Christ the King (B), Nov. 22, 2015


For the coming of God’s Kingdom; that all peoples and nations be gathered into God’s everlasting dominion, we pray:

That God’s Reign, which is “not from this world,” triumph over Satan and the power of darkness,” and for an end everywhere of terrorism and violence, we pray:

That the sacrifice of Christ, which we celebrate here, reconcile all people to God, and that Christ bring peace to all nations, we pray.

For all of those who share the devastating effectsof our current crisis in the American church; that we may mourn with all of those who have suffered as victims; that justice bedone, healing promoted, and charity fulfilled, we pray:

That the mysteries of human redemption be accomplished among us; that we may know truth and life, holiness and grace, justice, love and peace, we pray:

That we may see ‘the Son of Man coming in the clouds’with great power and glory,and that we may be numberedamong his electgathered from the four winds, we pray:

For all of our beloved dead, that they mayshine brightlylike the splendor of the firmament,and be like the stars forever and ever: Amen!

Christ the King (B), Nov. 22, 2015


[Sunday Morning] All are welcome for coffee and conversation downstairs in the social hall after the final hymn is sung.

As you know, our organ project has been approved by the bishop; you can will find regular updates on the parish website and in the bulletin as we move along. Thanks to all for your ongoing help and concern.

Our Christmas trees will arrive and be ready for sale by the end of the month; we are seeking volunteers to help with unloading and with sales; if you have some hours to donate, please check in at the Welcome Desk right after the final hymn.

Our annual financial statement will be presented to the parish by Dr. Chris McMahon in a four-minute presentation before masses next weekend. Details will be available in a handout with the bulletin and on the parish website.

Thanks to all who have been attentive to our pleas for the United Catholic Appeal.

If you want to sing with the choir for Christmas, please chat with Brian after mass today.

You will also find a parish staff member at the Welcome Desk in the gathering space today; stop there with any questions or comments!

And please remember: Visit us regularly online at; like us on Facebook; and follow us on Twitter!