Children’s Hearing Aid Program Advisory Committee


Children’s Hearing Aid Program Advisory Committee

March 7th 2017

Committee Members

Present: Jeremy Meier, Shannon White, Stephanie McVicar, Jenny Pedersen, Heidi Ellsworth

UDOH Staff Present: Jenny Pedersen

Stephanie McVicar

Absent:Paula Pittman, Kim Frandsen, Brooke Edwards

Note Taker:Heidi Ellsworth

Agenda Item / Discussion / Action Needed
1) Welcome, Public Comment, & Review 11.29.16 minutes /
  • There are not enough people present to approve notes from last meeting. Moved approval to next meeting.
  • Send out a reminder a few days before in email with the agenda for next meeting.
  • Get minutes approved from last meeting.

2) Insurance Questions- What will we cover? How much? Do we deny if their insurance covers any of the cost even if it is small? /
  • There is a family that the insurance will cover only 250 dollars of hearing aid.
  • The insurance will actually pay more but the family has a high deductible and until that is met the insurance will only cover $250 of the cost of hearing aids.
  • Jeremy explains that we cannot say yes because what if while in the process one of the parent needs surgery and their yearly deductible is met and insurance will not cover it but we have already paid for it. It would not be fair to use funds that could have been used on another child who does need it.

3) Fitting Fees- What should our cap of fitting be? /
  • The cap for fitting fees was established after one company charged $1500 for a fitting. That is when the program decided there need to be a limit or companies would raise their prices for CHAP. However, that was 3 years ago and several companies are not saying that they can’t do fitting for $700 anymore because of general cost increases.
  • Primary Children’s has told CHAP that they have to raise their fees to $718 or will have to drop out of the program.
  • Jeremy wanted to know what the cost of living has increased to and thinks we could adjust the fitting cost to match the increase of cost of living.
  • Shannon White explained that there are ways for Primary Children’s to figure out how to bill the fitting fees without going over the cost of $700. She feels it is silly for them to back out of the program for $18 difference.
  • The increase is 3.5 since 2013 according to
  • The committee members who are present think the new cap should be $725.00 to reflect inflation rates. A vote is needed before change can be made.
  • Committee needs to vote for the fitting cap fee to be raised.

4) Marketing CHAP- Go over ideas for posters /
  • Heidi presented just some ideas for possible posters to put in various places in order to promote CHAP. She wanted to know what direction the committee wanted to take with the designs.
  • Jeremy wanted to know where these posters would be displayed.
  • Each member suggested a few places where they felt the posters would be the most beneficial.
  • Last meeting it was discussed that many doctors and patients are unaware of the program and what is a way the committee could bring awareness to it other than reminding doctors to mention it to their patients when it is need?
  • In the last meeting doctor’s waiting rooms were discussed as a possible promotion location. ENT offices or Pediatricians, Audiology, EI services ie. PIP , DDI, Sanderson center, conferences
  • Put “Did you know that most insurance don’t cover the cost of hearing aids?” “Does your child need hearing aids?” “Did you know that there is a program to help your child receive hearing aids” “Does your child need hearing aids” In big lettering
  • Make the program title really pop out
/ Shannon has connections to audiology companies and could possible help us get the posters out to them.
5) Quarter Statistics /
  • A total of 94 applicants have been approved since we started.
  • For FY 17, 21 have been approved, 2 did not qualify, and 4 are in the waiting process. There are 6 in the reimbursement process (which are also part of the 21 approved).
  • Also that we can add an extra $15800 to the total funds used.

7) Future meeting /
  • May 23nd, 2017 2:30-3:30