Hospitality House is a daytime drop-in resource center for homeless and low income individuals and families. Staff is available to refer people to available resources in the community to help meet needs for housing, employment, drug and alcohol treatment, and mental health services among other things.
In order to provide a safe and secure environment for all guests, volunteers and staff, we must enforce these rules.
1. Hospitality House is open 7 days a week from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.. Guests are not to be on the Hospitality House property during non-operating hours.
2. Guests can use Hospitality House as a mailing address. Mail is returned to sender after 30 days if not picked up by the addressee. Hospitality House is not liable for any lost, delayed, or misplaced mail.
3. Guests can use a designated phone for local business-related calls of up to five minutes and to receive phone messages guest can also get 5 long distance calls a month. Staff and volunteers are not responsible for any lost, delayed or inaccurate telephone messages.
4. Unfortunately, Hospitality House can not store personal belongings. Items left behind will be placed in the trash. Staff and volunteers are not responsible for anything left by client.
5. Smoking is not allowed in Hospitality House or in front of the door
6. Guests who come to Hospitality House incapacitated by drugs or alcohol will be asked to leave the premises. Staff assessment of incapacitation is final.
7. The following conduct is not permitted on Hospitality House property:
· Possession of drugs, alcohol, or paraphernalia;
· Possession of weapons of any type or sort, as interpreted by staff;
· Fighting, swearing, threatening or harassment (including sexual harassment) of other guests, volunteers or staff;
· Physical abuse of, or any threats of bodily harm toward other guests, volunteers or staff;
· Sexual conduct, either verbal, visual or physical; and
· Destruction of, injury to, or stealing of property of Hospitality House, staff, or another guest.
· Guests are not allow to hang out in cars.
· Soliciting is prohibited on Porchlight property.
Engaging in any of this conduct may result in a request to leave HH and/or bans from Hospitality House for various time periods ranging from one day to permanent. Also engaging in this conduct may result in ban from use of any Porchlight services, including the Drop-In Shelter.