The Children’s Miracle Network (CMN) of El PasoResearch Development Grant program supports research projects on the El Paso Children’s Hospital (EPCH) campus aimed at improving the health and welfare of children; or elaborating principles of biology or disease processes that have an impact on the health and welfare of children. These projects may be of a clinical or experimental nature. While all funded proposals must be meritorious, priority will be given to investigators submitting pilot project proposals (new studies not funded by other sources) with the likelihood of leading to new extramural grant submissions. This award will fund a single preeminent research project of clinical or experimental nature that will have a significant impact on the health and welfare of children. The award may be up to $25,000 annually for each of two continuous years. No administrative overhead or indirect costs will be supported.Funds may be used to offset salary support of the Principal Investigator up to $25,000 annually for each year. The subsequent year’s non-competing award will be made only after the submission and review of a progress report at the end of the first grant year. If none of the applications submitted meet the intent of call for proposals no grant will be awarded.

Maximum award: $25,000 – only one grant awarded annually

Maximum duration: 2 years

Grant applications and attachments must be emailedto in either MS Word or PDF format(application, attachments and any supporting documents should be consolidated into one file if possible).

E-mail applicationtoAlexa Velazquez at . All submissions must be e-mailed in order to be eligible for consideration; paper applications will not be accepted.

If applicants have questions regarding grant guidelines/grant application or submission requirements contact:

Alexa Velazquez

Children’s Miracle Network Program Manager

University Medical Center Foundation

Tel: 521-7229 ext. 3088


If awarded a grant CMN El Paso will require a signed letter of agreement from the principal investigator prior to releasing the funds during the grant period.

All funded projects must have appropriate Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval (in the case of human subjects) or Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) approval (for research using animals) prior to the release of funds. IRB or IACUC review through TTUHSC.

I. Basic Requirements

Grant Applicants/Principal Investigators must be full faculty or associates on the EPCH Campus at the date of application and have the proven ability to pursue independent research. A senior mentor (M.D., Ph.D., or DNP) for the project must be identified in the application and will be expected to have reviewed the proposal prior to submission.

II. Review Process

Each application will be reviewed by CMN Grant Review Panel. Proposals will be scored on the basis of:

1.Importance and impact (25 points): extent to which the proposed research could make a significant contribution to improving the health and welfare of children.

2.Focus and Innovation (20 points): the study's focus on understanding the health needs or disease processes in children. Also the study's uniqueness and possibility of breakthrough findings.

3.Feasibility (25 points): quality of the science and qualifications of the investigator to carry out the proposed work, based on expertise, commitment and the availability of all the elements required for the project (laboratory, technology, reagents and human or animal subjects).

4.Prospect of long term funding (30 points): likelihood of subsequent funding (NIH, CDC, private foundations, etc.) to sustain the project or for any potential follow-up work. Applicant should identify potential funders.

All applications will be held in the strictest confidence and all decisions by CMN are final.

III. Terms of the Award

1.Grant Period: One year funding period begins from the time of the award until the same time the following year (i.e. January 1, 2014 – January 1, 2015).

2.Site of Project: The research shall take place only at the site specified in the submitted research application.

3.Changes of Status of Principal Investigator (PI): The PI must give the CMN immediate written notice if there is any change or potential change in the PI's affiliated institution. Upon such notice and approval from CMN-El Paso, the PI shall make arrangements for project continuation. If the PI ceases research in the field for which the grant was made, CMN will request the return of the unexpended grant funds.

4.Expenditures: The grant funds, as well as any earned interest, is made only for the purposes stated in the application and may not be expended for any other reason without CMN’s prior written approval. Grant funds may not be used for any of the following items: institutional overhead/indirect costs, construction or renovation, purchase of furniture, travel (unless related to research study), journal subscriptions, dues or membership, or equipment service contracts.

5.Grants Administration: Records of receipts and expenditures under the grant, as well as copies of reports submitted to CMN-El Paso are the responsibility of the PI and should be kept for a reasonable period of time following completion of such receipts and expenditures.

6.Institutional Support: The proposed research must comply with the regulations of the PI's Institutional Review Board (IRB) related to research on human or animal subjects. A copy of the approval or pending approval document must be included with the grant application.
You may submit the CMN grant request prior to IRB approval; however release of grant funds is contingent on IRB approval. The PI assumes sole responsibility for conducting the research and supervising the work of co-investigators.

7.Liability: CMN-El Paso assumes no financial liability of any kind undertaken by the PI. The PI’s institution acknowledges that CMN-El Paso is not legally liable for the conduct of the PI.

8.Dissemination of Findings: All scientific data and/or findings resulting from work supported by CMN-El Paso shall be made available to the public and scientific community through approved scientific channels such as national medical meetings and peer-reviewed publications. If it has been determined that the data will not be published, it shall still be made available to the public through CMN-El Paso approved sources. All presentations and publications must acknowledge CMN-El Paso’s support. Two reprints of each publication and preferably a PDF file should be forwarded to CMN-El Paso for reference and inclusion on the UMC Foundation website.

9.Progress Reports: The awarded PI will be expected to provide a six-month update as well as a formal twelve-month progress report with financial summary on the use of the grant funds. Each report should include a narrative account of what was accomplished by the expenditure of funds including a description of progress being made towards achieving the goals of the grant. One year after the completion of the grant, the grantee will be asked to fill out a final report to describe any publications or subsequent funding received as a result of CMN-El Paso seed funding.

10.References to Work: If the PI would like to announce the grant award, CMN-El Paso requires that CMN-El Paso involvement be acknowledged and that any print or internet related notifications (i.e. marketing/promotion materials or press release) are approved by the UMC Foundation Executive Director before distribution.

IV. Application Process

Use the CMN-El Paso Research Development GrantApplication form to complete the Abstract, Research Plan, Budget, Budget Justification and Biographical Sketches;single-spaced with 1 inch margins and using at least 11 point font. Please include the following items in your application, keeping in mind the maximum number of pages per section:

1.Project Abstract (1 page)

List the Project Title and Principal Investigator as the first and second lines. Describe briefly and clearly the nature, methods of procedure and significance of the proposed research project and how it relates to the goal of providing better health for children and/or improving the treatment or diagnosis of diseases in children.

2.Research Plan(7-12) pages excluding references)

The narrative should contain:

a.Title of project

b.Goals and objectives

c.Hypothesis and specific aims




g.Key personnel engaged in project (name, position, division/department, role in project)

h.Description of research facilities or scientific environment (laboratory space, clinical population etc.) available for the project.

i.Comment on the importance of CMN-El Paso funding:

Allows you to pursue studies that would otherwise not be performed?

Supplements other sources of support?

Increases your competitiveness for other major funding sources?

j.Comment on significance of your work for the community of affected children and families:

Does the work complement or extend other studies that are being performed?

How novel are the studies that you describe?

Do you anticipate that the support would lead to the generation of physical resources that might be useful to other investigators in the field? If so, would you be willing to make it widely available for collaborative work?

Include complete budget stating amount requested from CMN-El Paso along with a list of additional funding sources. No administrative overhead or indirect costs will be supported with CMN grant funds.

a.Add brief (1 page) budget justification describing how CMN funds will be used.

5.Biographical Sketch (1-4 pages)

Please provide biographical sketches (NIH format preferred) for PI and key personnel. It should include:

a.Name and position

b.Education/training: List in reverse chronological order (starting with most recent course of study), institution & location, degree, year(s), field of study. Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional degrees/appointments and include postdoctoral training.

c.Research and professional experience: list in reverse chronological order (starting with most recent) previous employment experience and honors including institution and location, position & title, experience and honors. Also list research projects completed during last 3 years and selected publications and invited works pertinent to the application.


Human subjects IRB approval or animal research IACUC approval from affiliated institution.

V. Submission Format

Applicants must submit an electronic copy of the proposal in either MS Word or PDF format (application, attachments and any supporting documents should be consolidated into one file) and emailed to

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