August 19, 2016
Time Called to Order: / Time Adjourned: / Location: / Minutes By:
9:08 a.m. / 11:34 a.m. / 115 S. Andrews Avenue, A337
Fort Lauderdale, FL / A.G.
Members Present / Members Absent / Other Participants
Cassandra Evans, Secretary
Commissioner Holness
Carmen Jones
Robert Mayersohn
Audrey Millsaps
Mickey Pope
Laurie Sallarulo
Joe Sansone
Dan Schevis, Chair
Joel Smith, Vice Chair
Karen Swartzbaugh
Lidia Wallace / Jarvis Brunson
/ Staff:
Mandy Wells, CPD
Linda Raybin, CSA
Deborah Scott, CSA
Anna Gibbs, CSA
County Attorney:
Sharon Thorsen
Item / Action/Discussion/Recommendations / Due Date / Status/
Staff Responsible
1. Call to Order / Mr. Schevis, Chair, called the meeting to order at 9:08 a.m.
2. Roll Call / At the request of the Chair, Ms. Raybin called the roll and a quorum was established with (9) members present.
3. Approval of Minutes / Ms. Millsaps moved and Ms. Evans seconded to approve the minutes of the June 17, 2016 CSB meeting. MOTION PASSED
Ms. Swartzbaugh arrived at 9:10 a.m.
4. Chair’s Report / Mr. Schevis reported that Ms. Rupert had submitted a letter of resignation from the CSB, which had been included in the package of materials for the meeting. Ms. Rupert has been selected to serve as the Treasurer of the Florida School Boards Association. Due to travel and other requirements of that position, she would not be able to continue serving on the CSB. Mr. Schevis acknowledged Ms. Rupert’s commitment to children and her dedication to the CSB during her membership.
Mr. Sansone arrived at 9:15 a.m.
Mr. Schevis informed the CSB that the timeline to advance recommendations for the Byrne/Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Request for Proposals (RFP) did not align with the date for the next CSB meeting on September 16, 2016. He discussed options that the CSB may want to consider including changing the date of the September meeting or the CSB not making a recommendation to the Commission.
Ms. Sallarulo arrived at 9:28 a.m.
After considerable discussion, Mr. Smith moved and Ms. Millsaps seconded to change the September CSB meeting to September 9, 2016, from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. and if there isn’t a quorum at the meeting, staff should proceed with the recommendations from the Byrne/JAG RFP process. MOTION PASSED
Ms. Sallarulo raised a concern about changing meeting dates. She indicated that members who planned to attend the originally scheduled meeting, but are unable to attend the newly scheduled meeting were being penalized although they had reserved time on their schedule for the original date. Ms. Sallarulo moved and Ms. Jones seconded that when the Children’s Services Advisory Board adopts a schedule of meetings and subsequently votes to amend a meeting date, a member who indicated they would attend on the originally approved meeting date, but who is unable to attend on the amended date should not have an unexcused absence for the amended date. MOTION PASSED. Ms. Raybin indicated that absence criteria pertain to all County Advisory Boards and the motion would be communicated as part of the Sunset Review process.
Mr. Schevis provided a brief update on the upcoming strategic planning process. He indicated that he will not be able to attend the October strategic planning session and Mr. Smith, Vice Chair, would chair in his absence. The process would be preceded by a presentation by Ms. Campbell, Human Services Department (HSD) Director, about HSD’s future vision for Children’s Services. Several members who would be unable to attend the rescheduled September meeting asked if Ms. Campbell’s presentation could be done at the October strategic planning session. Ms. Raybin was asked to explore that and if not possible, to confer with Mr. Schevis about when to schedule it. There was a brief discussion of locations for the meeting. Ms. Sallarulo offered Junior Achievement’s conference room if available and there was interest by the CSB.
Mr. Schevis appointed Ms. Swartzbaugh to serve as a member of the Needs Assessment Committee. Ms. Swartzbaugh accepted.
Commissioner Holness joined the meeting by telephone at 9:45 a.m.
5. Introduction of New CSB Member / Mr. Schevis welcomed Mr. Sansone as a new member of the CSB. He asked Mr. Sansone to share some background information about himself and his interest in serving on the CSB.
6. Committee Updates / Needs Assessment - Ms. Millsaps reported that the Needs Assessment Committee had convened on July 20, 2016 and August 17, 2016. The committee had primarily focused on two areas: developing a revised recommendation on CSB membership categories for the Sunset Review process and initiating the review process related to eligibility criteria for contracts managed by Children’s Services Administration (CSA).
Sunset review: CSB Membership Recommendations: Ms. Millsaps reported that in May, the CSB had considered the Needs Assessment Committee’s initial recommendations regarding membership categories and had asked the committee to further review this area and present its revised recommendations back to the CSB.
Ms. Millsaps commented that the Needs Assessment Committee made a number of specific recommendations and also presented options for consideration in the area of membership by representatives of Juvenile Justice. In addition to the Chief Probation Officer from the State of Florida Department of Juvenile Justice, Circuit 17, or another member of Circuit 17 senior management, several specific options were presented. Following discussion, Ms. Swartzbaugh moved and Ms. Jones seconded that the Director of Community Services from the Broward Sheriff’s Office be the second category of membership from Juvenile Justice. Staff was asked to confirm the correct title and office. MOTION PASSED.
In discussing the recommendation that the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Broward Behavioral Health Coalition (BBHC) or another member of senior management serve on the CSB, staff was asked to contact the CEO to ascertain whether BBHC would be able to serve if appointed and that any recommendation would be contingent on a positive response.
Ms. Gorsuch moved and Ms. Jones seconded to accept the membership categories on the list as presented. (See attachment 1A.) Mr. Mayersohn moved to add a member to the list; however, Mr. Schevis indicated that motion was out of order. MOTION PASSED.
Mr. Mayersohn then moved and Mr. Sansone seconded to add another member to the Children’s Services Advisory Board to have an odd number of members. Mr. Schevis commented that more specificity about the member category was needed. Ms. Jones moved and Ms. Evans seconded to add a representative from the faith-based community. Mr. Mayersohn withdrew his motion and Mr. Sansone withdrew his second. MOTION PASSED. These recommendation will be sent for consideration as part of the County’s Sunset Review process.
Eligibility Criteria Review Process: Ms. Millsaps reported that the Needs Assessment Committee had embarked on its charge from the CSB to review Children’s Services eligibility criteria and bring recommendations back to the CSB. The process incudes: (1) securing information on eligibility criteria for children’s services from other public funders locally and in communities in Florida and nationwide; and (2) garnering the perspective of providers both those that have a current contract managed by CSA and others.
Ms. Millsaps reported that on August 17, 2016, the Needs Assessment Committee had convened a conversation with representatives from 17 provider organizations to learn their perspective about eligibility criteria. It was preceded by written feedback. She indicated that it was a productive session. Due to the positive response by providers, the committee had not yet had time to discuss the feedback. The Needs Assessment Committee will continue its work and present recommendations back to the CSB. Mr. Smith commended staff on planning and organizing the meeting.
Ms. Millsaps asked Ms. Raybin to provide an update on staff actions since the June CSB meeting regarding the demand for respite care during the current fiscal year. Ms. Raybin indicated that at the June meeting, there had been discussion about the need for respite services, which greatly exceeds available resources. It was also discussed that in FY 17, respite utilization would be looked at after the first quarter rather than waiting for the mid-year reallocation process. Staff was asked to look for continued over-utilization in the remainder of FY 16 and determine whether additional funds could be reallocated from under-utilized contracts. This request was made with the understanding that due to the short timeframe until the end of the fiscal year, there would not be time to bring recommendations back to the CSB and staff would move forward.
Ms. Raybin indicated that utilization was reviewed after June invoices were submitted in mid-July. There were limitations on possible increases based on the percentage threshold that would require Commission approval as there was not time to proceed with that process. Some providers had already received an increase and could not be further increased due to the threshold. Of the over-utilized respite providers contacted, one declined an increase as its respite utilization decreases when school resumes. A Work Authorization with Broward Children’s Center was currently in process to increase its FY 16 In-Home Respite services by $5,500.
Ms. Smith indicated that at the June meeting the CSB had passed a motion to request additional funding from the Commission for respite care services in the same amount of funding that was allocated from Children’s Services for the Civil Citation program. He requested follow-up on the motion. Mr. Schevis commented that the budget for Children’s Services had been reduced during the recession and the funds had not been replenished since then. Ms. Raybin indicated that the CSB will have the opportunity to discuss possible areas for which to request additional funding during the strategic planning process.
Ms. Millsaps announced that due to the change in the September CSB meeting, the next Needs Assessment Committee meeting would take place on September 16, 2016.
Mr. Mayersohn moved and seconded by Ms. Millsaps to extend the meeting by 20 minutes. MOTION PASSED.
LGBTQ Youth Task Force - Mr. Smith distributed a questionnaire on SOGIE (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Gender Expression) that the Children’s Services Council is using to gain a better understanding of the issue. He also distributed materials from SunServe and discussed work being done to enhance responsive services to LGBTQ youth in the foster care system. Mr. Smith indicated that due to other current responsibilities, he would not be able to continue as the CSB’s liaison to the LGBTQ Youth Task Force. He suggested it might be useful to have periodic presentations from the LGBTQ Youth Task Force chair and/or vice chair. Mr. Schevis indicated that would be a useful way for the CSB to continue to learn about the work of the Task Force and the issues it is addressing.
Crossover Pilot Advisory Committee - Ms. Evans reported that the Crossover Pilot Advisory Committee had not met since its previous meeting on June 1, 2106. The next meeting is scheduled for August 24, 2016, and all CSB members are welcome and encouraged to attend. Ms. Evans stated that at the June CSB meeting, she reported that Ms. Audrey Stang, the previous representative from the Children’s Services Council (CSC), had retired. At that time, staff had been asked to contact Ms. Arenberg Seltzer, CSC’s CEO, to learn who she recommended to serve on the Advisory Committee. Ms. Arenberg-Seltzer recommended Ms. Maria Juarez Stouffer, CSC’s Chief Program Officer. Ms. Evans moved and Mr. Schevis seconded that Ms. Juarez Stouffer serve as a member of the Crossover Pilot Advisory Committee. MOTION PASSED.
Special Needs Advisory Coalition (SNAC) - Mr. Mayersohn reported on the SNAC meeting held on August 4, 2016. There was a brief update on the legislative platform adopted by the Florida Children’s Council and discussion of issues that the SNAC Legislative Committee will focus on including: funding for Early Steps to address the expanded eligible population, funding for disability services, redefining what is a developmental disability to expand eligibility, eliminating barriers to access to mental health and special needs services, and increasing suicide prevention awareness, among other areas.
Mr. Mayersohn commented that there was also a presentation on Ken’s Krew, a new program that works with older adolescents and young adults with disabilities to provide training and job placements primarily at Home Depot. There was also an update by 2-1-1 staff on Help Me Grow. Finally, Mr. Mayersohn announced that the 7th Annual Teens’ Transition to Life Summit will be held on September 24, 2016, at the Marriott on North Andrews Avenue.
Mr. Smith left at 11:15 a.m.
7. Broward Roadmap to Child Welfare Improvement / Ms. Gorsuch provided an overview of the Broward Roadmap to Child Welfare Improvement. She reported that Broward County’s Child Welfare system is completely privatized. Pinellas County is the only other county that is fully privatized. The Department of Children and Families oversees the contracts. A number of issues have impacted Broward County’s Child Welfare system including a high number of removals, judicial caseloads that are substantially higher than other counties and not enough judges, and children not leaving the foster care system in a timely manner. ChildNet has needed to seek emergency funding for two years. The Roadmap to Child Welfare Improvement was developed with partner agencies including ChildNet, Broward Sheriff’s Office, BBHC, Attorney General, Department of Juvenile Justice, and Guardian Ad Litem. Ms. Gorsuch reported that there are both state and local groups looking at Broward County and the Roadmap.
8. New Business / No new business.
9. Children’s Services Administra-tor’s Report / Ms. Raybin gave an update on a collaborative training initiative among the County, CSC, BBHC and OCP 2. There will be training in both the Transition to Independence Process (TIP) and Motivational Interviewing (MI). The TIP training will be provided by the STARS Academy through the OCP 2 grant for CSC Healthy Youth Transition grantees and the County’s provider that will offer life coaching services for youth with behavioral health issues at initial or subsequent risk of Juvenile Justice involvement. Several BBHC providers in training as trainers will also have initial opportunity to shadow the STARS Academy and provide some training. The MI training will be provided by CSC.
Ms. Raybin also announced that she will retire from her position as the Administrator for Children’s Services at the end of October. She acknowledged the important work in which the CSB is engaged and indicated that it has been a privilege to work with the CSB. Although she will be retiring, Ms. Raybin indicated that her commitment children will continue. The CSB acknowledged Ms. Raybin’s efforts and accomplishments.
10. Public Comment / There were no public comments.
11. Good of the Order / There were no comments.
9. Adjournment / The meeting was adjourned at 11:34 a.m.
The next meeting of the Children’s Services Advisory Board is scheduled for September 9, 2016 at 9:00 a.m.
These minutes were approved at the Children’s Services Advisory Board meeting dated September 9, 2016 as certified by