‘Login Screen’

There is a change to the appearance of the ‘login screen’ -there will be an option for individuals to change their ‘password’when logging into the system. If you wish to do so, you will need to enter the ‘user name’ and ‘password’ and tick ‘change password’.

Enter the new ‘password’ and then click ‘ok’, and the ‘password’will have changed.

Run Modules – ‘Launcher’

When you login to the system for the first time after the upgrade, the modules i.e. ‘Launcher’ will not appear on the left hand side of the screen as before - click on ‘hide launcher’.

The new SIMS.net screen will appear as follows:

From now onwards, you will have to go through ‘Focus’ to access the modules, and then choose the relevant module.

‘Home Page’ SIMS.net

The panels ‘School Diary’, ‘My Messages’ etc still appear on the homepage. You can change the order of panels and choose to remove and add panels to suit you by clicking on the right hand side of the screen. This change won’t affect other SIMS users;only the user.

To change the order of the panels, click and drag the icon from the left hand side of the screen to the cell on the right hand side in the order you want them to appear on the homepage. You can make the Grid bigger by changing the size of the rows and columns – this will enable you to add more panels to the page. Click OK to finish.

Choose ‘Yes’ here to save the changes.

The appearance of the page will depend on the panels you have selected on the previous screen, i.e. ‘Configure Home Panel’.

You can choose to see ‘Attendance Summary’, ‘Behaviour Incidents’ etc on the page according to ‘Year Group’, ‘Reg Group’, or ‘WholeSchool’.

To load the data to the relevant panel, click ‘configure’ to the right of the panels e.g. by clicking ‘configure’ on the ‘Attendance Summary’ panel, the following screen will appear:

Here, choose the relevant ‘Cycle’ and‘Group Type’, then click ‘OK’. The data will load into the panel.

It is possible to display a list of the pupils within the ‘Summary’ by clicking on this e.g. –

By clicking on ‘Unauthorised Absence’ – all pupils marked with ‘Unauthorised Absence’ within the selected date will appear on the list:

By clicking you can see which pupils have ‘Unauthorised Absence’ for that day.

A list of these pupils will be displayed:

Click to return to the previous screen.

You may want to print the details in any panel by clickingon the right hand side. This button is available to make the panels bigger.

You can do the above with any panel on the homepage.

‘Missing Registers Notification’

Adding ‘missing registers notification’ to the homepage enables you to see the missing registers. The following screen will appear:

You can click on ‘message’, which will send a message to every teacher with a missing register.

This message will now appear under ‘My Messages’ on that teacher’s homepage:

By clicking to open the message, the details of the missing register will be displayed.

It is possible to reply by clicking ‘Reply’.

‘My Messages’

Through ‘Focus / Alerts / General Messages’, you can send a message to any SIMS user.

Click ‘New’ here.

The following screen will appear:

Click ‘Add’.

You will need to select the names of the recipients here:

To choose more than one recipient, press and hold ‘CTRL’ on the keyboard and then click on more than one name – this will add all the names selected to the ‘recipients’ screen.

After making your selection, click ‘Add’.

To remove any person, highlight the name and click ‘remove’.

You can type your message here, and once you have finished click ‘Send’.

The sent message will appear in the ‘My Messages’ panel:-

Click on the message to open.

Chooseto ‘Close’ or ‘Delete’ the message. There is also a ‘Reply’ and ‘Print’button.

‘My Reminders’

You can set ‘Reminders’ for different events within pupils’ ‘record’ e.g. end date of ‘Free School Meal Eligibility’, or pupils’ ‘SEN Review’ date.

To set ‘reminders’ you must go through FOCUS / ALERTS / SETUP REMINDERS.

Here, you will need to choose ‘Event Name’ and tick ‘Active’.You must fill in ‘days in advance’, which must be a minimum of 1 day.

e.g. ‘Free School Meal Eligibility’.

Within a pupil’s ‘record’, tab 6, ‘Dietary’,there is a free school meal ‘start’ and ‘end’ date. The date the ‘reminder’ will appear on the screen will depend on the ‘end date’.

Depending on the date, the ‘reminder’ will appear in the ‘My Reminders’ panel:

Click on the ‘reminder’ to open as follows:

‘Print’ and ‘Delete’ buttons are available here.

‘Teacher View’

To see asnapshotof a pupil’s data on one page, go through FOCUS / STUDENT / STUDENT TEACHER VIEW – the following screen will appear:

This screen enables you to see the pupil’s ‘Basic Details’, which includes the address and contact number of parents. You can also see the pupil’s ‘Attendance’, ‘Behaviour’, ‘Assessments’.

To display more information about the pupil, click on any of the links on the panels, which will open the relevant screen within the pupil’s record, e.g. by clicking on ‘Assessment’, the following screen will appear, i.e. all the pupil’s ‘Assessment results:

Adding a Marksheet to the ‘Favourite’ panel

Teachers using‘Marksheets’


By right clicking on the ‘Students’ column on any ‘marksheet’ and selecting ‘select additional student columns’, you can add new columns to the ‘marksheet’. By doing so, a list will appear.

Tick the relevant boxes and then click ‘OK’.

These columns will now have been added to the ‘marksheet’:

The data will only appear if the user has enough accessrights to see this section of the data.

To remove the added columns, right click the ‘students’ column then ‘select additional students columns’ and choose ‘Clear All’.

Clicking on within the ‘marksheet’ will enable you to access this ‘marksheet’ through the ‘Favourites’ panel on your homepage.

The ‘marksheet’ will now be available here:

Click on the ‘marksheet’link within the ‘Favourites’ panel which will take you straight to that ‘marksheet’.

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