Christ Church Anglican/Lutheran Minutes

September 24, 2014

Present: Rev. Pastor Leach, Audrey Egger; Lynne Haines; Betty Lowe; Karen Downey; Gladys Miklos; Dave and Wendy Williams; andRob Cowie.

Opening Prayer/Call to Order:Garnet began at 11:53 a.m. with a prayer.

Minutes of June 11, 2014: Dave read the Minutes from June 11; Audrey declared the Minutes approved as read.

Treasurer’s Report:

See Dave’s hard copy document …. Insert tables and info…

Dave will spend some time in Quickbooks. For now his report is graciously accepted by all present. Thanks Dave and Wendy.

Motion to accept: Karen; passed.

Old Business/Business Arising from the Minutes:

Cowboy Church in Stavely/ Cowboy Poetry: – well received; many parishioners were most glad to be there.

Rogation: Wilderness Ranch; very well received as well; let us do it again was the feeling among the parish; thoroughly enjoyed.

Sign: Wendy expressed a desire to simplify our weekly signage; discussion followed;

Lynne suggested putting something on Facebook, Town of Nanton site. Discussion of funny and humorous sayings followed. It was decided to leave it to Dave’s discretion; he will decide what to put on the sign.

Cushions: On pews. Marge from Stavely came: took measurements; a work in progress; can’t decide until we have a quote; some folks not in favor

Serious discussion followed: some in favor, some not; we will wait to hear from Marge to make a quote; discussion to follow, perhaps a motion at the next Parish Council meeting


Audrey mentioned 1126 as our new parish box number; encouraged to share and use.

Rob’s Discernment:

I announced…

New Business:

Christmas Trees: Audrey talked to Dini Holmes; Darlene Larson (250-429-3558)

$5/tree; discussed delivery and storage; plans made for storing the trees while we prepare to deliver in late November; Audrey says only on board if we store in water in breezeway; not outside!! Discussion followed; appears that we will be able to make it work; discussion followed on whether or not we even do the trees…

Motion:Dave moved that we would decorate and sell 40 trees to be distributed around town as usual. $20 tree, undecorated $15 Second: Lynne

Discussion: let’s do it one more time and see where we’re at? 4H in Claresholm kids happy to help: would Guides help? Sophia has recommended Friday November 17 as the day to decorate and deliver.Decided to conduct on Saturday November 18 starting at 10:00 AM.

Passed Unanimously

Jobs for this day were outlined and discussed:

(see Audrey’s document for jobs)

Shoe Boxes: Yes or No?

Audrey called for a motion…

Moved by Dave: We will once again prepare shoe boxes; 40; support the Samaritan’s Purse Ministry; Second by: Karen

Discussion of Samaritan’s Purse followed.

Carried/Passed Unanimously

Date: Decided to meet and organize Shoe Boxes on Wednesday November 15 at 10:00 am


Dave will check to see if we have some left over from other years; locate and assemble

(insert Audrey’s checklist from agenda)

Decided to do 5-9 agregroup only: boys and girls

Christmas Tea

Moved by: Gladys; Seconded by Dave.

We will hold our annual Christmas Luncheon on Saturday December 2.

(12:30 –???) $5 admission fee at the door

Discussion followed on date.

Carried/Passed Unanimously


Promoters: Yes or No?

Moved by Karen, Second Betty; con tinue to Promorters at stabndradprice agreed upon


Christmas Newsletter: Yes or No?email or hard copy or both; paste on website as possible


Parish List:

Audrey will examine and revise per her discretion; including new box number

Street address and phone number


October 1 – Blessing Animals

October 8 – HC – Gerry

October 15 – RC

October 22 – Garnet

October 29 – Morning Prayer – RC

Nov. 5, Gerry, Morning Prayer BCP

Nov. 12, Rob; HC vestry

Nov. 19, Gerry; HC

Nov. 26, Garnet; HC

Dec., 3, Gerry;

Dec . 10, Rob;

Dec. 17 Gerry; HC BCP

Dec. 24, Garnet; and Gerry.

Next meeting: November 12, 2017 after church

Adjournment – Dave moved we adjourn at 1:45 p.m.