Children of Incarcerated Parents - Books

Black, Frank M. (1998). A Visit with Daddy .

Black, Frank M. (1998). A Visit with Mommy.

There are Some Real Special Kids in our Class . Written by an ex-con for his own children. 1-877-609-KIDS or .

Brisson, Pat. (2004). Mama Loves Me from Away . Illustrated by Laurie Caple. Honesdale , PA : Boyds Mills Press, 815 Church Street , Honesdale , PA 18431 . . ISBN# 1-56397-966-7.

Burch, R. (1999). Queenie Peavy. Viking Press. ISBN: 0670584223.

Butterworth, Oliver. (1993). A Visit to the Big House. Boston : Houghton Mifflin Company. ISBN #0-395-52805-4.

Cain, S. M. Speed, and Z. Mukhida (Photographer). (1999). Dad's in Prison. London : A&C Black. ISBN:


Crane, J. and B. Short. Two in every Hundred: workbook for older (school-age) children

Gesme, Carole. Help for KidsUnderstanding Your Feelings About Having A Parent in Prison or Jail. For Kids Ages Six and Older

Hayes, Margaret, and J. Witherill. (1989). My Daddy is in Prison . Johnstown , PA : Cambria County Community Action Council, Head Start Program.

Hickman, Martha Whitmore. (1990). When Andy's Father Went to Prison . Niles , IL : Albert Whitman and Company, 5747 Howard Street , Niles , IL 606487-4012, ISBN: 0-8075-8874-1.

------When Can Daddy Come Home? Nashville , TN : Abingdon Press. Cancelled ISBN: 0687449643. Available at .

Hodgkins, K, and S. Bergen . (1997). My Mom Went to Jail . The Rainbow Project, Inc. ISBN: 1931273006.

Marcus, I.W., and P. Marcus. (1992). Into the Great Forest : A Story for Children Away from Parents for the First Time . New York : Magination Press. ISBN: 0836809327.

Maury, Inez. (2002). My Mother and I Are Growing Stronger . Barkeley , CA : New Seed Press. PO Box 9488 , Berkeley , CA 947099, ISBN: 0-938678-06-X.

I Know How You Feel Because This Happened to Me. (1984). Center for Children with Incarcerated Parents, Pacific Oaks College and Children's Programs, 714 West California Blvd. , Pasadena , CA 91105 .

Jones, Donna. Joey’s visit.

Just for You - Children with Incarcerated Parents . Center for Children with Incarcerated Parents, Pacific Oaks College and Children's Programs, 714 West California Blvd. , Pasadena , CA 91105 .

Kerniski, Ann. Keeping in Touch by Long Distance.

Reconciliation. Two in Every Hundred: a special workbook for children with a parent in prison. Nashville : Reconciliation, 702 51st Avenue North , Nashville , TN 37209 , (615) 292-6371.

Roznowski, F. Time to Go . Illustrted by Tak Toyoshima. Order from Fran Roznowski, 11 Cottage St., Chelsea, MA . 02150.

Simon, Norma. (1976). All Kinds of Families . Morton Grove , IL.: Albert Whitman & Company; Markham, ON.: Fitzhenry and Whiteside. ISBN: 0807502820.

Whitmore, M. (1990). When Andy's Father Went to Prison . Niles , IL : Albert Whitman & Company. ASIN: 0807502820.

Whitbold, M.K. (2003). Let's Talk About When Your Parent is in Jail . Rosen Publishing Group, Inc. ISBN: 0823950433.

Williams, Vera B. (2001 ). Amber was Brave, Essie was Smart . New York : Greenvillow. ISBN: 006029461-2. Remarkable book of poems and drawings about two sisters with a dad in prison.

Woodson, J., and J. Ransome. (2002). Visiting Day . New York : Scholastic. ISBN: 0590400053.

Woodson, J. (2002). Our Gracie Aunt . New York : Hyperion. ISBN: 078680620-6.

Yaffe, Rebecca, and Lonnie Hoade. When a Parent Goes to Jail:A Comprehensive Guide for Counseling Children of Incarcerated Parents.