Summer 2
Miss O’Hare, Mrs Sugden, Miss Hooley, Mrs Kausar, Miss Usman, Mrs Coles
English / Science
- Children listen attentively in a range of situations.
- Children listen to instructions and follow them accurately.
- Children understand and engage with the speaker
- Children can read and understand simple sentences
- Children can read phonetically regular words of more than one syllable.
- Children can read some high frequency words fluently and automatically
- Children can listen to a rage of texts and discuss books
- Children can spell phonetically regular words of more than one syllable as well as many irregular but high frequency words
- Children can write lists, labels and captions
- Children know why we use lists, labels and captions
- Children can form letters correct
- Sentence work
- Punctuation and grammar
- Handwriting
- Bear words
- Writing lists of things on a car, motorbike and push bike
- Writing lists of differences between bike and car
- Writing about photos
- Writing lists, labels and captions
- Information books, fact files, Top Trump cards
- Recap of Phase 3 & 4 Phonics and moving on to Phase 5
- Use observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions.
- Identify and name a variety of common animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals
- identify and name a variety of common animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores
- describe and compare the structure of a variety of common animals
- identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body and say which part of the body is associated with each sense
- Floating and sinking – Boats
- Construction – making vehicles that move
- Sorting circles – land, sea and air
- Seasons (Autumn)-Naming and describing weather associated with the season
- Animals and Humans
- Naming and labelling different body parts
- Naming and describing different animals
- Identifying and classifying different types of common animals
Computing / Transport
WOW – Looking at a car, motorbike and push bike! Scrap Magic to visit.
/ Maths
Key skills
- Children recognise that a range of technology is used in places such as homes and schools.
- Children can select and use technology for particular purposes.
- Children find out about and use a range of everyday technology.
- Children select appropriate applications that support an identified need.
- To develop familiarity with the keyboard
- To understand how we can keep ourselves safe when online
- Phonics Play
- Espresso – Transport
- Purple mash
- Logging on and off a computer
- Word-typing a sentence from a book with correct punctuation
- Understanding the shift key and its uses
- E-Safety-Kim and Lee
- Children can count reliably with numbers 1 – 20
- Children can place numbers 1-20 in the right order.
- Children can say which number is one more than and one less than.
- Children can add and subtract with numbers to 20
- Children are beginning to use a mental strategies to add and subtract and solve simple one step problems
- Children can solve practical number problems.
- Sorting Circles
- Counting forwards and backwards to 20
- Finding one more and one less of a number
- Putting numbers in the correct order
- Adding numbers to 10
- Mental Maths
History/ Geography / PSHE & R.E & PE & Music / Art/Design Technology
Key skills
- Ask and answer geographical questions
- Identify the key features of a location
- Use simple fieldwork and observational skills to study the geography of the school and the key human and physical features of its surrounding environment.
- Identify land use around the school.
- Observe or handle evidence to ask questions and find answers to questions about the past.
- Ask questions
- Describe historical event
- Recount changes that have occurred in their own lives.
- Use words and phrases to describe the passing of time.
- Circle time
- Human and Physical Geography
- Looking at maps
- Looking at the area around us including the school grounds and the local area
- Identifying different types of location e.g. town, village
- Personal history
- Recount personal events and changes
- Nature walks
- Seasons-Autumn
- Children can follow out instructions that contain a two part sequence.
- Children know how to manage their feelings
- Children are confident to speak in a group.
- Children can play games with rules.
- Children understand personal health and hygiene
- Children understand how to keep themselves safe
- Children understand how to look after the local environment
- Myself
- Express some positive qualities about themselves
- Recognise and talk about other positive qualities
- Talk about what they like and do not ;like
- To be able to express their opinions and views
- Simple goal setting
- Developing fine motor skills
- Throwing and catching a ball
- Throwing and catching a bean bag
- Holding a Tennis racket correctly
- Working in pairs
- Team work
- Co-operating
- Understanding the rules in a game
- Circle time activities – listening and attention
- Faith Worship
- Road Safety
- Likes and dislikes
- Rules and consequences
- Personal safety
- People who look after us
- Looking after our body
- Looking after animals
- Caring for the local environment
- Myself
- Discussing about family and friends
- Listing qualities they like in their peers
- Listing their own personal qualities
- Setting goals and targets
- Likes and dislikes and explaining these
- Net/Wall Activities
- Racket Skills in Tennis
- Throwing and catching activities
- Throwing and catching using different equipment
- To work on 3D scale (collage, clay).
- To colour mix using a pallet, powder paint, brush and water.
- To work independently, (set up painting station,
- To experiment with different shades and tones of colour.
- To respond to music through movement.
- To use available props to create role play scenarios.
- Junk Model vehicles
- Easel – colour mixing
- Observational drawings of vehicles
- Model making using playdough
- Printing patterns