Job Description
Job Title:Childcare Development Worker
Reporting to:Coordinator and CorkCountyChildcare Committee
Line Manager:Coordinator CorkCountyChildcare Committee
Location:Main Office, Buttevant
Main Function:
To implement the Cork County Childcare Strategy in the development and implementation of a quality childcare strategy in Co. Cork, in accordance with the principles outlined in the National Childcare Policy.
Outline of Responsibilities:
- To provide support, advice and information to existing and potential childcare services, including childminders.
- To support childcare providers during pre and post application phases.
- To support childcare providers in the identification of childcare needs in their locality, to plan for new/extended services, to build capacity, to compile policies and procedures and other relevant/appropriate tasks.
- To assist childcare providers to identify training needs to enhance the quality of service provision and to facilitate training courses for childcare service providers, including childminders.
- To facilitate the development of local networks of childcare providers and childminders and to provide them with information, support and advice.
- To identify and develop linkages with relevant local agencies, groups and organisations within the childcare sector to facilitate a co-ordinated approach to the delivery of childcare services
- To address issues of social exclusion by assisting with the development of appropriate innovative initiatives
- To promote quality childcare throughout the sector
- To keep abreast of National and Local developments in the childcare sector
- To prepare information literature
- To organise and facilitate public information meetings
- To establish and support the Voluntary Notification System for childminders
- To assist in the development and maintenance of a current database of all childcare providers
- To update all records related to the National Childcare Investment Programme as required by the Coordinator, Pobal and the Office of the Minister for Children
- To maintain and manage action files, control action budgets and prompt closure of action files and return to main office
- To plan work, review progress and prepare reports in consultation with the Co-ordinator
- To provide reports, as and when requested by the Coordinator
- To meet deadlines as set out by the Coordinator at the beginning of the year
- To maintain and update records on a regular basis
- To assist the Coordinator in implementing the annual work programme under the direction of the Board.
- To undertake the duties of Staff officer for the subcommittees of the Board as assigned. Duties are set out in the sub-committee terms of reference
- To undertake other relevant tasks and duties as they may arise