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Chinese Art Video Lecture
1. Id. the Jade Cong:
2. What does the College – Board believe the meaning of the Jade Cong is?
3. Where are Cong’s found? How were they treated?
4.What is copper made from?
5. What is ceramic piece mold casting?
6. What is the process used in ceramic piece mold casting?
7.Bronze age Chinese believed that the kings right to rule comes from ______.
8.How are Bronze age Chinese beliefs similar to Egyptian beliefs?
9. Why do ancestors constantly need food and drink?
10. A Tao-tie is a-
11. What is the term for animal like shapes?
12. What is the Mandate of Heaven?
13. What three (3) philosophical schools emerged from the Waring Satate period?
14. Who was Confuscios?
15. What is his philosophy?
16. What is the most important relationship? How did this influence the power structure of th eking and the nation?
17. Daoism focuses on -
18. Ying -Yang sees the world as- and
19.Dao means -
20. China was re-united under-
21. What is legalism?
22. Legalism was known for-
23. What did Emperor Qin Shi do to books? And to Confusician scholars? Why?
24. How was this Emperor an effective leader? (list 3 examples)
25. What did the ancient Chinese believe about ancestors?
26. Id the Terra-cotta Army:
27. What was the Emperor obsessed with?
28. What was his greatest fear? How did he solve this problem?
29. What can be identified by the Terra-cotta soldier’s face? 3 details)
30. List (5) details about these soldiers
31. What were the materials of the weapons found on the Terra-cotta soldiers?
32. How were these soldiers produced? Why?
33. Why were some of these soldiers damaged?
34. What empire was similar to the Roman?
35. How?
36. What is the Han Synthesis?
37. What is the Han Synthesis often called?
38. Draw the shape of the Funeral Banner of Lady Dai.
39.Id. the Funeral Banner of Lady Dai:
40.What was the three possible functions of this banner?
41. List the (5) registers on the banner.
42. It represents the three realms of -
43.What’s on the female side?
44.What’s on the male side?
45. Both narrative focus on knowing-
46.These showcase Chinese beliefs in ______(list 3 ideas).
47.What do dragons signify?
48. List (3) ideas immortalized on the silk banner.
49. What is the silk road? How did it effect Chinese culture?
50. What type of Buddhism came to China?
51. This type of Buddhism focuses on-