District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC)

Chowchilla Elementary School District

District Office Boardroom


Wednesday, November 18, 2015

9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Parents Present / District Reps. Present / Officers Present
Stephens School: / 3 / Kristi Ariaz / Juana Velazco
Fuller School: / 0 / Barbara Eckert / Carelly Duenas
Reagan School: / 1 / Melissa Esquivel
Fairmead School: / 2 / Ara Derkalousdian
Wilson School: / 1 / Zachery White

I. Opening:

The meeting began at 9:30 a.m. All who were present signed the sign-in sheet. (See sign-in sheet)

II.  Introductions:

Mrs. Ariaz welcomed everyone to the first DELAC meeting of the school year. The introductions of those present were made.

III.  Approval of DELAC Minutes:

The minutes from May 28, 2015 meeting were distributed and read individually by all who were present. Monica Muro Balderrama made a motion to approve the minutes and Lorena Davila seconded the motion. The minutes were approved.

IV.  Old Business:

Mrs. Ariaz shared the results of the proposed 2015-16 School Needs Assessment of the district. She explained that the survey helps the school district better serve the needs of students and parents. One of the main requests was a desire for English classes which has already taken place in an 8 week session at two hours each class. Mrs. Duenas shared with the committee her thoughts on the classes that took place. Her experience was a positive one.

V.  New Business:

Mrs. Ariaz discussed the Annual & Initial Parent Notifications. Letters to parents are mailed annually to EL parents. CELDT scores from the previous year and program placement with program descriptions are included in the letters. Mrs. Ariaz also discussed the Reclassification Process. Mrs. Ariaz mentioned the importance of School Attendance. If students aren’t in school, they are not learning. The District LCAP for 2014-2017 was discussed and approved. Each school site administrator shared his/her wish list of materials, resources and support desired as per funding.

VI.  Parent Questions and Concerns:

Parents voiced their opinion on how to help raise funding for their school sites.

VII.  Raffle: There was no raffle at this time.

VIII.  Next Meeting:

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

IX.  Adjournment:

The meeting adjourned at 10:15 a.m.