Children’s liturgy – Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A) – 26 February 2017
Preparing the worship space
Props:Show Laudato Si’ animationor print off thesePowerPoint images at the same link, a template of a hand, colouring pens or pencils.
Song suggestions: All things bright and beautiful (27, Celebration Hymnal for Everyone)
O Lord all the world belongs to you (847, Laudate)
Welcome:In 2015, Pope Francis wrote an encyclical (a letter) called Laudato Si’, which means ‘Praise to you’. He wrote about God’s love for the world that is our home. In the readings today, we hear how even the smallest of God’s creations are very precious. Let’s take some time today to think about the world around us and how we can show our thanks to God by taking care of the natural world and the people who live in it.
Opening prayer: God of all things, help us to take notice of the beautiful world you have given us. Show us how to love the world as you do and to take care of it for the sake of everyone. Amen.
First reading (optional): Isaiah 49:14-15
Psalm: Ps 61:2-3, 6-9
Gospel acclamation:everyone stands and sings the acclamation together. Suggestions include: ‘Halle, halle, halle’ (Caribbean) from ‘Sing With the World’, Alison Adam & John Bell; ‘Alleluia’ (Zimbabwe), Abraham Maraire Publications, WCC & GIA; ‘Celtic Alleluia’ (traditional); ‘Alleluia! Raise the Gospel’ from ‘Go Before Us’, Bernadette Farrell, OCP Publications.
Gospel: Matthew 6:24-34
Gospel reflection: What do you remember about the reading you have just heard?
What do you like best about the natural world? Do you have a favourite place like the beach or the countryside? Do you feed the birds, have a pond or make homes for animals in your garden? How does being in nature make you feel?
You may remember from the story of Creation that when God made the world it was all ‘good’. Jesus reminds us of this. God made a world that fits together, that allows every plant, every creature and every person to have a good life.
You may wish to share the photos from our Laudato Si’ PowerPoint (available at with the children at this point to help them think about the world God has made.
If we look at the beginning of the clip or pictures in the power-point, we can see how all these things fit together; people all over the world looking after the land and the animals and each other.
What do you think has happened in the later parts of the clip or PowerPoint. How has the world come to be hurt and to suffer? How are the seas and the forests being damaged? What is happening to the animals? How are people affected by the damage caused to the world?
Some people have learned to use the resources of the world to give them a good life. There are lots of new inventions that make life easier or faster. But these inventions also use up a lot of resources and cause damage to the world. Usually it is the rich parts of the world that seem to get all the benefits and the poorer parts of the world that suffer and don’t get a fair share.
Pope Francis talks about climate change in his letter. Scientists say that we are stopping the world from being able to look after itself so people cannot take care of themselves. If we keep damaging the air, the water and the land how will we live? Especially, how will those who are already living in poverty find ways to live?
At the beginning of the gospel reading,Jesus says that we cannot belong to God and be greedy. We have to care as God cares - for everything. The world can get better but it needs our help. Climate change is caused by how we have been treating the world. How can we treat the world in a better way?
What will you do this week to care for God’s world?
IntercessionsYou may want to ask the children to offer their own prayers or you can use the suggestions below.
God invites us to love and so we pray together…
We pray for Pope Francis; that everyone may listen to his letter of hope and caring for the world and the people that God loves. Lord, in your mercy…
We pray for world leaders: that they may makedecisions to heal the worldso that all people get their fair share of food and water. Lord, in your mercy…
We pray for people who are poor around the world: that they may be supported by God’s love and the care of others so that their lives may be improved. Lord, in your mercy…
We pray for our parish, families and friends: that we may treat God’s world with care and heal the harm that has been done. Lord, in your mercy…
Closing prayer: God and Creator of our world, you have surrounded us with beauty and wonder. Help us to take our part in caring for the environment with respect and consideration for those in need. Amen.
Activity suggestions
Ask the children to colour in the optional accompanying illustration. Discuss with them how we can help look after our planet. Saving energy, recycling and reusing rather than throwing away? What can they do at home and in school? How can they help those living in poverty as well as people of the future?Ask them to write one promise in the banner shape on the illustration.
Share the story of Chanaet from Kenya(available at see how her life has been changed by changes in the climate. Discuss some of the points raised in the PowerPoint with the children.
Give all of the children a hand shape cut out of card. Ask them to write a prayer on it thanking God for all the wonderful things in nature on one side and on the other side some ideas about how they can help to protect the world and use only what they need.
Ask the children to go home and share all that they have heard and thought about today.Ask them to take notice of the natural world around them and to think about how God is a part of everything around us. Ask them to do one thing at home this week that is good for the environment, or to give up something that they do not need to share with others.