Christian Code of Conduct
Romans 12:1-9. (Pray) V.9.
The first eleven chapters of Romans are some of the most enlightening words one could ever see or hear. All of us would do well to study them repeatedly. They show in the clearest of terms the way of salvation from sin according to God’s grace. From chapter twelve on to the end of the book of Romans are words that are just as enlightening. They have to do with some practical things about how the believer is to behave after the salvation experience. We might call this sermon the “Christian Code of Conduct.” There are three things to think about in verse nine of our text. Consider: The Believer and other Christians, The Believer and the Unsaved, and The Believer and the Government.
The Believer and other Christians.
1. Let love be without hypocrisy. Rom.12:9
2. Romans 12:10-16.
3. Put faithful brethren and Christian service first. Be a steadfast prayer warrior. Have a heart connection with Christian friends. Show the brethren benevolence, even when, especially when, disagreements arise. Let your Christian love be real.
The Believer and the Unsaved.
1. Abhor that which is evil. Rom.12:9.
2. Romans 12:17-21.
3. Stand for truth and righteousness. Let God handle the evil doers in your life. Always do that which is right and do all in your power to be a peacemaker. You donot have to be a doormat but look for ways to let love win overhate.
The Believer and the Government.
1. Cling to that which is good. Rom.12:9.
2. Romans 13:1-7.
3. There are good and bad governments but we are to submit to the government as much as is scripturally possible. America began with biblical principles. We the people are the power that put the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of our republic and its rule of Constitutional law in place. In America, we control the government. It is NOT supposed to be the other way around. If you are legally qualified to vote, you should register and do so. We can help you register. There are enough evangelical Christians in America to turn our country back to the original intent of our founders but 53% of us don’t even vote. We should work to change that.
Conclusion: Rom.13:8-10, 1Jn.2:4-7. Christian service is a life of humility in which we esteem our fellow servants as better than we think of ourselves. We ought to shun the ungodly things of the world, the flesh, and the devil and pray for the salvation of our unsaved friends and loved ones while walking and talking in a way that God might use to bring them to repentance and faith in Christ. Regarding the government, we ought to render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s but remember that God always comes first and the best human laws are those that are based on His holy standards. AMEN. 6/83, 1/95, 10/11.