
Dear Learners and Parents:

I am excited to begin a brand new year as the director of the Chorister Choir at The Parish School at St. Edward the Confessor. As members of the after-school choral class, the “Choristers” are taking on a very special role and privilege as Music Ministers in service to the Body of Christ. This year you will have many opportunities to share your singing talent with others and lift your voice in praise of our God. Hopefully you will find Music Ministry to be as rewarding as I do.

The information below is intended to give you an idea of my goals and expectations. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Mr. Rick Dellefield

Director of Music

949-496-1307 ext. 2872




1.To develop fundamental individual and ensemble skills in choral performance through preparation of varied high/low range choral literature for junior high voices with an emphasis on healthy and expressive vocal musicianship and technical skills including: choral performance techniques, posture, breath support, tone production, diction and vowel placement.

  1. To develop comprehensive musicians by increasing each singer’s ability to read and interpret music notation.
  1. To help provide the Choristers a wonderful choral experience through listening, rehearsal and performance.

4.To understand and appreciate Catholic choral literature and the important role of Music Ministry in the Catholic Church.


  1. Rehearsal:

The regular Chorister Choir rehearsal is scheduled for Tuesdays from 3:10 – 4:00. Choristers are expected to meetoutside the Welcoming Center door immediately after school. We will walk over to the church for rehearsal and return to the school lunch area by 4:00pm for pick up. We will also meet for additional rehearsals on Tuesday and/or Thursday mornings from 7:00 – 7:45am as needed for singers who miss regular Tuesday rehearsals.The St. Edward athletic coaches have given the Chorister Choir members permission to arrive a little late to after-school sports programs without adverse consequences such as loss of playing time.

  1. Attendance:

Productive participation is expected of each Chorister at all times and every individual voice in our choir is equally important to the total unified sound. Frequent absences or tardiness diminish the success of the group. The vocal warm-ups are essential to prepare the mind, body and voice to sing beautifully and as one. Choir is a year-long commitment. Attendance will be taken at each rehearsal. Each singer is allowed 2 unexcused absences per trimester. Please note that two attendance marks as “Tardy” will count as an unexcused absence. Absences due to school sports practices will be marked as unexcused. Games will be excused if the game time conflicts with Chorister practice. Singers planning to attend the Disneyland Field Trip must not have more than 2 unexcused absences. Unexcused absences can be made up by attending a designated Tuesday or Thursday morning rehearsal. Please be on time to all rehearsals and events. If you will be absent, please contact Mr. Dellefield prior to rehearsal.

  1. Productive participation is expected of each Chorister at all times. It is realized that illness may occasionally prohibit vocal participation. At such times, the student needs to inform the director at the beginning of rehearsal of the illness and is expected to pay attention.
  1. Be respectful to your director and choir members’ right to learn.
  1. Observe all code of conduct guidelines as set forth in the 2016-2017 Parent and Learner Handbook for The Parish School at St. Edward the Confessor Catholic Church.
  1. It is better to try and fail…than to fail to try! An important part of a choral ensemble is the quality of contribution that each individual makes to the whole based upon personal participation and team cooperation.
  1. To reinforce the concept of Christian service as it pertains to Music Ministry the Chorister Choir will participate in the support of the congregation in sung prayer at designated all-school masses and performances including the parish Noel Night Christmas Concert, Upper School Christmas Pageant, Spring Sing Concert, and the Diocesan Choral Festivals. Absence from these events will be marked as unexcused.
  1. Important Dates for 2017-2018:
  • Diocesan Advent Choral Festival – TBA, 2017from 9:15AM – 2:30PM
  • Noel Night Christmas Concert – Saturday, December 9, 2017from 6:45PM – 9:00PM
  • Upper School Christmas Pageant –Wednesday, December 13, 2017from 6:30 PM – 8:00PM.
  • Grandparents’ and Special Friends’ Day – January 26, 2018 from 8:00AM – 11:00AM
  • DiocesanSpring Choral Festival – Thursday, May 3, 2018 from 9:15AM – 2:30PM
  • Spring Sing Choral Concert – Friday, May 4, 2017 from 1:00PM – 2:00PM
  • Disneyland Field Trip - TBA
  1. The selection of “all school mass” cantors will be determined by excellent attendance at weekly rehearsals, masses/special performances and quality of their involvement.
  1. By demonstrating a positive attitude, disciplined behavior, commitment to your choir team, dedication to Music Ministry and the art of singing, the student’s experience in choir will be one filled with personal growth and enjoyment.
  1. Choir Participation Fee:

This fee will be collected from every participant to offset the expenses incurred by the school for this extra-curricular program. These funds will be used for the purchase of music, accompanist musicians for Noel Night, Christmas Pageant, and Spring Sing, Diocese of Orange Advent and Spring Choral Festivals,Disneyland Field Trip and the Spring Sing Concert.

For the 2017-2018 academicyear, the choir participation fee is $175 per chorister and this will be due by Tuesday, August 29, 2017. The financial obligation associated with this choir should not preclude any interested participants. Choir Participation Fee Scholarships are available for those who qualify for tuition assistance through FACTS. Please contact Dr. Cathy Muzzy at for more information about the scholarships.

  1. Parent Support:

Volunteer opportunities include: choir parent, Choral Festival Co-Coordinators, chaperones, parent drivers and snacks. If interested, please note your interest on the participation agreement that follows. Please email Mr. Dellefield at with any questions.

IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT ALL PARENT VOLUNTEERS: All volunteers must be eligible for supervision of students by clearing the fingerprinting requirements of the Diocese of Orange and must have successfully completed the Safe Environment training. Please contact our HR Director to learn about our compliance requirements.

  1. Participation Agreement:

The attached form is a participation agreement that is required by all learners who choose to participate in the 2017-2018 Chorister Choir. This form should be accompanied by the participation fee and should be sent to the school’s Welcome Center attention Mr. Rick Dellefield by Tuesday, August 29, 2017.

Chorister Choir Participation Agreement


Please complete this form and return it with the Participation Fee to the school’s Welcome Center, Attention Mr. Dellefieldby Tuesday, August29, 2017.Please make your check in the amount of $175 payable to St. Edward the Confessor Parish School.

I, ______(print name) agree to comply with the guidelines stated in the Choir Member Expectations. Should I become unable to comply with those guidelines, I will immediately notify the Choir Director.

Singer’s Signature:


Singer’s Grade and Homeroom Teacher:


Parent/Guardian Signature:


Parent/Guardian E-mail Address:


Please print E-mail address clearly

Contact Telephone Number:


Parent/Guardian Volunteer Interests for 2017-2018 (Circle Top Choice):

Snack Coordinator Chaperone for Festival(s)

Choir ParentCo-Coordinator for Festival(s)

Driver for EventsOther: ______