A HUGE THANK YOU to our Vacation Bible School Volunteers! Thank you to our fabulous volunteers and leaders that came out for an awesome week of VBS! We had 120 kiddos in attendance throughout the program and had a ball each day exploring Christ’s love through Bible Story Time, KidVid Cinema, Science, Snack and Recreation! It was a week filled with love, joy and praise for our loving God! Thank you for giving our kiddos a week they will never forget, for sharing your enthusiasm and energy and for sharing your time to make sure our program was a huge success!

Summer Sunday School: will run until Sunday September 6th during our 10 o’clock worship service. This is a great class for our Nursery-4th Grade Students. 5th Grade and up are invited to enjoy the worship service with their families.

FYI:Evy will be on Vacation from Monday August 24th through Saturday August 29th!

Sunday School Teachers Meeting for the NEW school year: Interested in being a Sunday School Teacher for the 2015-2016 school year? Please see Evy for details! We will be meeting on Sunday August 30th after church to begin planning and preparing Sunday School for the NEW year. Interested in being 1 of 3 teachers for a class?Please see Evy, we would love to have you!

Canobie Lake Park Day Trip: We will be taking our fabulous 7th-12th graders to

Canobie Lake Park on Monday August 31st! Cost is $35.00! Invite your friends! We’ll be meeting at Northside at 8am and arriving back later that night, around 10pm. Invite your friends! Make sure to sign up on the Sunday School Bulletin Board and fill out a permission form!

Bus Stop Ministry: Our Bus Stop Ministry starts Tuesday September 8th! Whoohooo! We are in need of some snacks to serve. If interested in providing a snack for the fabulous young people please see Evy. Snacks should be individually wrapped, please avoid peanuts, juice boxes are perfect and they are quite fond of fruit snacks! Interested in hanging out with the teenagers on a day Evy has off? Please see her to lend a helping hand to cover the Bus Stop while she takes her time off, it’s about a 45 minute commitment for the day.

Rally Day Sunday September 13th! Our Sunday School Registration table will open at 9:30 am for all of our children and youth to register for the NEW school year! After Worship, we will have a Church Picnic to celebrate the beginning of a new year with everyone in our church family! Make sure to sign up in the Narthex so we know how many scrumptious burgers and hotdogs to make & to sign up to bring a side dish or dessert!

Blessing of the Backpacks: On Rally Day, Sunday September 13th we invite all of our students attending school to bring their backpacks with them to worship. During our service we will have a “Blessing of the Students”, Pre-School through college, as they start a new year of studies. Each student will be given a little memento to carry with them throughout the year.


New Mission Outreach Opportunity: For every month in 2015 we will collect specific items, for the Yarmouth Food Pantry. They have provided us with a list of items that they desperately need and so our focus items in August which they have requested are “Paper Goods” (Paper Towels, Toilet Paper, Tissues, and Napkins). Therefore if you have any of these items that you could spare please bring it in and drop it off in the brown box located next to the offices in the Narthex hallway. If you have questions please see Kate.

Changing the World forAugust is UMCOR. The United Methodist Committee on Relief was created by the Methodist Church in 1940 in response to refugee needs arising from World War II. What began as a temporary relief program became a permanent part of The United Methodist Church in 1972. Renamed the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR), since that time it has remained a unit of the General Board of Global Ministries. Today, UMCOR supports work in more than 80 countries. UMCOR’s work includes programs and projects in disaster response, health, sustainable agriculture, food security, relief supplies, and more. So let us with our loose change on Sunday mornings help and support this program with their mission. By placing the change in the collection plates, every coin is making a difference! Thank you for helping!

THANK YOU!! Thank you to all who came, donated, helped, cooked, prepared and served at the community meal! It was another wonderful success! Since the beginning of this program we have served over 1,000 meals! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!


God’s Plate – As of 08/02/2015 – Received last week $2,789 Received YTD $170,679

Weekly Budget Needs $5,700. Budget Needs YTD $188,100

BELLS:The bells will ring, Amazing Grace on August 25th given by Suzanne Carter in memory of Gloria DiStefano

Miracle Kitchen will be on August 28th please sign up if you can supply sandwiches, soup or cookies or if you can volunteer to help serve. The sign up book is in the Narthex. We are also looking for someone to take charge this month as Paul Lukens will be unavailable this month.