Childcare Details Template 2010/2011
To be completed by practitioner in conjunction with chosen provider/childminder
Child’s Name: ______
Child’s Date of Birth: ______
Practitioner’s Name: ______
Date Family Were Informed of Decision: ______
Outline The Plan for Engaging The Family and Child in The Childcare Placement:
Provider/Childminder Name: ______
Provider/Childminder Address: ______
Number of Hours Per Week of Childcare to be Provided: ______
Start Date of Placement: ______
End Date of Placement: ______
- The child can continue their Two Year placement until the end of term, or the start of the next term when they will move to the 3-4 Year Offer.
Number of Weeks of Childcare Provision to be Provided: ______
Is the Provision Term Time or Flexible: ______
ie) will the child be accessing childcare during the school holidays or term time only?
Weekly Timetable of Provision:
Day / Start Time / Finish Time / Total HoursMonday
Practitioner’s Name: ______
Practitioner’s E-Mail Address: ______
Practitioner's Telephone Number: ______
Practitioner’s Signature: ______Date: ______
Guidance for Practitioners
- Childcare can be provided up to a maximum of 15 hours per week over 38 weeks term-time (starting when the child turns two. The child can continue their Two Year placement until the end of term, or the start of the next term when they will move to the 3-4 Year Offer). Or it can be flexible, i.e. 10.96 hours over 52 weeks from birthday to birthday including school holidays, depending on families needs. The minimum length of session allowed is 2 hours. The maximum total number of childcare hours available per child is 570.
- When a place has been allocated, you as the practitioner will liaise with Ann Bodell, Knowsley Early Years & Childcare Manageron 0151 443 5646 to find a suitable childcare provider for the family and arrange the child’s place. Settings must have an Ofsted good or outstanding care rating or where it has received an Ofsted satisfactory care rating, it should be able to demonstrate through the Local Authorities Quality Assurance Review Process; it is actively working towards a good care rating.
- Childminders may be used on the Pilot as long as they are part of a network recognised by Knowsley Council. It is preferable that they have a relevant Level 3 qualification, or be working towards one within a reasonable time period, and also have access to an Early Years Professional.
- Term dates for 2010/11 are as follows:
Autumn Term 2010 – Tuesday 31st August to Friday 17th December 2010
Spring Term 2011 – Tuesday 4th January to Friday 1st April 2011
Summer Term 2011 – Monday 18th April to Friday 22nd July 2011
Contract with providers/childminder
In accepting funding for the children on the Two Year old Pilot we agree to:
- Send invoices with the child’s name and amount for each month, at the end of every month for that month’s placement to:
Gemma Dixon, Child Poverty Project Manager, Directorate of Children and Family Services, 3rd Floor, Huyton Hey Road, Huyton, L36 5YH
- Monitor attendance of children on the Two Year Old Pilot and to make certain non attendees are followed up and communicated to Gemma Dixon.
- Ensure the initial review, the end of term reviews and the final review including EXE screening are completed for children on the Two Year Old Pilot and this information is sent promptly to Gemma Dixon.
Hourly Rate: £______(must not exceed £4.85 per hour)
As the childcare provider, I accept the terms of the Two Year Old Funding Contract. I understand that failure to comply with these requirements will result in funding being withdrawn/recovered and places may be offered to families at other suitable childcare settings.
Provider Representative’s Name: ______
Provider Representative’s Signature: ______Date: ______
Provider Telephone Number: ______
Provider E-Mail Address: ______
An e-mail will be sent to the provider confirming the childcare placement arrangements.
Please return this completed document to Gemma Dixon, Directorate of Children and Family Services, 3rd Floor, Huyton Hey Road, Huyton, L36 5YH