts department.

Roll Call: Ayes – Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Clay, Mr. Dunkman, Mr. Jewell

Nay – none

Motion Carried

(2015-71) It was moved by Mr. Dunkman and seconded by Mrs. Lainhart to approve the Treasurer to post all adjustments to close the books for Fiscal Year 2014-2015.

Roll Call: Ayes – Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Clay, Mr. Dunkman, Mr. Jewell

Nay – none

Motion Carried

(2015-72) It was moved by Mr. Campbell and seconded by Mr. Jewell to approve temporary appropriations for Fiscal Year 2015-16.

Roll Call: Ayes – Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Clay, Mr. Dunkman, Mr. Jewell

Nay – none

Motion Carried

(2015-73) It was moved by Mr. Campbell and seconded by Mr. Jewell to approve supplemental appropriations for Fiscal Year 2014-2015.

Roll Call: Ayes – Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Clay, Mr. Dunkman, Mr. Jewell

Nay – none

Motion Carried

(2015-74) It was moved by Mr. Clay and seconded by Mr. Campbell to award contract for Property, Liability & Fleet Insurance with the Southwestern Ohio EPC Insurance Pool; Approve contract for J. L. Uhrig for GAAP Conversion Services; Approve Warren County ESC contract: 2015-2016.

Roll Call: Ayes – Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Clay, Mr. Dunkman, Mr. Jewell

Nay – none

Motion Carried



Mr. Larry Hook gave an update on the 3rd grade guarantee.


Certified: Employment

(2015-75) It was moved by Mr. Dunkman and seconded by Mr. Campbell to approve Michael Griffin as HS Math teacher, Steven Dugger as MS Intervention Specialist, Traci Gray as HS Counselor plus 10 extended days, Scott Davis as HS Integrated Science teacher, and Rebecca Brotzman as HS Intervention Specialist.

Roll Call: Ayes – Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Clay, Mr. Dunkman, Mr. Jewell

Nay – none

Motion Carried

Classified: Resignations

(2015-76) It was moved by Mr. Campbell and seconded by Mr. Jewell to approve the resignation of Billie Alexander as kitchen worker at the end of the 2014-2015 school year.

Roll Call: Ayes – Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Clay, Mr. Dunkman, Mr. Jewell

Nay – none

Motion Carried

Classified: Employment

(2015-77) It was moved by Mr. Clay and seconded by Mr. Campbell to approve Steve Young as classified substitute, retroactive to June 1; Mary Adams as classified substitute; Kenna Davis as kitchen worker; the restructuring of EMIS Coordinator position to a 260-day contract beginning August 1, 2015.

Roll Call: Ayes – Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Clay, Mr. Dunkman, Mr. Jewell

Nay – none

Motion Carried

Supplemental: Employment

(2015-78) It was moved by Mr. Campbell and seconded by Mr. Dunkman to approve Laura Tomko as quarter-long mentor for Heather Adams, and year-long mentor for Alex Hemmelgarn; Jenn Shively as semester-long mentor for John Oliver; Diane Johnson as quarter-long mentor for Jenny Sutter; Susan Mong as kindergarten summer school teacher ½; Penny Stewart as kindergarten summer school teacher ½; and the following list of coaches:

·  Chad Allen – Defensive Coordinator Football

·  Ryan Thomas – Special Teams Coordinator Football

·  Alex Hemmelgarn – HS Assistant Football Coach

·  Kyle Stone – HS Assistant Football Coach

·  Madaris Grant – Offensive Coordinator Football

·  Todd Millar – HS Assistant Football Coach

·  Mike Griffin – HS Assistant Football Coach

·  Dalton Woodson – ½ JH Football Coach 7th

·  Eddie Woodson – ½ JH Football Coach 7th

·  Robin Shelton – Head Volleyball Coach

·  Mindy Frazee – Assistant Volleyball Coach

·  Leah Warner – JH Volleyball Coach

·  Jeff Stiver – Head Soccer Coach (G)

·  Donald Hatton – Assistant Soccer Coach (G) *6

·  Sarah Smalley – Assistant Soccer Coach (G); volunteer

·  Bert Wray – JV Basketball (G)

·  Clay Young – JH Basketball Coach (G) 7th

·  Chelsea Boyer – JH Basketball Coach (G) 8th

·  Sara Ward – JH Cheerleading Advisor F ½

·  Dave Corley – Assistant Softball Coach; volunteer

·  Kurt Stapleton – HS Assistant Wrestling Coach

·  Brandon Warmoth – Head Track Coach (G)

Roll Call: Ayes – Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Clay, Mr. Dunkman, Mr. Jewell

Nay – none

Motion Carried

(2015-79) It was moved by Mr. Clay and seconded by Mr. Campbell to approve Don Ridinger as varsity head basketball coach.

Roll Call: Ayes – Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Clay, Mr. Dunkman, Mr. Jewell

Nay – none

Motion Carried

(2015-80) It was moved by Mr. Dunkman and seconded by Mr. Clay to approve Tom Shelton as varsity softball coach.

Roll Call: Ayes – Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Clay, Mr. Dunkman

Nay – Mr. Jewell

Motion Carried

General District Business

(2015-81) It was moved by Mr. Campbell and seconded by Mr. Clay to approve the second reading of policy numbers: 1530, 2271, 2413, 5114, 5340, 5460, 6108, 8390, 8400; approve 3rd grade reading summer school dates: June 1-5; 8-11 from 8:30-11:30a; approve recommended salaries for timers and scorekeepers for the 2013-2014 school year; approve Athletic Pass form and fees; approve Alden Brown student handbook for 2015-2016; approve Grigsby Intermediate student handbook 2015-2016; approve Chamberlain Middle School student handbook for 2015-2016; approve Carlisle High School student handbook/SCOC for 2015-2016

Roll Call: Ayes – Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Clay, Mr. Dunkman, Mr. Jewell

Nay – none

Motion Carried


A.  MVCTC: Last meeting was June 9 at 7 p.m.


(2015-82) It was moved by Mr. Clay and seconded by Mr. Jewell to go into executive session for the purpose of personnel (Superintendent’s evaluation).

Time in: 6:31 p.m. Time out: 7:14 p.m.

Roll Call: Ayes – Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Clay, Mr. Dunkman, Mr. Jewell

Nay – none

Motion Carried



(2015-83) It was moved by Mr. Dunkman and seconded by Mr. Jewell to adjourn the meeting.

Roll Call: Ayes – Mrs. Lainhart, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Clay, Mr. Dunkman, Mr. Jewell

Nay – none

Motion Carried

Board President Tammy Lainhart adjourned the meeting at 7:15 p.m. in accord with the motion.


Board President Tammy Lainhart

ATTEST: ______

Daniel L. Bassler, Treasurer

XC: All Board Members

Mr. Larry Hook, Superintendent
