Christ Church C of E Primary School
Learning, developing and growing together into the people that God intends us to become.
E Safety Policy
(updated November 2016 to be reviewed November 2017)
Internet Use
Accessing and Viewing Internet Content
- The school Internet access will be used expressly for educational use. It is managed not locked down in order that children can be taught safe use of the internet in line with the recommendations from the Byron review, March 2010.
- Pupils are taught what Internet use is safe and acceptable and what is not and given clear guidelines for Internet use
- At Key Stage 1, access to the Internet will be by adult demonstration with supervised access to specific, approved on-line materials.
- At Key Stage 2, access to the Internet will be strictly supervised. The search engine Google is set to “safe search mode”
- Children are educated in the effective and safe use of the Internet in research, including the skills of knowledge location, retrieval and evaluation.
- The school will ensure that the copying and subsequent use of Internet derived materials by staff and children complies with copyright law.
- Children are taught to acknowledge the source of information used and to respect copyright when using Internet material in their own work.
- Children are taught to be critically aware of the materials they read and shown how to validate information before accepting its accuracy.
- Children are not permitted to search You Tube. You Tube videos embedded on Firefly will have suggested videos disabled. Teaching staff are aware that some comments below videos may be unsuitable and take steps to ensure these are not visible
- Parents are asked to sign and return a copy of the E Safety Rules (Smart Rules) for pupil access.
- The school works with the LEA and the Internet Service Provider to manage the filtering of Internet content.
- “free time” on the internet should be restricted to sites which can be accessed via the web links tab or to sites specifically set up by the class teacher and accessed via a Firefly page or a QR code
- Children only use approved e-mail accounts and must immediately tell a teacher if they receive offensive e-mail. (see Smart Rules)
- The forwarding of e mails is disabled for pupils and forwarding chain letters is not permitted for staff users.
- Parents and pupils may contact members of staff on the school e mail address only.
- E Mails are filtered via Staffmail’s banned words list which is regularly updated by the London Grid for Learning (LGfL)
- It is inappropriate for children or parents to contact members of staff on a mobile ‘phone
- Children will not use mobile ‘phones in school. If they bring a ‘phone to school they must leave it in the school office and collect it at the end of the day.
- Instant Messaging (IM) is only permitted in school via Skooville or discussions and blogs using school approved resources, e.g. J2bloggy, the school’s Google Docs account or Firefly
Published Content
- Staff and children are aware that they should not publish personal information on the internet (see Smart Rules)
- Children use Skooville to learn how to use social networking sites safely
- Children under the age of 13 are not permitted to have Facebook accounts and will be reported. Teaching staff are aware that they need to take reasonable care to ensure their privacy when using Facebook and will not be friends with children they know to be underage. (see code of conduct)
Use of Cameras, Videos & Images
The term“photographic equipment” includes mobile phones, iPads, video cameras, webcams and portable gaming devices with inbuilt cameras as well as other forms of digital technology and resources for storing and printing images.
- Staff may not use personal photographic equipment without express permission
- All images and videos will be used in line with the Data Protection Policy
- staff should not share photos of children via social media under any circumstances
Managing Information
- Virus protection will be updated regularly and portable media may not used without specific permission followed by a virus check.
- Personal data sent over the Internet will be encrypted or otherwise secured in line with the Data Protection Policy
Risk Assessment
- The school will take all reasonable precautions to ensure that users access only appropriate material. However, due to the global and connected nature of Internet content, it is not possible to guarantee that access to unsuitable material will never occur via a school computer. Neither the school nor the LEA can accept liability for the material accessed, or any consequences resulting from Internet use. Websites to be used during a lesson or recommended for Home Learning should be checked prior to use for inappropriate content, e.g. advertisements, although it is acknowledged that these can change between this check and the site being used by pupils.
- The school audits Computing use to establish if the e-safety policy is adequate and that the implementation of the e-safety policy is appropriate.
- Children are taught e safety including what to do if they come across inappropriate content or something that makes them feel uncomfortable.
Related documents:
- Computing policy,
- Data Protection Policy
- Behaviour, Discipline and Anti-Bullying policy,
- Child protection policy,
- Home school agreement
- Smart Rules,
- Code of conduct