Childminder Health Checklist
This childminder health check is a tool which can be used to support you in reviewing your working practices including paperwork and documentation. It is not an exhaustive list of Ofsted or EYFS requirements and you should ensure you have a thorough knowledge of these. The Professional association for childcare and early years (PACEY) Children Come First (CCF) quality standards column indicates the standards which accredited childminders follow.
If having completed the health check, you feel you require support with any areas of development that you have identified please ring the Families Information Service on 0845 60 800 33.
Name of childminder / Date of Health Check:Persons present
Item / Requirement Reference / Links / Comments
Do you have a copy of the ‘Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage’; ‘Development Matters in the Early Years Foundation Stage’; ‘A Know How Guide: The EYFS progress check at age two’; ‘The EYFS parents’ guide’? / EYFS Statutory Guidance / Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) - Schools
What arrangements are in place to manage ‘The EYFS progress check at age 2’? / EYFS p.10 (2.3 -2.5) & ‘A Know How Guide: The EYFS progress check at age two’ /
Have you completed a Self Evaluation Form (SEF)?
(How do you share this with parents? How often is this reviewed?)
N.B there is a new Ofsted SEF template on the Ofsted website) / EYFS Reflective Practice /
Is your Ofsted registration certificate displayed?
Have you achieved all the Ofsted recommendations from your last inspection?
(May consider using a post Ofsted action plan to help organise your recommendations/actions, talk to your early years outreach officer for more details) / EYFS Statutory Guidance pg 28 (3.75) /
‘Childminders are not required to have written policies and procedures. However, they must be able to explain their policies and procedures to parents, carers, and others (for example Ofsted inspectors) and ensure any assistants follow them. ‘EYFS pg 13’ (Although we highly recommend that as good practice you do have some of the key policies written down as stated below)
The Professional association for childcare and early years (PACEY) and the Pre-School Learning Alliance (PLA) offer policy templates that childminders can buy and adapt and use. / EYFS Statutory Guidance Pg 13 (3.3) /
The childminder must have knowledge and understanding of the polices below as outlined in the EYFS (It is highly recommended by the Early Years Team that these are written):
· Safeguarding children
(Including LADO contact info, named ‘Lead Practitioner’, procedure following allegations about staff & must cover the use of mobile phones & cameras - good practice would be to include social networking sites) / Pg 13, 14 (3.4) / Customer First
0808 800 4005
Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) Contact Details
· West – Suzanna Bedford, Area Safeguarding Manager – 01284 758816
· North – Allison Hassey, Area Safeguarding Manager – 01502 405104
· South – Tina Wilson, Area Safeguarding Manger – 01473 263112, Mob: 07770 736667
· Lead Safeguarding Manager – 01473 263112 – follow the link to ‘procedures’ and then ‘LSCB protocols’
Also, CPD online Safeguarding Resources:
Child Disclosure checklist and Allegations made against an adult checklist
· Complaints (must include ’28 day response’) – is a system in place for recording complaints from parents/carers?
· No smoking Policy / Pg 27, 28 (3.73)
Pg 24 (3.55) / Complaints\2008-12-22 LG Complaint form.doc
Highly recommended policies by the Early Years and Childcare Team are as follows in relation to the guidance of the welfare requirements:
· Settling in / Pg 27 (3.71/3.72)
Pg 7 (1.11)
· Non collection of children / Pg 27 (3.72)
· Missing children / Pg 27 (3.72)
· Visits and outings (Children must be kept safe - a policy & risk assessments would probably be the best way to achieve this) / Pg 25 (3.64)
· Equality of opportunity, including support for children with SEN or disabilities (Referring to Equality Act 2010 & including named SENCo) / Pg 26 (3.66) /
· Health and Safety (Including hygiene, accidents & emergency evacuation procedures) / Pg 23 (3.53)
· Medicines (Including procedure for dealing with children who are ill or infectious, storing & administering medicines) / Pg 22 (3.42/3.43) /
· Behaviour management / Pg 23 (3.50/3.51)
· Partnership with Parents
· Risk Assessment (Does the setting have clear policies and procedures for assessing risks? - access, security, hygiene, equipment, routines, indoor and outdoor environment and outings?)
· Late Payment Policy (Accredited Childminders only although good practice for all childminders)
· Admissions Policy(Accredited Childminders only although good practice for all childminders) / Pg 7 (1.11) Pg 18 (3.26)
Directory of Providers (DOP)
Directory of Providers (DOP)
Section B pg 4 /
Do you have an Equalities Duty Action Plan?
(Only accredited childminders need to have an action plan, although it is good practice for all childminders to have one) / P 26 (3.66) /
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Are parents made aware of your policies and procedures? / Pg 13 (3.3)
Are all your policies in place and up to date?
Are all your policies signed and dated?
Do you review your policies on an annual basis?
(every 12 months or less) / Good Practice and highly recommended by EYCT
Does the registration form include everyone who has parental responsibility for the child?
Does it include whether there is any social care/other agency involvement? E.g. Paediatrician, Speech therapist, Social worker, health visitor.
Does it ask for language(s) spoken at home?
Does it include all parents emergency contact details?
(Template is available in childminder toolkit which includes all relevant information, speak to your Early Years Outreach officer for a copy) / EYFS Statutory Guidance
Pg 27 (3.71) /
(other insurance companies also available to childminders)
Are all your child record forms and contracts kept up to date and signed?
Are these records stored confidentially?
(If childminder is a member of the PACEY they will have to use the PACEY contracts) / Pg 26 (3.68) / Registration with the Information Commissioners Office explored –
Do parents complete permission forms to allow you to: / EYFS Statutory Guidance
· Take photographs
· Administer medicine (prior written consent) / Pg 22 (3.43/3.44)
· Seek emergency medical treatment/advice
· Take children on visits and outings / Pg 25 (3.64)
· Apply suntan lotion
· Share My Learning Journeys with other professionals
· Make Observations for Learning Journey’s/Daily Diaries
· Leaving children with a childminding assistant
(These are included on childminder registration form template) / Pg 21 (3.41)
What information do you give to parents before their child starts?
Do you have a parent pack? / Good Practice
Pg27 (3.72)
Do you share information regularly with parents through My Learning Journey’s, newsletters, communication, parent meetings?
How is feedback collected from Parents/Carers? / EYFS Statutory Guidance
Good Practice
Pg 26 (3.67)
Do you know what other settings the child attends and how is information shared? / EYFS Statutory Guidance
Good Practice
Pg 26 (3.67)
Do parents know how to access their child’s Learning Journey? / EYFS Statutory Guidance
Good Practice
Pg 26 (3.67)
How do you involve the children when you complete Learning Journeys?
(Condensed Out of School ‘All About Me and My learning Journey’ could be used for children accessing after school care saved in childminder toolkit) / EYFS Statutory Guidance
Good Practice
Pg 26 (3.67)
Do you have I.E.P.’s (Individual Education Plan) in place for any children with additional needs and are they reviewed every half term with the parents? / SEN Code of Practice 2001(4:27)
Good Practice
Does the learning environment meet the needs of the children?
Is your setting resourced with age appropriate equipment and does it promote equality and diversity?
(Does the setting require an observation visit using the Childminder Quality Assessment Tool CQAT) / EYFS Statutory Guidance
Pg 23 (3.53)
FCCERS/CQAT / ..\CQAT 2013\2013-07-23 FINAL CM (Blank copy) Quality Assessment Tool(CQAT).doc
Do you have an up-to-date ‘Safeguarding Children Referral Chart’ (March 2012)
And is this displayed?
Do you have a copy of the DFES publication “What to do if you’re worried a child is being abused” booklet? / EYFS Statutory Guidance
Pg 13, 14 /
Are you aware of your obligation to inform OFSTED of any allegations of serious harm or abuse “by any person living, working, or looking after children at the premises or elsewhere within 14 days of the allegation being made”? / EYFS p.14 (3.8)
Do you have a system in place to record any concerns about a child?
Are you aware of records of concern and what to include in them? / Suffolk Children Safeguarding Board
Examples found in safeguarding training handouts
Pg 13 (3.4-3.8) p26 – 27 (3.67-3.70) /
Do you care for any ‘Looked After Children (LAC)’, ‘Children in Need CIN)’ or children with a ‘Child Protection Plan’ in place?
If so, do you have the child’s social worker contact details / EYFS p.26 (3.67-3.70) /
Do you have a system in place if a different person collects a child and are changes recorded? (e.g. password system, system for parents/carers to notify who is collecting)
What systems are in place for ensuring that only authorised persons enter the premises and for checking the identity of visitors? Does the visitors’ book include arrival and departure times and reason for visit? / EYFS Statutory Guidance
Pg 13, 14/Pg 27 (3.71/3.72)
Pg 13 (3.4)
EYFS p.25 (3.61)
Do you have a first aid kit and include a list of the contents?
When was this last checked?
Do you have a first aid kit available for outings? / EYFS Statutory Guidance
Pg 22 (3.48) /
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Do you keep a written record of accidents, injuries, incidents and first aid treatment? How do you ensure that parents/carers are informed of any accident or injury and first aid treatment given, on the same day or as soon as reasonably practicable?
You must inform OFSTED and SSCB of any serious accident, or injury to, or death of any child. / EYFS p. 22 -23 (3.48 – 3.49)
How and where is medication stored? Is children’s medication clearly labelled with their names?
What procedures are in place for you to administer medication to children? How is this recorded? / EYFS Statutory Guidance
Pg 22 (3.43, 3.44)
Is your setting registered with Food Standards Agency (FSA) the local Environmental Health department? How are children’s packed lunches stored? / EYFS Statutory Guidance /
Do the children have access to fresh drinking water? / Pg 22 (3.45)
Are daily menu’s provided for parents/carers? / P22 (3.45) Pg 27 (3.72)
Are meals/snacks provided for the children healthy and nutritionally balanced?
How are parents/carers made aware of the food provided/ e.g. daily menu’s, home diaries etc / P22 (3.45)
Are you following ‘Safer food, better business’ folder? / Food Standards Authority guidance
Suitable Premises
Do you record each child’s daily attendance on your attendance register?
Does this include the arrival and departure times and the childminder’s/parent/carer signature at the end of each day? / EYFS Statutory Guidance
Pg 28 (3.75)
Good practice /
Do children have access to outdoor play? E.g. garden, park etc / Pg 24 (3.57)
Is there provision for children to be able to relax, play quietly or sleep? Do children have their own separate bedding? / Pg 24 – 25 (3.58-59)
Do you carry out daily risk assessments both indoors and outdoors before children arrive?
Do you have risk assessments for trips and outings?
Are all your risk assessments reviewed on an annual basis?
Are you premises secure to prevent children leaving and prevent intruders? / EYFS Statutory Guidance
Pg 25 (3.63, 3.64)
Good Practice
Pg25 (3.61) /
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Do you have a fire evacuation procedure?
How often are they practiced to ensure all the children experience fire drills? Do you record the outcomes and how?
Do you regularly check all smoke alarms on the premises?
Do you record the checks? / EYFS Statutory Guidance
Pg 24 (3.54) /
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Are records up to date regarding emergency contact details for children and any assistants/ students you may have?
What systems are in place to update them? / EYFS Statutory Guidance
Pg 27 (3.71, 3.72)
Are you aware of dietary needs, allergies and health needs for each child and where this information can be found, e.g. in children’s records and displayed in a kitchen cupboard that children cannot access?
Are health care plans in place where necessary? Is your insurance company aware of any children with severe health needs? / EYFS Statutory Guidance
Pg 22 (3.45) /
Suitable People
Is your training up-to-date in the following areas?
· Paediatric First Aid (Childminders without First Aid fail to meet EYFS requirements and must book onto a course ASAP and inform Ofsted)(Usually needs to be reviewed every 3 years, check with training provider)
· Food Safety (usually renewed every 4 years, check with training provider)
· Safeguarding(Usually needs to be reviewed every 3 years, check with training provider) / EYFS Statutory Guidance
Pg 17 (3.24)
Pg 22 (3.46)
Pg 13 (3.5)
Pg 14 (3.6) /
Are you registered with CPD online to view and book onto training courses and workshops?
Do you have a training plan for the next 12 months? / EYFS Statutory Guidance
Pg 16 (3.18) /
Do you hold a relevant childcare qualification? Are you registered with the qualifications list and training Audit tool? / Only accredited childminders need to complete this. Requirement of the DOP.
Do you employ an assistant?
Have you got all the required documentation for each assistant?
· A record of their CRB certificate number
· Personal contact details
· Emergency contact details
· Paediatric First Aid Certificate
· Public liability insurance certificate
Do assistants/volunteers/students undertake an induction process when they start?
Are there systems in place for staff supervisions/appraisals?
(N.B Childminding Assistants can be left alone for up to 2 hours a day with children with parents prior written consent) / EYFS Statutory Guidance
Pg 17 (3.23)
Pg 15 (3.10)
Pg 28 (3.75)
Pg 17 (3.24)
Pg 25 (3.62)
P16 (3.18 – 3.25)
P17 (3.19, 3.20, 3.22)
Pg 21 (3.41) /
Do you regularly review your hourly rate? (e.g. review on annual basis)
Does your rate reflect your outgoings? / Good Practice /
Would you be interested in becoming an Accredited childminder to be able to offer the 2, 3 and 4 year old funding?
(Childminders must have a level 3 childcare qualification and follow the accreditation process)
(Accredited Childminders can claim funding for their own children in their care)
Have you considered becoming a Leading Practitioner in a specific area of childminding?
Do you attend the Childminder and Out of School Club Keeping Up To Date meetings? (These are not mandatory but are very beneficial and can be booked through )
(Accredited childminders must attend DOP update meetings as part of the terms and conditions of the DOP) /
Childminding Portfolio (Operational Plan)
It is good practice to have a Childminding Portfolio which may include the following?
· All your policies and procedures
· A copy of your last Ofsted Inspection report
· Up to date Communicable diseases chart/booklet
· A copy of your current vehicle MOT certificate
· A copy of your vehicle insurance certificate (if you use a vehicle for your business)
· A record of daily Risk Assessments, including risk assessments for trips and outings (Please note that the childminder will need to determine whether they feel they need to have a written risk assessment in place)
· A record of regular fire drills and safety checks for all smoke alarms
· Qualifications and Training certificates / EYFS Statutory Guidance and good practice
See above policy listing
Pg 26 (3.65)
Pg 26 (3.65)
Pg 25 (3.63/3.64)
Pg 24 (3.54)
Pg 16 (3.18) Pg 17 (3.23) /
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The following must be displayed at all times whilst you are childminding:
· Ofsted registration certificate
· Ofsted contact complaint poster (Newest version has the address Piccadilly Gate on it)
· Safeguarding Children flow chart (Newest version March 2012)
The following information can be displayed as good practice:
· Safeguarding children Statement
· Public liability insurance certificate (this must be displayed if you employ an assistant)
· Daily menus for food
· Fire Evacuation Procedure / EYFS Statutory Guidance
Pg 28 (3.75)
Pg 28 (3.74)
Strongly recommended by EYCT
Pg 13, 14
Pg 25 (3.62)
Pg 24 (3.54) /
Comments/further support required:
Actions to be taken by the Childminder:
Actions to be taken by the Early Years Outreach Officer/Consultant: