New Mexico Human Services Department
Child Support Enforcement Division
This office has been informed that your Medicaid case has been terminated. However, if you have been reinstated or your Medicaid eligibility is open to another category, please disregard this notice.
As a former Medicaid recipient, you are entitled to continue child support services from the Child Support Enforcement Division (CSED). Fees for actions started by CSED after your Medicaid eligibility ended will be charged against future payments made by the non-custodial parent. The list of fees will be found in the accompanying Client Fact Sheet.
In the event that Child Support payments are received and remitted to you, you are personally liable for the return of any amounts you receive which are paid erroneously. This includes amounts that must be returned due to the filing of an amended return by the non-custodial parent's current non-obligated spouse within six years following the end of the tax year.
And if any payment sent to you was for a check that was returned to CSED for insufficient funds, you are liable for the repayment. In the case of insufficient funds, the next payments will be recouped at 100% until the amount is paid; other erroneous payments are recouped from succeeding payments at 25%. Please read the enclosed fact letter, which explains the CSED program for clients who are not receiving Medicaid.
There are many benefits of receiving Child Support Enforcement services, which will help you and your children. With your cooperation and the personal information only you can give, the Child Support program can provide the following valuable services: establishment of paternity, location of the absent parent, establishment and enforcement of child and medical support orders, enforcement of spousal support, and collection and distribution of child and spousal support. You need to be aware that your case will be closed if you fail to cooperate.
Effective enforcement techniques to obtain delinquent child support payments include withholding of income and/or wages by intrastate or interstate income assignment, interception of unemployment benefits, interception of state and federal tax refunds, seizure of property through referral to the Internal Revenue Service for full service collection, referral of delinquent amount to consumer reporting agencies, and referral to our attorney for necessary legal action. Each case must meet special conditions to be appropriate for any of these enforcement measures.
If you choose to continue receiving child support services, Child Support payments will be distributed in accordance with state and federal regulations. If you are not on TANF, payments are distributed first to on-going support, and then to unassigned arrears (that is to the custodial parent) and, after on-going support and unassigned arrears are paid, then assigned arrears (to the state). Any collection from state and federal tax refund intercepts will first apply to any TANF arrears and then to non-TANF arrears. If you are not receiving TANF or Medicaid benefits, fees will be taken out at 10% from any payments being distributed to you. Your warrant should reflect total amount distributed less any amount withheld for fees to get the total amount disbursed.
If you do not want CSED to continue acting on your case, you may ask us to stop, unless you are still eligible for Medicaid. If you are still eligible for Medicaid, we will continue action on the case and you will not be charged for CSED services. You may opt out of child support services, however, if you are still on Medicaid, medical support will still be pursued, and your cooperation is necessary. If you are ineligible for Medicaid and ask us to stop, we may continue the case to collect monies owed the state.
Questions on your case may be addressed to your caseworker through Customer Service (1-800-288-7207).
If you do not contact us, we will continue to work on your case and you agree to the fees and repayment of erroneous payments.
If you wish to stop receiving child support services, please sign below and return this to the address below:
Child Support Enforcement Division
PO Box 25110
Santa Fe, NM 87502
*I want to stop receiving child support services.
Signature: ______Date: ______
Enclosure: Form 538 B Fact Sheet
If you wish to stop receiving child support services, please sign below and return it to the address below.
Child Support Enforcement Division
Insert fields for field office return address’s
* I want to stop receiving child support services.
DATE: ______
CSED Form 538M Revised 10/02 CSED Worker ID