October 20, 2010
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/ DISTRICT ACADEMIC SENATECurriculum Committee / (213) 891-2434
(213) 891-2144
Kathleen Bimber, Vice President, DCC Chair (City), David Beaulieu, President, DAS, Yasmin Delahoussaye, Vice Chancellor Educational Services, Dr. Kim Perry,VP Academic Affairs Liaison (City)
Friday, September 10, 2010
1:00 to 3:30 pm
Child & FamilyStudiesBuilding, Room 212
- Attendance:E. Atondo; PIERCE, J. Babb, TRADE; S. Berger, VALLEY; K. Bimber, DAS VP and DCC Chair,Judy Chow, WEST; B. Kimble, Dean Educational Support Services; L. McKenzie, HARBOR; A. Moore; SOUTHWEST, Said Pazirandeh, MISSION; K. Perry; VP Academic Affairs CIO Liaison, Maria Reisch, CITY;Steve Wardinski, EAST.
- Welcome and Approval of the Agenda-K. Bimber, DCC Chair, welcomed the committee and called the meeting to order at 1:10 PM. One item was added to the agenda, Repeatability.
- Approval September 10, 2010 Minutes-The minutes were reviewed and approved unanimously with the following change: 1) remove the last half of the sentence in item number 5 beginning with “….on the chart provided by Bimber a few months ago and would also find out when a Board Rule is considered in effect.” 2) Corrected spelling error in item number one under New Business (scheduled). 3) Added an “s” to ample in item number 4.
- Announcements/dates-DCC 2010-2011 dates: Sept. 10, Oct. 15, Nov. 19, Dec. 10, Jan. 14, Feb. 11, Mar. 11, Apr. 8, May 13, June. 10. ESL District Discipline Day – September 17 at WLAC. Bimber reviewed the meeting dates and starting time for the DCC meetings. The committee agreed to begin the meetings at 12:30 PM. Bimber reminded the committee the ESL District Discipline day is scheduled for September 17th at WestLos AngelesCollege. The chair encouraged members to attend to assist the ESL committee to achieve their goal to align curriculum with CB 21 coding.
Old Business:
- Re-review of Curriculum Posting Schedule-B. Kimble presented a revised posting schedule. She has been working on a district flow chart that will outline the steps to approval. M. Reisch asked if the Vice Chancellor’s Office could send the list of Board Approved courses,/programs, E-Regs and Board Rules after each Board meeting. It was suggested that Tara could do this each month.
- Stand Alone Certification-campus update-B. Kimble reminded campuses to turn in the Stand Alone Certification form if they have not already done so.
- SB 1440-next steps-K. Bimber discussed the memo from Jack Scott, CCC Chancellor, asking faculty and administration to hold off creating new transfer degrees until guidelines are written. His office is working with a sub-committee of CSU and CCC faculty to develop these guidelines.
- ECD Update-It was suggested that faculty could join the Administrators monthly workshops on ECD. S. Wardinski suggested we all share our ECD problems and solutions so we can learn from each other. A question was asked about the effective date for the Music unit/hour changes. B. Kimble said they will be in place August 23.
New Business:
- CIO Liaison report-K. Perry presented the CIO administrator’s discussion on repeatability. Repeatability needs to be in the course description and in the catalog. Non-CTE programs are not eligible for repeatability. K. Perry will send the Title 5 changes to the committee for review in order to determine if changes to the E-Reg are in order.
- DCC Goals and Tasks for 2010-2011-The committee identified the following goals/tasks for the 2010/2011 academic year: Cross-listing courses and developing the Transfer Degree by Fall 2011.
- ESL District Discipline Day – September 17 at WLAC-K. Bimber reminded the committee the ESL DDC is meeting September 17th to align the content in accordance with the State Academic Senate matrix for the CB 21 project. Bimber asked curriculum chairs to please attend the meeting to assist the ESL faculty with the content alignment. Bimber and E. Atondo announced they would attend the meeting.
- Best Practices for Engaging Faculty-the committee discussed various ways to engage faculty in the curriculum committee. To support regular participation it was suggested that absences be limited to three before replacing a representative. It was also suggested that administrators be included in ECD training sessions to familiarize them with the process. Another suggestion from the committee was to send courses to their In Box so administrators can view them and learn how to navigate in the system.
- Online Catalogs-M. Reisch asked if there is a legal restriction or an impact on Articulation if your campus only offers an online catalog. The committee felt an online only catalog would not affect Articulation. However, it can sometimes be difficult for students if the server goes down. Most campuses reported that students did not buy the catalog and many copies were left over.
- Process for Discipline Name Change-E-65 lists how to implement changes.
- SIS & Curriculum-K. Bimber explained J. Clerx needs volunteers from DCC to participate on the review of the curriculum portion of the new proposed SIS. E. Atondo, K. Bimber, S. Berger and S. Wardinski volunteered to participate on this sub-committee. Areas of concern discussed are tracking repeatability, minimum qualifications, interface between SIS, Human Resources, SAP and ECD.
- The meeting adjourned at 3:15 PM.