MEMORY VERSE: “But he answered and said unto them, why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition?”Matthew 15:3

TEXT: Genesis 11:1-9; Acts 17:18-34; Romans 1:18-32


Religion is as old as man on Earth and remains one big area of human concern that has done man significant evil. Most wars down the history were fought along religious lines. Man created by God was with a special instinct “to crave for” the worship of his Deity (Creator). This provides the reason for the religious enterprise all through human history to our contemporary times. The advent of different religion from ancienttime had no doubt made innumerable impart on human history and the Church of today.Undoubtedly, our world is customarily on a greater scale of reference shaped by resulting religious ideologies than any other human philosophies deduced..

Q1. Explain your understanding ofthe concept termed“Religion”?

Religion can be explained as a set of beliefs arising from human intellectual search for the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe or better put search for God. What pure thinking could a depraved human mind possibly bring forth- (Job 14:4).Man in a bid to sustain the religious culture, has continuously sort means and avenue to express his inherent cravings for deity worship. Thusman’s devising Object Mediums - a resemblance of envisioned deity in form of idol gods or goddessesacross all evolved religion in the world today. Some are made from carvings of wood, earth or metallic materials.God commanded Israel not to interface with the religious idols of the heathen nations - Exodus 20:1-6.Lust not after heathen idols; as accursed things cost Israel many lives in the Wilderness including Achan,the son of Carmi-(Joshua 7:1, 19-21).Most of the Tourist Artifacts from various countries are symbols of certain ethnic nationalidol deities. Beware!

Religion goes with Faith (BeliefSystem) and the two cannot be separated from each other. All religious practitioners exercise Faith in the religious philosophy of theirsect which are based on revelations, understanding and knowledge of the Creator or some deities as taught by founders and leadership of thosesects. Consequently, cultures and attitudes are formed around the doctrines and ritual practices promoted in thesesectsand upheld by devotees as traditions- (Matthew 15:1-3).Devotees stick blindly to these Faiths because they erroneously believe it works for them, without understanding that the end is destruction (Matthew 7:13; Revelation 19:19-21). The religious extremist sects terrorizing the world today are unique examples of religious practitioners of some Faith whose value for human life is unbelievably low- (Romans 1:28; 10:3). The kind of misguided Faith that springs from erroneous indoctrination has produced people, who could donate themselves as suicide bombers creating international security challenges in our time.

Q2. How much of your life can you jeopardize for the Faith you believe in? Matthew 11:12

The Christian Faith and practice of this end-time has not produced the genuineness and courage in believers who are capable of jeopardizing their lives for the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.”(Revelation 12:11)

  1. THE ORIGIN AND SURVIVAL RELIGION OF OUR TIME -Genesis 3:1-10; 5:1-5;46:31-43; Acts 17:18-29.

The origin of religion is dated back to the fall of man. Adam’s disobedience affected the entire human race. Consequently all men fell from a higher sphere into a lower life’s (Romans 3:23). This eventuallyrenderedman incapable of communicating with the Creator as originally designed- (Genesis 3:8-10; 5:1-3). Instinctively, Man resorted to searching for ways to satisfy the spiritual craving for worship through means that were ultimately high-jacked by the enemy-Satan who became the Prince of the World(John 12:31). After Man was dispersed at Babel through multiplication of human tongue or language, they went their different paths and ways with idols representing their deities and object of Worship. Egypt, the first human civilization was given to idolatry. Several religions have evolved, some arenonexistent while the surviving ones fought and survived warsalong religious lines and boundaries. Superior forces prevailed and their gods (deities) and ritual practices were compulsorily adopted as the religion of the day.

Q3.Why are there so many religions in our world today?

Here is some list of surviving religion of the time: Baha'i, Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, Druidism, Shinto, Sikhism, Taoism, some other Neopaganism religions, Zoroastrianism and Christianity. During the 4th Century AD, the Roman Emperor Constantine won the war while leaning on the Christian signage of the Cross and thereafter made the Christian Faith a State Church (Enterprise). In the course of time, the Emperor in a bid to enlarge and sustain his powers and boundaries, he led an edict that brought about the amalgamation of the Christian Faith with other then world religion which brought about the Roman Catholic State Church. This heralded the period called in history the “Dark Age of the Church Era” which spanned for about 10 centuries; where abuses, indulgence, mysticism, blasphemy and hypocrisy was the order of the time. Between the 14th to 17th Centuries, the likes of John Wycliffe, John Hus, Martin Luther, John Knox, George Fox etc. led the Protestant movement raised and used by God to break the power of the Ecumenical State Church and salvage the true WAY (Church) and then revival sprang back in the Power of the Holy Spirit.

Q4.What made Christianity to stand and remain unconquered in spite of the many enemies’ onslaught?

Note that when God called Abram (Genesis 12:1), there was already Religion in the World (Genesis 11:6; Joshua 24:15). However, Abram was not called into Religion but into a Covenant.He was called to prepare for the World’s Redeemer and not a World Religion (Genesis12:2-4). All religions of the world display a form of godliness or sociological rightness, but they deny the power that is capable of making them indeed godly and acceptable before God (2Timothy3:5). Man’s quest to seek and find an approach unto the invisible God (who is in the Spirit) from the mental humanphysical domain brought about the numerous and diverse sects and religions both nonexistent and surviving to the contemporary times. This explains the religiosity and the new trend of denominationsamongst people across the nations of the world today evidently seen in the numerous aspects of sacramental activity, pilgrimages, worships,dedication and doctrinal beliefs.

Q5.What makes one religion differ from the other? Differentiate between Judaism and Christianity.

The Law (Pentateuch) on which Judaism is founded came by Moses (Deuteronomy 4:5-10), but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ (John 1:16-18). Judaism spans from about 1500BC up to the first advent of Christ and had continued till our present timewith majorly devotees of Jewish descents. The path of Judaism was meant to lead the way for Christ (Messiah) appearance on the stage. More also Jesus did not come for the Jews only (Genesis 12:1-3; John3:16). He came for all religious sect of the world (all men) to bring all to the True and Almighty God the Creator of all beings and things.

  1. WARNING AGAINST RELIGIOUS IDOLATRY-Exodus 20:1-5; 1Samuel 15:18-23;Acts 17:22-30; Romans 1:18-32; Revelation 21:8.

Man was made with an innate passion for devotion to the Almighty, to seek and worship Him. The fall of man did not eradicate this inborn craving towards a superior deity. Ultimately, the devil took advantage of this capacity and diverted worship from the Creator unto the creatures which he stylishly used to represent himself and the fallen angels. Most religion of the world even today represents their deity with one creature or the other. Hence God warned against idolatrous imageswas destroyed for their idolatry.

Q6.Why is God so stern in His warning against Idolatry?

Spiritual blindness has made most nations of the world to have the entire country dedicated to these idol gods or goddesses. Some families are dedicated to idol deities whoare symbolized by object with resemblance of created things (Genesis 31:30-34). While in some cases, these symbolic idol ornaments are carried around by the devotees, others are carefully erected and built into Temples or Shrines where devotees go on visits or pilgrimage to pay homage and worship. Public Idol worship thrived in the past but not very fashionable in our time any longer. However, men remain adamant to the gospel call to change from darkness unto light and they still carries symbolic idol on them around. Others have turned themselves into idols for worship and admiration, shifting attention of people from God to themselves (Romans 1:19-24). And some men (False Preachers) have made themselves Idol: an object to worship (Acts 12:21-23).

It was believed that Satan’s house would not stand ifdevils cast out devils, but the present day high level networking of Satanic agencies forms a deception difficult to unveiled (Mark 3:23-26).The following highlights constitute religious idolatry, but not limitedto: Worship of Images, Worship of Man; (Acts 12:20-23; 8:9-10). Object of Leaders (like Pictures on Armlets, Almanac, Bangles, Signboards, etc.);Denominational Consciousness, Sales of indulgence (clemency), Anointing Oil, Apron, Handkerchiefs and Holy-Water etc. Exaltation of human tradition and philosophy more than the counsel of God’s word. Ornamental and artificial beauty,bodily figure revealing vogue and use of tattoos. Polygamy, homosexual and gay marriage -these,God shall judge.Modern day worshippers now seek and wear protectiverings, chainsand armlets while pastors resort to signs and wonder acquisition from satanic power sources in other to strengthen their hypnotic ability, grow their congregation, expand their worldly empire and selfish pride (Revelation 3:15-19).Unrepentant Worshipers and Pastors shall have their end in destruction in the Lake of fire (Revelation 21:8).

  1. JESUS CHRIST: THE CENTER OF RELIGION ENQUIRY- Matthew 2:1-10;Luke 2:25-32; Acts 10:1-8; 30-40.

The subject of study this month is of vital importance to the Christian Faith owing to the fact that without Jesus Christ, there is no Faith on which Christianity revolves. Man’s search was culminated in the discovery of the wise men that saw the Star fromFar East revealing that Christ the Saviour is born; for the whole world. They rejoiced exceedingly with great joy when they saw the Star (Matthew 2:10). Simeon the devout old man was happy to see the Child Jesus “For my eyes have seen thy salvation, which thou hast prepared before the face off all people”(Luke 2:30-31). There are few things that distinguish true Christian faith from the world’s religions. The three most prominent differences are; (1) the nature of the Absolute Triune God (Matthew 3:16-17), (2) the Person and Work of Jesus Christ (John 10:18) and (3) the Way of Salvation (John 8:12). Understanding of the Person of Jesus from the scriptural perspective is crucial to unlocking the Mystery of Man’s Salvation as prearranged by the Almighty God.This is what Christmas(the day generally acceptable by most Christians Organisation)is all about.

Q7. Of what significance is the celebration of Christmas without knowing Jesus experientially?

Cornelius and his household experienced the Kingdom of Christ. Jesus came not to establish a new Religion in the world, but came to provide redemption for all human races(a spiritual kingdom) through His Birth, Death and Resurrection. He is the light of the World not just of the Jews. Satan circumvented the Salvation Movement through Ecumenical Edicts during the 4th Century and turned the Church into a State Religion;subsequently pitched the Christian Faith against other religion of the world. Whereas, the Church was mandated to propagate,permeate and win for Jesus Christ: the Messiah of the whole world.

Error concerning the doctrine and practice of the Person of Christ had been promoted as early at the time of the first Apostles and many still hold on to the notion that Christ did not come in the flesh (1John 4:1-4). They failed to come into full spiritual relationship with God in Christ because of the erroneous ideas of the Person of Christ. Such an unscriptural view of the Person of Jesus would have the most serious effect upon their spiritual life since they were unable to have that fellowship with God in Christ having undermined the fact that God had revealed Himself in the incarnate Christ. All those who reverence Him just as the greatest Prophet or Grand Master of all fraternities falls under this category, they have lost out in the benefit of knowing Jesus as Lord and Saviour Divine (Jude 3 and 4).

Q8. Jesus’ birth, life, and death were foretold, predicted, and recorded hundreds of years before the historic night in Bethlehem; what has made it difficult for men to believe and be saved?

  1. JESUS CHRIST AND THE KINGDOM OF GOD - Isaiah 9:1-7; Genesis17:1-11; Deuteronomy 18:15-19

Jesus Christ is incomparably the best authenticated figure of ancient history. The Scriptures did not fail to enumerate the genealogy of Jesus Christ as being a descent from Abraham and Abraham from Adam the first man (Matthew 1:1; Luke 3:34-38). God showed to Daniel the timing of events that would precede the advent of the Messiah (Daniel 9:24-29) and when the right time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, subject to the law. To fulfil the righteous demand of the law and redeem men who were slaves to the law so that; he could adopt us as His very own children (Galatians 4:4. “So all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet.” See selected prophecies below as proof of God’s unfailing words.

  • After man fell, God proclaimed the advent of the Saviour (the Seed of the Woman) (Genesis 3:15. Revelation 12:5).
  • The Nation of Israel was conceived by God specifically to preserve the pure race and for the manifestation of the Redeemer and Deliverer - Genesis12:1-3; Matthew1:1
  • At the establishment of the Law at Sinai, Moses re-emphasized the coming of a Prophet, of thy brethren, like unto me and unto Him ye shall hearken - Deuteronomy 18:18; Acts 3:22.
  • OT Prophets proclaimed his birth, reign and unending Kingdom - Isaiah 9:6-7; Matthew 2:13-15
  • Ancestral lineage as ascending from Judah and house of David - Genesis 49:8-10; Luke 3:33; Matthew 21:10-11
  • The place of Birth and incipient trouble with Herod foretold - Micah 5:2; Jeremiah 31:15; Matthew 2:16-18
  • Other prophecies concerning His Life, Works, and Death by crucifixion, resurrection and ascension into heaven were all fulfilled - Isaiah 53:10-12; Acts 2:23-25; I Peter 2:21-24; Acts 1:9; Hebrews 1:3.

Babylon is falling! The Kingdom of this world shall soon become the kingdom of Christ! Revelation 11:15.

1 Bible Study: Wednesday; 7:30pm; Prayer Meeting: Friday; 7:30pm; Sunday Service: Sunday -7:30pm

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