Law Class Syllabus / Fall 2011/ Mr. Lipman

This course is intended to serve as an introduction into the American Legal System. It will cover the basic units of the legal system including the Court System, Criminal Law, Juvenile Justice, Tort Law, Consumer Law, Family Law, and Civil Liberties.

This syllabus and many of the class assignments and projects will be available on line at and you should check the web page listings and calendar on a regular basis. You may email me at or if you have any questions about the assignments. I am also available for extra help every day before school at 7:00 am and after school until at least 4:00 pm and often later. Do not hesitate to speak to me if you find that you need assistance.

Course Readings:

1. Street Law, 6th.edition; Arbetman and O’Brien

2. Selected Supreme Court case summaries and newspaper handouts

3. New Jersey Selected Statutes

4. Selected movies and videos concerning legal situations

Arrangement of the Course:

This course is a single semester block period course which will be divided into four (4) basic units. These units are The Legal System, The Criminal Justice System, Constitutional Protections, and Civil Liability/Contract Law. Each of the four major units will in turn be divided into various subtopics.


Each unit will contain quizzes and a test as well essay or textbook homework assignments. Class notebooks will be graded and must be maintained throughout the course. Students are expected to use a three ring notebook since numerous handouts will be provided. Your notebook and a writing instrument are required for each class. Attendance and class preparation will count towards your overall grade. All assignments are due on their announced date. In order for me to consider excusing your absence to extend a due date there must be a note from a parent or guardian explaining that absence. Assignments handed in late will lose credit as follows: 1 day late 25%; 2 days late 50%. No assignment will be accepted more than two class days late. If you miss a scheduled exam you must make it up the next day you attend school. Thereafter you will lose 10% for each day the exam is not taken.

Unit One: The Legal System

Chapter 1- Why laws are necessary

a. shipwrecked sailors (p.7)

b. Kitty Genovese case (p.12) and handouts

c. statutory rape prosecution and discretion in Nebraska

Chapter 4- Settling Disputes

Chapter 5- The Court System

a. NJ court system video

b.Gideon v. Wainwright (p.58) and movie

c. Selection of Judges

d. 12 Angry Men (video and essay)

e. community court video and visit to Red Hook Community Court

Chapter 6- Lawyer’s Role in the Legal System

g. privileged communications between lawyer and client

Unit Two: The Criminal Justice System

Chapter 7- What should be a crime

a. gang associations

b. video on California gangs

c. statutory offenses w/o intent

Chapters 8,9,10- Crimes

Chapter 11- Defenses to Criminal Charges

a. Presumed Innocent (movie)

Chapters 12,13,14- The Process

a. Miranda v. Arizona

b. New Articles on NJ interrogations

c. School Searches

Chapter 15- Punishment

a. “the released barber”

b. prison gangs and education

Chapter 16- Juvenile Justice

a. teenagers locked away for life

b. sleepers (movie)

Unit Three: Constitutional Protections

Chapters37-40- Freedom of Speech, Press and Religion

Chapter 41- Due Process Rights

Chapter 42- Right to Privacy

Chapter 43- Discrimination

Unit Four: Civil Litigation and Contract Law

Chapters 17-20- Tort Liability

a. Erin Brockovich (movie and essay)

Chapter 22- Contract Law

a. engagement ring handout

Chapter 24- Credit

a. video

Chapter 28- Housing Issues

Chapters 29,30,34- Marriage and Divorce Issues