Child, Youth and School Services (CYSS)

In and Out Processing Soldiers through School Liaison Services

1. PURPOSE: To establish procedures for in and out processing of soldiers through Child, Youth and School Services (CYSS) School Liaison Services (SLS).

2. REFERENCES: AR 600-8-101, Personnel Processing (In-Out Mobilization Processing)

3. SCOPE: This SOP applies to all soldiers with children ages infant to eighteen years of age.


a. In-Processing:

(1) The PAC NCO of the gaining unit will inform soldiers of the requirement to in-process through the SLS located in building 1102, YPG. All soldiers with children ages 0 to 18 years of age are required to in and out process through the School Liaison Officer. The SLS office will be listed on the In-Processing Personnel Record.

(2) The School Liaison Officer will provide soldiers information concerning local school and child care options both on and off the installation.

b. Out-Processing:

(1) Soldiers will be notified of the requirement to out-process through the SLS office at the time of their levy briefing, or if an Officer or Non Commissioned Officer (NCO), when they submit their Request for Orders (RFO). The SLS office will be listed on the soldier’s Official PCS Orders and their In-Processing Personnel Record.

(2) Soldiers will be directed to the SLS office for information (required notice and fees) and the necessary withdrawal forms. Soldiers with children enrolled in public schools will be given a CYSS withdrawal form for each child registered on and off the installation. (Appendix A)

(3) Soldiers will take the withdrawal forms to their child’s school within two weeks of their withdrawal date. School personnel will review the student’s record to ensure that all known fees have been paid and that any outstanding materials have been returned. School personnel will sign the withdrawal form and return it to the soldier. Soldiers will return the signed form to the SLS office. The School Liaison Officer will sign and date the soldier’s Installation Clearance Record and provide youth sponsorship information and transitional assistance if needed, including contact information for the School Liaison Officer at their new duty station.

(4) Soldiers who are out-processing and leaving their families to complete the school year will go to their child’s school and inform them of the situation. The school will issue a form to return to the SLS office. (Appendix B)

(5) Parents of home-schooled children must provide proof of their home school status prior to the soldier’s Installation Clearance Record being signed.


SUBJECT: Standard Operating Procedures for Child, Youth and School Services In and Out Processing Soldiers through School Liaison Services

c. Recordkeeping: A record of each soldier who in and out processes through the School Liaison Officer will be kept, including name and date.

5. The POC for this action is the CYSS Coordinator at 328-2332.



Yuma Proving Ground Child, School & Youth Services

Student Withdrawal Form

Student withdrawal procedures for out-processing are as follows:

1. Take this form to the student’s current school. School personnel must sign form.

2. Return this signed form to the School Liaison Services office, Bldg. 1102, YPG.

3. YPG School Liaison Officer will sign soldier’s Installation Clearance Record.

Please Print (use one form for each student)
Student’s Name Grade School
 Visit school to officially withdraw (must be legal parent/guardian)
 Return all books (library and text)
 Clear all charges, fees, and fines
 Clear extracurricular activities (if applicable)
 Receive copy of withdrawal documents and/or records to include
 IEP, if applicable (available after completion of withdrawal process)
 Receive copy of transcripts/last report card
 Leave forwarding address/copy of PCS orders
Signature of School Personnel/Date

Note: to receive copy of withdrawal records/documents a 48 hour notice is required in most


This form must be returned to the YPG School Liaison Services office at Bldg. 1102 in

order to complete the soldier’s Installation Clearance Record.

Appendix A

Form for soldiers leaving Yuma Proving Ground while leaving their children in local schools

I, ______am leaving my children

(Soldier’s Name)

______in attendance at ______

(Child’s Name) (School)

______in attendance at ______

(Child’s Name) (School)

______in attendance at ______

(Child’s Name) (School)

______in attendance at ______

(Child’s Name) (School)

______in attendance at ______

(Child’s Name) (School)

______in attendance at ______

(Child’s Name) (School)

This form is part of my out process in lieu of school records. I have visited my child’s school.


(School Representative’s Signature)

Appendix B