Christianity and Medieval Civilization Notes

The Papal Monarchy

The Pope and the Papal States

Territories in central Italy directly controlled by the pope

Involved more in political matters

Bishops and abbots as vassals to lords

Owned fiefs given by lords

Required to uphold same responsibilities as other vassals, such as . . . .

Political vs. spiritual obligations

Would the church become more involved in political matters than spiritual?

The Crusades

Original Goals

Urban II

 Crusade (1096 – 1099 A.D.)

Knights and peasants fought

Poorly organized

 Crusade (1147 – 1149 A.D.)

Muslim leader regains Jerusalem

 Crusade (1189 – 1191 A.D.)

 – went home

 – drowned

 – worked out a truce with Saladin

 Crusade (1202 – 1204 A.D.)

Didn’t even reach the Holy Land, instead, looted !

Children’s Crusades

French = led by a 12 year old, resulted in everyone dying or sold into slavery

German = told them to go home, lived

Results of Crusades

Failure of the later crusades cut the pope’s power, why?

Death of many knights cut the power of nobles, why?

Contact with the East increased trade in Europe, why?

Christian’s harsh treatment of Muslims led to bitterness between the groups

Spanish Crusade

Christian leaders try to kick Muslims out of Spain

Reconquista (1100s – 1492)

Over time, many Jews and Muslims converted to Christianity, but were not trusted (accused of heresy)

Reform of the Papacy

Lay investiture

Through feudal system

Pope Gregory VII

“ ” - popes authority extended over all of

Wanted to end

King Henry IV of Germany - relied on church officials throughout his administration

1075, Gregory orders end to practice

 (1122)

Bishop elected by church official first, then paid homage to the king as his feudal lord, then receives symbols from a representative of the pope

The Church Supreme

Innocent III

Started Crusade

Approved and orders

Politically involved in politics all over Europe

Interdict -

King Philip Augustus of France

Innocent III forced King Philip to take back his wife when he tried to get his marriage annulled

New Religious Orders and New Spiritual Ideas

Cistercian Order (1098)

Very simple clothing, no decorations

More time working and praying

Focus on active religious practices

Saint Bernard


Convents were used if women didn’t want to marry

Places for women to become educated

Lived among the people

Encouraged people to live a simple, poor life like early Christians

 – Spain

Heresy – religious ideas different than the teachings of the church

Men who lived in poverty attempting to end heretical movements

“Spanish” Inquisition

Accused confessed =

Starting in 1252, if you did not confess you were tortured until you or you were

Witch trials, Galileo, etc.

Popular Religion in the High Middle Ages

Church was a part of everyone’s daily life

Baptism, Lord’s Supper, etc.

Given by clergy and Christians felt it was required to gain salvation

Saints – people who had earned a special place in heaven

Virgin Mary –

Relics –