Booker T. Washington Charter School

Board of Directors Meeting

October 25, 2017


Present: Rev. Kelcy Steele, Terrance Berrie, Sydney Perry, Valerie Schultz-Wilson, Kate Kelly, Dave Martin, and John Taylor

On the phone: Kate Kelly, Kathleen, Chaka Felder-McEntire

Meeting was called to order at 6:04 pm.

Dave Martin will forward September minutes to Trustees and they will be reviewed at the November Board meeting.

Public Comment:


Finance Report:

Kathleenpresented the Finance report. Valerie Schultz-Wilson asked about how the bond financing might impact our projected revenue. According to Kathleen, those funds are not included in the report.

Sydney Perry motioned to approve the finance report. Pastor Kelcy Steele seconded the motion.

Executive Director’s Report:

John Taylor presented the Executive Director’s report. Thanks to an internal focus on hiring teachers of color, we are making progress in diversifying staff. The Relay Partnership, in particular, has been helpful. We project that by the 2018-19 school year close to half of our teachers will be teachers of color (compared to about 25% in the 2015-16 school year).

Dr. Main presented on the academic performance. Overall, the academic performance continues to improve year to year and the scholars performed well on the fall assessments. Terrance Berrieshared that the school culture also continues to improve.

Committee Reports

The Finance Committee did not have any additional updates.

Evaluation Committee:

Valerie Schultz Wilson will share the results from the executive director evaluation survey that board members completed with John.

Governance Committee:

Board members who have recommendations for new board members are asked to follow up with these individuals and connect them with Sydney Perry. Sydney and Kate are going to work on the by-laws regarding term limits for board members.

Pastor Steele will follow up with the Board of Education regarding their appointee.

Old Business:

Sydney asked how many students are English Language Learners? We have 18 students whose first language is not English.

Sydney asked if there is anything in the curriculum that has to do with Civil Rights or with Booker T. Washington? Every grade teaches civil rights units and the 5th grade covers Booker T. Washington.

New Business:

Personnel update: We had a 3rd grade teacher resign. A teacher that participated in the Relay program has been hired.

The Spanish teacher is being deported.

Entered Executive Session at 7:38.

Pastor Steele motioned to adjourn. Jeff seconded the motion.