Christian Talla

Prof. Deek

IT 201

September 9, 2013

First Impressions of Flash

My first impressions of flash CS 5.5 were horrible. At first I couldn’t even find it because on the site I couldn’t find it at first. When I clicked the part where it said “Click <HERE>” it sent me to the adobe site but not to the part where I could download CS 5.5. Also I don’t think Adobe has the download file on their site anymore either. After downloading 4 different things I thought were the program, I finally found it on the predesign page. Not where it says click here but on the table of different programs. Not that it helped much since it was only the free trial.

My perspective on Flash worsened when I went to school to try to use it. For a good hour and a half I sat there trying to color my objects or even make the original image I was copying transparent. It wasn’t even letting me erase areas where I spray painted. I wasn’t even on the wrong layer. I finally gave up when I had to go to my math class.

After my math class I attempted to use flash one more time. I found out the reason why it wouldn’t let me color was because flash apparently doesn’t let you use the bucket when items are grouped together. It also won’t let you use it if there isn’t an enclosed space, which can happen often because the pen doesn’t always connect one point to the next.

After using the program a little more and more I started to like it, especially the smooth button which can make your lines look a lot more smooth and flowing. Some things still annoy me like how the border for a shape and a shape are two different items , forcing you to double click to select both of them. Or how the free transform can’t transform the shape as much as the tools in Photoshop would.

I don’t really hate Flash anymore and I know its main purpose is for more animation than it is picture creating. So I’ll probably enjoy using it more when it comes to that.