April 2015

Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed! As Christians do every Easter we will proclaim that amazing news again this year (April 5). Easter is the most important holiday and the center of our faith. Without the resurrection there would be no other holidays as we know them. Life would be empty and meaningless (see 1 Cor. 15:13-19). My hope for you is that you will meet the risen Christ, that in some way Jesus will come to you, reveal himself to you, filling you with love, joy, peace, and hope. My prayer is that somewhere, as you journey to the empty tomb, as you return to Galilee, as you walk along the road, each of you will meet Jesus and know his presence in your life (see Matthew 28:1-10; Luke 24:13-36; John 20-21).

This can happen in any place or at any time. Yet, it is most likely to happen in the church. The church is the fellowship of the redeemed, the gathering of those who follow Jesus. Even more, it is the “body of Christ” (Eph. 1:20-23), even the Bride of Christ (Rev. 21:2-9). Following Pentecost (celebrated this year on May 24) Luke describes the church in a wonderful way – the people are united, sharing their possessions and giving generously; no one misses worship and pays attention to the sermons; the church is growing every week; people are filled with great joy and hope (Acts 2:41f). The presence and power of Jesus is easily seen in the church.

Within a few chapters the continuing sinfulness of the church becomes obvious. Members of the church are not giving as freely and drop dead for lying about their financial support (Acts 5). They show favoritism and ignore some members (Acts 6), and fight over circumcision (Acts 15). Leaders argue and split up (Acts 15:36f). Is this really the body of Christ? Is this truly the place where we find Jesus?

The Church today isn’t much different. Congregations across the USA can be found fighting about worship – contemporary or traditional, what time should it start, when should a person be baptized, who can receive Lord’s Supper and what does it mean, etc. Christians live in ways that show no signs of the presence and power of God’s grace – they have affairs, steal money, get caught up in drugs or alcohol at the same rate as nonChristians. Denominations argue about non-essential issues – homosexuality, women in ministry, where we should invest our money, etc. We have people who insist on being members yet don’t want to come to worship or Sunday school, support the church financially or serve in some sort of ministry. Is the church really the place where we find Christ?

YES! In spite of the fact that the church is imperfect and sinful, it is the primary place where we encounter Jesus. Jesus can and does work anywhere he wants to, but he chooses to work and be found primarily in his body, in the church. Just as Jesus did when he walked on the earth 2000 years ago, he is most likely to be found among sinners.

It would be wonderful to maintain the spiritual high of Easter. Doing so means staying connected to Jesus. Many people long to maintain an intimate relationship with him but want to do that apart from the church. We want a private relationship with Christ. This is a sign of the individualism that is so much a part of our culture and contrary to the Kingdom of God. It would be so much easier to maintain a spiritual high without having to interact with all those other Christians – just me ‘n Jesus. Yet the truth is if we leave the church we will miss Jesus. Jesus is first and foremost found in the church, his body, his beloved bride.

In the coming months we may go into the typical “summer slump” – people not attending worship or other activities, financial support often decreases, the energy level drops. I invite you to continue to seek the presence of Jesus here at Sharon Church. Keep coming; to worship, to learn, to serve, to grow, to celebrate our life together. It is here, in this place and among these people, that we meet the risen Christ and grow in His grace.

In Christ,



Many of you probably saw the headlines in the newspaper on March 18, stating that the Presbyterian Church (USA) has passed the amendment to the constitution that redefines marriage and permits congregations to hold weddings for homosexuals. Somepeople support this decision. Others are opposed. In an upcoming newsletter I will address this issue and what it means for Sharon Community Presbyterian Church.



It’s finally spring!!! Time for one of the annual rites of spring, spring cleaning. Our church is just like your house - it needs to have a good sprucing up once in a while. Please come and join us in our Spring Clean Up Day on Saturday, April 25. We will meet in Fellowship Hall at 8:00 AM and work until Noon. We will be cleaning window screens, windows and pews, vacuuming pew cushions, washing walls, and cleaning light fixtures. Although we will be concentrating on inside work, there may be some yard work if the weather is nice. There is work in the Sanctuary, Fellowship Hall, the Education Building, and the Youth and Community Center. There will be work and fun for everyone.

We will have a signup sheet in the Narthex and in Fellowship hall on the three Sundays before Spring Clean Up Day, or you can call the church office or Dave Doughty 724-457-1088. If you can come join us, please sign up for some work, exercise, fun and fellowship.

Doughnuts and juice will be provided. Please bring extra buckets, scrub brushes, cleaning rags and hand held vacuum if you have them.


Jesus came to earth, lived a perfect life, and gave himself for us on the cross (Luke 23:33). He arose from the grave (Luke 24:6) and is now seated at God's right hand (Hebrews 1:3). One day we'll join in worship with thousands upon thousands and say: "Blessing and honor and glory and power be to Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb, forever and ever!" (Revelation 5:13). Perhaps on that day we will sing "Fairest Lord Jesus":

Fair is the sunshine,

fairer still the moonlight,

And all the twinkling starry host:

Jesus shines brighter,

Jesus shines purer than

all the angels heaven can boast.

Beautiful Savior! Lord of the nations!

Son of God and Son of Man!

Glory and honor, praise, adoration

Now and forevermore be Thine!

Sometimes referred to as "Beautiful Savior," this hymn appears to have been published in English for the first time in 1677. However, it dates back even farther to the time of the Crusades and is sometimes called "The Crusader's Hymn." No matter what the hymn title may be, the words are a love note to our Lord. We are reminded that as beautiful as creation is, Jesus outshines it and we love and honor him above all else.

(References: "Tune My Heart to Sing" by Anne Cetas & "Be Still My Soul" by Randy Petersen)

Many blessings,


Director of Music Ministries


Ladies of the church: Come join us at the Willing Workers Spring Luncheon to be held at JW Halls in Aliquippa at 12 noon, Friday, April 24, 2015. RSVP to Shirley Roberts or Linda Corcoran by Friday, April 17th. Cost is $20.00.

The next regular monthly meeting of the Willing Workers will be held on Tuesday, May 5, 2015 at 12 noon in Room 204 where we will hold our annual auction. Bring a ‘white elephant’ item for the auction and ½ sandwich for yourself and another ½ sandwich to share with another attendee.

We look forward to seeing you at both of these wonderful events.

Memories and pictures from our

Family Fun Nights


Classes for people wishing to become members of Sharon Church will be held on Saturday, 4/18 from 9am-noon and on Sunday, 4/19 from 11:15am-noon with a brief meeting with Session at 12:00. It is necessary to attend both days. Let us know if you would need child care. New members will be received into the congregation on Sunday, 4/26 during the 10am service with a reception to follow. Anyone interested should contact Debbie Prostko at 412-269-1908 or Pastor Marshall at 412-264-7400.



Sundays from 11:15AM to 12 PM

April 5th

No Adult Education. HAPPY EASTER!

Enjoy an Easter Breakfast in Fellowship Hall, open from 8 – 10am.

April 12th

Herb Bailey, Ministry Director of the Uncommon Grounds Café in Aliquippa, will tell us about this important ministry serving those with various and multiple needs. This is a ministry of Church Army USA dedicated to building Aliquippa through community service, recovery services, career skills and the arts – all forms of artistic creativity and to relate art to our relationships with God, self and community. It is all based on a simple concept, “Treat others as Jesus would.”

April 19th

Join Terry Doughty for a second session of THINK ORANGE by Reggie Joiner. In February, Terry presented an overview of this thought-provoking book with challenges readers to rethink how church and family function together. In this follow-up session, we will focus on strategies to use in forming a framework for combining the influence of home and church to demonstrate the message of God’s story in order to influence the next generation. Terry Doughty is a pre-school teacher and has worked as a volunteer in Christian Education for years!

April 26th

No Adult Education. Please come to Fellowship Hall after worship to meet, greet and welcome new members at the New Member Reception.

small group news

The Sunday Night Small Group will continue to meet in Rm 100 at 7pm through May 3rd, skipping Easter Sunday. The group is studying the Gospel According to Starbucks by Leonard Sweet. All are welcome. Contact Ann Mizer for more information.

MEN’S STUDY GROUP - Have you ever wondered,” Why am I here? What is my purpose?” Beginning 4/1, a Men’s Study group will be meeting to delve into Rick Warren’s book, Purpose Driven Life. This book helps readers understand God's incredible plan for their lives, enabling them to see the big picture of what life is all about and begin to live the life God created them to live. The group will be meeting in the library at 8am. If you are interested in being a part of this new study group, please contact Joe Udvari at 412-913-8805 or Wayne Schuliger at 412-262-4788.

The Thursday Morning Small Group meets in the library at 9:30am. They are studying “Colossians: Discover the New You” by Bill Hybel. Contact Joan Hubler for more information.


Two places in the Bible, one in the Old Testament, and one in the New Testament, feature the following words:

“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”

The New Testament account is found in Matthew 27:46, when Jesus is hanging on the cross. Where are the words found in the Old Testament?

a.  1 Kings 19:4

b.  Jeremiah 38:9

c.  Psalm 22:1

d.  Lamentations 1:20



Children meet their teachers and go to their classes located on the bottom floor of the building after Children’s Time in the Worship service until 11am. There are two classes, one for preschoolers, and one for school age children. Following their classes, at 11:15am, children are welcome to join the children’s music time called Praise, Worship and Music with Music Director, Ron Bernhardy, in room 208 until noon.

Our NURSERY, staffed by a paid attendant and volunteers, is available for infants and toddlers (age 2) on the bottom floor of the building from 9:15am to noon. Everyone who works in the nursery and in the Sunday School has Criminal History and Child Abuse Clearances on file.

SHARON YOUTH in the 5th through 12th grades are invited to join Riverdale Presbyterian Youth for fellowship on the last Monday of each month at Riverdale Presbyterian Church from 6PM to 7:30PM. Dinner is provided. If you need more information, please call Grace Peters 412-264-7683.




July 12-17, 2015 Daily 6pm-8:30pm

Our program this year will involve kids exploring what life would have been like for Jesus growing up. The program is family oriented so that any parents who wish to remain with their children during the program can easily be involved in the activities. Register today online at www.sharoncpc.com

On Easter Sunday, April 5th, there will be an egg hunt for preschool and school age children (up to age 12) at 9:30am. Children should bring an Easter basket in which to collect their eggs. The hunt will be outside if the weather allows or inside if not.

There will be no Sunday School on Easter Sunday.

Session Highlights


Melissa Bigelow, Doug Busch, Chris Cratsley, John Devey, Dave Doughty, Robert Jackson, Mark Killmeyer, Lucie Lenz, Grace Peters, Barbara Ploy, Debbie Prostko, Jeanne Sergi, Susanne Udvari, and Debbie Williams.

Session met March 10, 2015 at 7:00pm with the Moderator, the Rev. Dr. Doug Marshall. Twelve session members were present. Elder Grace Peters conducted devotions and led the opening prayer.

The Clerk’s report was submitted and approved. The rolls currently show 275 members. Average attendance was 108 for the month of February. Average weekly attendance for Sunday School was 9, Children’s Music was 6, and Adult Education was 19. The next Session meeting is scheduled for April 13, 2015 at 7pm in room 202.

Deacon Janet Loadman reported a total of 397 $25 gift cards were donated this year. Knitted and crocheted slippers are still being collected to give to women’s shelters and charity quilts are being made for Project Linus and West Hills Rehab. Sharon Ambassadors are still needed. Deacons are encouraged to send birthday cards and cards to our at-home members.