Cincinnati Christian University, Fall 2013

MUAP 131G 01 Applied Guitar Minor

Matthew Coffey 513-335-3052

Instructors: Mr. Matt Coffey

Catalog Description and Rationale for the Course

The heart of any music degree program is applied music studies, where a student takes private lessons from an experienced instructor. Cincinnati Christian University offers private applied instruction in . . . guitar. Students are assigned to teachers based on their level and ability, and on the teacher’s availability. No audit status is permitted. There is no refund of instruction fee after classes begin. Students enrolled in applied lessons on a major level are required to attend a weekly studio class that correlates with their private instruction. Studios provide group instruction to supplement the private lessons. Major and minor level applied lessons require a board exam at the end of each semester (except semesters in which students perform a recital).

Applied Minor Instruction (1 hour)
A thirty-minute lesson each week, with a minimum requirement of weekly practice.

This curriculum is focused on building performance ability in whichever styles the student is interested in, but should also include a minimum of instruction in classical guitar techniques and music reading.

Instructional Objectives

The student who satisfactorily completes this course should:

1.Improve the understanding of guitar notation appropriate to the style studied.

2.Play the guitar with efficient, safe*, and practical technique in both the right and left hand.

3.Perform repertory of appropriate difficulty with musical sensitivity. The level of difficulty will vary from student to student, based on previous achievement and aptitude, but should represent forward progress in abilities.

Course Procedures

The course consists of highly individualized private instruction on the guitar. Early instruction will focus largely on technique, building a strong foundation for growth while eliminating previously learned bad habits. Students will also attend weekly studio class, where there will be regular opportunities to perform for fellow students and to participate in guitar ensemble.

Major Requirements and Evaluation Procedures

There is a minimum practice requirement of 70 hours for the semester (an average of four hours each week), and students are required to fill out a weekly practice log. Attendance at private lessons and studio class is required, as well as attendance at five fall and ten spring recitals or concerts. Students will have a board examination at the end of each semester.

Evaluation is based on weekly lessons (55%), studio attendance and participation (10%), recital/concert attendance (10%), and faculty evaluation at boards, including subjective measure of talent, skill, and progress (25%)

* Safety practices and procedures can be found in the updated SCORE.