Science Safety and Equipment Choices Menu
Choose any combination of activities listed below. You need to complete a total of 50 points
All written work must be typed with maximum 12 point font (unless indicated otherwise)
All activities must be turned in together on the DUE DATE ______
Safety Skit/ Infomercial 20+Minimum 3 minutes; max 6 minutes
Script must be turned in with a digital copy (please email me a YouTube link.)
Must include at least 4 safety tips
Should include props/costumes as necessary
May be animated
Can be done with a partner*
Video may be shown in class.
20 points for each partner or 30points if done alone.
*partners need to have equal speaking parts for equal credit. / Newspaper article 30
You are a local news reporter who has been sent to interview Dr. Beaker, a local scientist who has the record for the most lab accidents in one year. Write a newspaper article that documents several of his major accidents and how they could have been prevented.
Must follow standard newspaper format; use columns
Must include a picture/graphic and caption that supports article
At least 3 paragraphs in length; 350 + words
Board Game 20
At least four game pieces
At least 25 squares
At least 20 activity/question cards
Include a title
Include a set of rules for the game
Board game should be at least 11” x 11” and the board should be sturdy. / Safety Quiz 10
Develop a quiz with a minimum of 8 questions about safety or lab equipment
Questions must be multiple choice, fill in the blank, or short answer.
Multiple choice questions must have 4 answer choices
Answers must be included
Needs to include a creative/relatedimage
Advertisement for a piece of Lab equipment 10
8.5” x 11” paper
Color picture of item labeled with the name of the item; can be hand drawn or printed
A detailed description of the item, i.e. what is it used for and how is it used, history, named after, etc.
150+ words (typed)
Include an appropriate price; research is required. / Equipment Mobile 20
Create a hanging mobile that shows at least 12 pieces of laboratory equipment
A description of its use, what it measures, the units used, etc must be included on the back of each picture
Color pictures of item labeled with the name of the item; can be hand drawn or printed
The mobile needs to be balanced and hang at different levels.
Minimum 16 point font
Children’s Book30
Write a story for elementary age children about lab safety
Must be at least 6 pages + front cover
Must have a cover made of sturdy material (construction paper is ok)
Must have a storyline and colored images on each page
Must include at least 4 safety tips / Safety Song or Rap15+
Write a 1-2 minute song or rap about lab safety
Must be at least 3 verses
Lyrics must be turned in with a description of the music (ex. “set to the music of Happy Birthday” or write your own music)
Must include at least 4 safety tips
Can be done with a partner*
5 extra points earned by performing in class
15 points for each partner or 20 points if done alone.
*partners need to have equal parts for equal credit.
Lab Safety Comic Strip 20
8.5” x 11” piece of unlined paper
Minimum of 8 cells, including a title cell with your name
Must have a storyline with dialogue and colored images in each box
Must include at least 4 safety tips / Crossword Puzzle10
Create a crosswordfor at least 10 pieces of laboratory equipment
Clues must include descriptions of uses, measurements, etc of the lab equipment
Answers must be included
Needs to include a creative/related image