Child Development Coordinating Council Minutes
March 20, 2013
Voting Members Present:Colleen Dunn, Mary Groen, LauraBelle Sherman-Proehl, Analisa Pearson, Carla Peterson, Erin ClancyVoting Members Absent: Peg Macek, Julie Ingersoll, Betty Zan
Non-Voting Members Present: Cathy Wheatcraft
Non-Members Absent:Tom Rendon, Tracey Mavis
Staff to Council: Amy Stegeman, Diane Moore
Secretary: Lisa DuBois
Major Discussion Points
Approval of January 16, 2013 Minutes:Motion to Pass: Carla
2nd: Analisa
Roll Call:
Program Updates: Amy/Diane
Amy- Shared Visions Preschool 3rd quarter payments went out. The 2nd checkpoint for Gold is completed. Amy ran the first report showing 1344 children had enough data to be pulled into the report. Children must have been enrolled for both checkpoint periods to be included in this specific report which was a Snapshot Report generated from the GOLD Online System. Estimated applications state we should have approximately 1381 children in the program. Therefore, the Shared Visions Preschool Program appears to have been well represented in the data collection through GOLD.
Evelyn Davis- The program continues to meet all of the conditions previously set by the Council. Most recently, the program data was submitted in 2nd checkpoint in GOLD
Homes of Oakridge - A letter has been sent with the corrective action plan. Betty reviewed and signed as chair for council. They have provided a letter from NAEYC that showed that their intent to renew was accepted and the visit should occur by November 30, 2013. They have also submitted much information addressing the corrective action plan around preventative plans.
Red Oak –Information was submitted stating that their site visit from NAEYC should occur by March 30, 2013.
College Community – They have submitted a copy of the application that was sent to NAEYC with a candidacydate of September 30, 2013.
Diane provided an update for the Shared Visions Parent Support IPad/REDcap pilot project. Updates to the training manual received by pilot participants during the January 4th training has been updated and distributed to those who attended. Data entry into the REDcap system began in January, with the option for programs to enter their program and family data from July 1. Alternatively for FY 2013 SV programs cansubmit July through December’s data on paper and the remainder of the year from the REDcap system.Beginning on July 1stall Early Childhood Iowa (ECI) funded family support programs are required to enter their data into the REDcap system. Diane asked the Council to consider recommending that all of the SV programs also move to enter their data into REDcap. Since 7 of the 9 programs are in the REDcap pilot, this would only apply to the two remaining programs. Free training will be provided by the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) family support programs. Additionally, webinars will be available as refreshers to those who attended the training in January.
After a brief conversation, a motion was made by LauraBelle: The shared visions parent supports programs will all use the redcap system for data collection and analysis for program improvement by July 1, 2013 for fiscal year 2014.
The motion was seconded by Erin and passed unanimously. Diane will inform the program managers and send the information regarding the free training to those programs.
CDCC Process for Decision-Making Flow Chart: Analisa/LauraBelle
Analisa and LauraBelle presented the draft of the flow chart outlining a process for the council in making decisions regarding those programs who lose or fail to renew their National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) accreditation. In general, preschool programs have a year to renew with NAEYC if not handled in a year then they need to start over with a new application.
Amy asked for thoughts/ideas about the suggested timeline within the draft located on page two. NAEYC gives programs a year, but some of the council members recommended six months as a time frame for programs to resubmit for renewal.
The subcommittee was going to meet again before the next CDCC meeting in May and then further discussion will be held when the council has a face-to-face meeting.
Review Summary of Feedback Regarding year-end report Data: Amy/Diane
The Council received an electronic copy of the year-end report along with a list of suggestions from our January meeting. Some of the suggestions were included in the FY12 report. For example, both preschool and parent support recommendations from the Council were listed together at the back of the report. Graphs were changed to reflect the relationship of declining participation and decrease in funding.
Diane shared that having parent support programs use the REDcap system will help improve the quality of the data and possibly provide some additional family assessment data that is not required but may be available because most programs receive funding from ECI and other sources.
Legislative Update:
LauraBelle- the Department of Education was asked to provide a presentation to the Education Appropriations Subcommittee. The presentation went well and the only question asked was about the number of children on the waiting lists. LauraBelle pointed out that Shared Visions programs served high risk children and that over the years, the funding has been declining.
Amy reported that she was able to attend many of the DE legislative briefings and there has been little mention of bills regarding preschool at this point. Most of the updates during the weekly legislative briefings have been about the education reform bill. One version of this bill has included some language around uses of Statewide Voluntary Preschool funding and kindergarten readiness. However, this will all be discussed and changed as it moves to Conference Committee.
CDCC Member Updates:
LauraBelle–The Iowa Early Learning Standards (IELS) have been revised and released. They should be posted on both the ECI website and DE website.
Mary - There have been statewide webinars on IELS and AEA’s are now taking the information to principals. She encouraged Council members to attend the Iowa Association for the Education of Young Children (IAEYC) Spring Leadership conference on May 11 in Des Moines. Copies of the new IELS are being printed and will be distributed to attendees.
Cathy - Tammy Worman wrote a curriculum on the old ELS and now will be working on updating the curriculum with the revision of the IELS.
Erin - Wrap around child care is conducting onsite monitoring visits. Contract specialistsfrom DHS are going out and looking at the level of continuity in the programs and the kinds of programming being provided and how they collaborate with either the Shared Visions or HeadStart program that they are linked with. There are 50,000 people using the training registry. DHS staff will be advocating for use of the updated IELS in several areas.
Analisa –IDPH is watching a number of bills that affect early childhood services. She is also in the process of revising the Injury Prevention Checklist and Health and Safety nursing assessment tools over the summer and will be piloting that soon.
Carla –She and Kari Hughes-Belding are doing an external evaluation of the Iowa Maternal, Infant, Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) grant program. The Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) is a website that HeadStart supports that is available with a great deal of new and updated information that is very applicable to early childhood.
Public Comment: None
Possible May Agenda Items:
- CDCC flow chart report from sub committee
- Discussion of funding for Shared Visions
- Program updates/Red Oak
- Legislative update if there is any information
- Look at next calendar year for meeting dates
- Look at appointments for council members
2nd: LauraBelle
All approved-unanimous
Future CDCC Meeting Dates/Times:
May 8, 2013 10:00 – 3:00 Grimes Building (B50)
July 17, 2013 10:00 – 3:00 Grimes Building (optional)
Decisions, If Any, Related to Discussion Points
Next Steps
- Send future agenda items to Amy or Diane
Next Meeting
May 8, 201310:00 – 3:00 / Grimes Building, Room B50 in basement