Child Plus: Change Family Information
Phone number or address
- In the “Services” tab (1 below), select the name of the participant whose information you would like to change.
- Click on “Application,” (2 below) then select “Family Information” (3 below).
- Use the scroll bar (4 below) to locate phone and address information.
- Add, edit, or delete phone and/or address information.
- Be sure to click “Save” when finished (5 below).
Add a new baby
- In the “Services” tab (1 below), select the name of the participant whose information you would like to change.
- Click on “Application” (2 below).
- Select “Add a Child” (3 below); enter the baby’s last name, first name, andbirthdate; then click “OK.”
- Under “General Information,” scroll down to enter the baby’s gender, race, and ethnicity (Hispanic/Latino).
- Be sure to click “Save” when finished (4 below).
Change a name (due to marriage, adoption, etc)
- In the “Services” tab (1 below), select the name of the participant whose information you would like to change.
- Click on “Application” (2 below).
- Choose the drop down arrow, next to the name of the individual of the child you have selected (3 below). Then,select the name of the individual that you would like to change.
- Use the scroll bar (4 below) to locate the name under of that individual in the “General Information” section.
- Move the prior last or first name to the “Nickname” section and add type in the new first or last name in the appropriate space.
- Use the scroll bar (4 below) to locate the “Notes” section.
- Once there, click the timestamp button (5 below) and type in reason for change (ex//adopted 8/2/17, last name changed from Lyons to Smith).
- Be sure to click “Save” when finished (6 below).
Update Insurance Information
- CFSs should ask families if their insurance information is current on a monthly basis. If medical or dental insurance information changes, complete the following steps:
- In the “Services” tab (1 below), select the name of the participant whose information you would like to change.
- Click on “Health” (2 below).
- Choose “Health Information” (3 below).
- Use the scroll bar (4 below) to locate “Health/Dental Coverage Notes (5 below).
- Select the date stamp (6 below) and add in new insurance information. Be sure to always use the format shown below MEDICAL INSURANCE:
- Update “Medicaid Eligibility” status, “Medicaid Number,” (7 below) and Other Health Coverage information (8 below) as necessary.
- “At End of Enrollment” should always reflect current coverage type.
- If you know the type of Medicaid, such as Meridian, this information can be typed in front of the Medicaid number you enter (ex// Meridian 1161384634)
- Click “Save.”