Duval – School Name – 2017-18 SIP

Problem Solving Quick Report

Action Plan for Improvement
Problem Solving Key
G = Goal B = Barrier S = Strategy AS = Action Step
Step (1-5) / Description / Measurable / Step (1.b, 6-8)
G1. / If professional development and classroom instruction are focused on strengthening the rigor and alignment of instruction to the common core shifts, then student achievement, engagement, and ownership in all content-areas will increase / Summative Results: 2018 Targets
FSA ELA Achievement: 65%
FSA ELA Lowest 25%: 63%
FSA ELA Learning Gains: 68%
FSA Math Achievement: 79%
FSA Math Lowest 25%: 76%
FSA Math Learning Gains: 78%
FCAT 2.0 Science Proficiency: 65% / 1.b
Progress Monitoring
Administration and teachers will review and analyze student data through the use of data chats using iReady, Achieve3000, and district assessments (including module assessments, Mid-Year Scrimmage, and optional Spring assessments). / 8
G1.B1 / Understanding and utilizing research based instructional strategies to implement well managed, rigorous, and diverse learning groups.
G1.B1.S1 / Develop professional development training and common planning on engaging and rigorous instructional strategies for diverse learners. / Effectiveness: Administration will observe the coaches in action and review feedback forms/exit tickets.Administration will engage in instructional rounding utilizing the Vision of Excellent Instruction rubric. / 7
G1.B1.S1.AS1 / Facilitate professional development that is focused on strengthening the rigor and alignment of instruction to the common core shifts and instructional strategies to increase engagement and student ownership. / Fidelity: Administration will participate and observe the professional development activities/common planning and conduct classroom observations/provide feedback on lessons. Administration will engage in instructional rounding utilizing the Vision of Excellent Instruction rubric. Other pieces of evidence will include: agendas, PowerPoints, minutes, and sign-in sheets. / 6
G1.B1.S1.AS2 / Teachers will recognize and implement acquired instructional strategies for diverse learners with increased focus on engagement and student ownership.
G1.B1.S1.AS3 / Identify model classroom to help retain teachers and build capacity.
G1.B1.S1.AS4 / Utilize model classrooms during school-based Instructional Rounding, as needed.
G1.B1.S2 / Develop professional development training on recognizing and understanding the standards and the common core shifts when selecting differentiated instructional materials to ensure alignment. / Effectiveness: Administration and teachers will review and analyze student data through the use of data chats. / 7
G1.B1.S2.AS1 / Teachers and coaches will unpack the standards, review instructional materials (i.e. text complexity) and item specs, examine student work, and identify materials to address the gaps for alignment during common planning time and professional development opportunities. / Fidelity: Administration will participate and observe common planning. Administration will review differentiated lesson plans and engage focus walker utilizing the Vision of Excellent Instruction rubric. / 6
G1.B1.S2.AS2 / Teachers will develop lesson plans and utilize differentiated instructional materials that are aligned to the standards and the common core shifts that have an increased focus on student engagement and ownership.
G2. / If school-wide systems are centered around developing the whole child, then student's social/emotional well-being, engagement and ownership will improve in all classrooms. / Summative Results: 2018 Targets
School Climate Survey – Student Engagement: 75%
Attendance Below 90%: 100 students
Discipline Incidents: 100 incidents / 1.b
Progress Monitoring: Administration will review and analyze the number of students receiving incentives and school-wide discipline, attendance, and achievement data. Administration will review and analyze the school-wide discipline data. Sources will include: Gallup Survey and Advanced Reports pulled from FOCUS. / 8
G2.B1 / Lack of school-wide recognition for students that consistently receive good grades, display good conduct, and maintain regular attendance / 7
G2.B1.S1 / Develop a school-wide recognition program for students that consistently receive good grades, display good conduct, and maintain regular attendance. / Effectiveness: Administration will review and analyze the number of students receiving incentives and school-wide discipline, attendance, and achievement data. / 7
G2.B1.S1.AS1 / Implement a school-wide recognition program for students that consistently receive good grades, display good conduct, and maintain regular attendance. / Fidelity: Administration will collect the lists from teachers and provide incentives. / 6
G2.B2 / Understanding progressive discipline and how it relates to Student Code of Conduct violations / 7
G2.B2.S1 / Develop professional development focused on understanding and utilizing progressive discipline as it relates to Student Code of Conduct violations / Effectiveness: Administration will review feedback forms/exit tickets. / 7
G2.B2.S1.AS1 / Implement professional development focused on understanding and utilizing progressive discipline as it relates to Student Code of Conduct violations. / Fidelity: Administration will participate and observe the professional development activities. / 6
G2.B2.S2 / Develop a school-wide progressive discipline plan. / Effectiveness: Administration will review and analyze school-wide discipline data. / 7
G2.B2.S2.A1 / Implement a school-wide progressive discipline plan. / Fidelity: During focus walks, the administration will look for evidence of progressive discipline where appropriate. / 6