Climate & Energy Research Roundtable Brownbag
Thursday, April 23rd • 11 AM to 1 PM
Wisconsin Energy Institute • 1552 University Ave • Madison, WI • 53726
Room 1115 (first floor)
The Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts & Letters is seeking input on needs for research in Wisconsin energy and climate issues that would advance or expand the options for action outlined in its 2014 report Climate Forward: A Roadmap for Wisconsin’s Climate & Energy Future. The report discusses a variety of strategies to reduce Wisconsin’s carbon footprint, some of which may be more potent, precise or otherwise bolstered by additional data, analysis or investigations.
To this end, the Academy is partnering with the Global Health Institute (GHI) and Wisconsin Energy Institute (WEI) to convene experts in public health, ecology, renewable energy, climate change, urban planning, soil science, forestry and other related fields in a roundtable discussion.We will present the 2014 report and seek input on research needs that can supportnear-term advances within energy efficiency and conservation, renewable energy, transportation, and natural carbon storage. The Academy will use ideas generated at the roundtable to craft a summary detailing needs for research that will serve as an addendum to the Climate Forward Report. You can download your copy of Climate Forward here.
Researchers, faculty, and students and interested colleagues are welcome.
Coffee, tea, and light snacks will be served. Please feel free to bring a lunch. All those interested in attending should RSVP online.
If you have any questions, please email Meredith Keller, Academy Initiatives director, at .
About Climate Forward
Working with a team of energy and climate leaders, the Wisconsin Academy has developed Climate Forward, a “road map” of options that, if pursued, could significantly reduce Wisconsin’s carbon footprint and advance clean energy technologies. Building the dialog around these options will engage more leaders in driving forward-thinking choices in Wisconsin. Our primary audience is leaders in the field, researchers, opinion leaders, and decision makers who are developing Wisconsin climate and energy strategies. Collectively, they serve a much wider population in the state.
Using the road map as a tool for broadening and deepening the climate and energy conversation among leaders in Wisconsin is the primary thrust of our proposed work in the year ahead. By doing so, we aim to identify areas of agreement on specific options to advance responsive actions and policy in Wisconsin and to strengthen collaboration across the many fields that play a key role in energy and climate topics, from research to on-the-ground applications.
You can download your copy of Climate Forward here.