To parents and carers of

children in Year 2.

Term 6 information 2017

This term we will deepen our understanding of measure, with half past, quarter past and quarter to, plus reading time in 5 minute jumps around the face of the clock. We will also be reading scales on the side of containers and working out missing numbers 200ml, 250ml, 300ml, 350ml, 400ml.
We will look at mass and temperature to read scales and work out the important information. If we need 50g for one cake , how much would we need for 2 cakes? If my temperature is 32 degrees and it rises by 5 degrees how much will it be?
We will re visit our friend the bar model method. What if the numbers were changed so it was 65 instead of 70? What might help us to find the missing number?

Estimation will be another way we can transfer our wonderful number sense. We will look at some calculations and see which possible number might sensibly be about the right one..
13 + 7 = 3 or 20 or 64
75 + 15 = 500 or 16 or 90
20 – 14 = 94 or 6 or 34 / Literacy
We will start the term by extending our range of sentence openers and use of very sophisticated words ending in suffixes such as ment and ness. Questions and exclamative sentences will be developed too Healthy Living and history will be super for this… What excitementthey had competing against the other houses during sports day!

We will also use the Story Tree for delightful story writing.
More of us are moving onto higher levels and even some chapter books. It is so helpful if you can regularly hear reading and have a lovely chat to support with understanding. Can we remember what has already happened? What were the enjoyable parts? How do the characters overcome the challenges they face? / Line of Enquiry
Healthy Living Week will include lots of great exercise, our Sports Day as well as harvesting, preparing and eating of the delicious vegetables we have grown with Mrs Hopkins.

In our Special Clothes we will give thought to how clothes show we belong to groups such as our school and faith communities, when we wear certain special outfits and what clothes tell us about the jobs people do.
Lovely people who were little children at our school in the 1950s will come in to share their memories of our school when it was newly built after the war. We will be sensational Curious Cats finding out about the mysterious case of the disappearing swimming pool and the strange sports days of the past too… If any of you came to the school when you were little, we’d love it if we could ask you a few questions .

PE will usually be on Mondays and Thursdays. We will be doing some extra sessions in Week One to prepare for Sports Day and daily PE sessions during Healthy Living Week.
Please could you kindly ensure that PE kits which do fit usare in school every day as we sometimes have to swap days with other classes.
The school PE kit includes black shorts or jogging bottoms, a white t shirt and black trainers or daps. / Homework
The 2, 5, 10 and 3 times tables will be kept ticking along.
Missing number calculations where equals is a balance would be helpful to deepen our number sense.
45 + ___ = 10 x 5
70 -- 10 = 7 x ___
63 + 21 = 98 -- __
Children will receive weekly spellings. These will usually be tested on a Friday. We are doing well with our exciting new Spelling Programme which builds on our super success in Letters and Sounds. It is called ‘No Nonsense Spelling.’
The children are expected to read at least four times a week at home. Those children who do have 4 or more messages written by an adult or older sibling from home for every week of term, will be rewarded at the end of term. Our class did very well last term, let’s see if we can come top at the end of this term… / General reminders
  • Your child should have their reading book and reading log in their book bag in school every day.
  • Please check that you help your child to follow the school rules about wearing uniform and jewellery.
  • Could we try to not to bring toys into school but rather home learning or items from visits such as a map of the zoo or postcard from a trip.
  • Please remember that your child can bring water into school. If it is in a sports cap plastic bottle they can keep it in the classroom and it goes into the playground during break times.
  • Our school uniform asks for black shoes and please if possible can we only wear shoes with laces after we have learned to tie them safely and securely at home.
  • Sun hats are very helpful and sun cream may be needed, so please can it be applied before school.

As we said in the text at the end of term the children were truly wonderful during the month of May when we gently made our way through their SATS tests. Everyone tried their very best and the kind encouragement they gave to one another was beautiful. What more could we ask for! Enormous thanks again to the many of you who support us with craft and other activities too.

You are warmly invited to join us for learning on Wednesday 21st June from 9am until 10am. It will be our trip to Slimbridge Wetlands Centre on Tuesday 27th June, details to come.

Best wishes and thanks as always to you and our wonderful Mrs Bullock and Mrs Pottier.

The Year 2 Team

To parents and carers of

children in Year 2.

Term 6 information 2017

Numeracy – progression of learning number facts recall

Why not try some of these ideas with your child for practising their number bonds?

‘Number bonds’ are the ‘sums’ to make a particular number.

  1. Challenge your child to find the number of ‘spoons’ which they are learning about (or any other item which you choose) in your home and to write how to make them into groups eg – for 8, get 8 ‘pencils’ and split them into 2+6 or 7+1 etc.
  2. For the number bond that your child is learning – have that many objects. Ask your child to close their eyes theyn you take away some of the objects. Your child needs to open their eyes, work out how many you took away then say the addition sum.
  3. For the number bond which they are learning, you say a number and they have to quickly say the matching number, eg for number bonds to 8, you say ‘2’, they need to say ‘6’, etc.
  4. Ask your child to write out all the sums for the number bonds for the number which they are learning in a list on paper then cut them up, muddle them up and ask them to match them back together. Perhaps you could time them and they try to beat their previous time.
  5. Use the cards from above to also:
  • Play ‘pairs’
  • Make a 2nd set and play ‘snap’
  • Put in a wrong card and challenge your child to find it
  1. Encourage your child to write the number bonds in order (see below) and then ask them if they can spot any patterns in the numbers or ask if they can explain what the next one will be. This order is also the easiest way for your child to learn as they can check that they have listed every possible option.
  2. When you are shopping, let your child choose 2 things that would make the total of the number bond which they are learning.
  3. Set up a shop at home and price up objects to support learning that number bond. You could draw coins for them to spend.
  4. For number bonds to 20 – the children should be able to explain how knowing the number bonds to 10 helps them.
  5. Use the website link on the school website – go to ‘our learning’ then ‘year 3’.
  6. Look for other links on the internet.

Number bonds to 5 / Number bonds to 6 / Number bonds to 7 / Number bonds to 8 / Number bonds to 9
5+0=0 / 0+6=6
6+0=6 / 0+7=7
7+0=7 / 0+8=8
8+0=8 / 0+9=9
Number bonds to 10 / Number bonds to 20
10+0=10 / 0+20=20
10+10=20 / 11+9=20

When the children have learnt their number bonds, they will then learn their times tables in the order specified below. Why not try some of these ideas with your child for practising their times tables? (they may already know some of these, but they will be tested on them anyway).

  1. Try some of the ‘number bonds’ activities because some of them work for times tables practise.

Progression for learning times tables:-

  • x2
  • x10
  • x5
  • x4
  • x3