Dr. James A. Forrest Career and Technology Center: SkillsUSA is hosting a
Craft and Vendor Bazaar
At the Forrest Career and Technology Center
24005 Point Lookout Road, Leonardtown
Saturday April 22, 2017 10am to 2pm
To register and secure your spot mail or register in person with the following information and payment
Company: ______Consultant Name:______
Mailing Address:______
Phone Number:______Email: ______
Website: ______
Please list the items you will be offering for sale (use back if additional space is needed).
FEE: $25.00 for space/table in the Dohrman Room or $35.00 for a premium tablein the front lobby, payable by cash or check made payable to FCTC.Spots are reserved on a first come basis. Your receipt of payment guarantees your spot. Payment for the event is non-refundable.
In addition to the fee we are asking that you provide an item for the raffle table.
NOTE: Please let us know if you need to have special arrangements for electricity or any other needs. We will try to accommodate, but will not guarantee specific locations.
Event location: Dr. James A. Forrest Career and Technology Center
Set Up Time: Saturday, April 22, 2017 @ 0830-1000 am
Hours of Operation: Saturday, April 22 from1000 am – 200 p.m.
Break Down Time: 2-3pm
The Vendor Agrees:
1. To set up booth at the designated set-up time.
2. To release from any liability for injuries or losses associated with Forrest Career and Tech Center, and its members, staff, students, and associates.
3. To handle all business-related requirements, including collection of payments, delivery of products, and any other business matters related to his/her business.
4. To not begin closing down displays before the end of the hours of operation.
5. To not sublet your space or any part of it (one vendor per space).
6. Donate an item or gift certificate to be raffled for our raffle table.
I, the Vendor, have read this agreement carefully and agree to abide by its terms as set forth above.
Signature: ______Date: ______
Please mail or drop off to Bonnie Skinner, 24005 Point Lookout Road, Leonardtown MD 20650. Cash is accepted or you can make checks to FCTC. Please call Bonnie at 301-266-3872 or 301-475-0242 ext. 28201 (during school hours) with any questions.
FCTC will donate all proceeds to our SkillsUSAchapter at the conclusion of the event. This will help our students who will compete at the state and national championships and help offset other student or advisor related costs and fees for SkillsUSA.
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Payment amount: ______date: ______space assigned ______