Program Chair:
You must maintain a 2.7 GPA in the first 3 years and a 3.0 GPA in the last year on this track. You must meet with an advisor every quarter when completing this track. Please note the areas that you must complete with a ‘C’ or better. (FYI: Students will need 180 units to graduate with this degree; including 60 upper division units) (Transfers: 75 units at a 4 year university; 45 units must be at CSUB; 36 units upper division). SSE Advising office phone no. 661-654-3337.
3/07 / Course / Term / Unit / GrdI. General Education Requirements
Part 1: Lower –Division Component
Area A: Communication in the English Language
One course from each of the sub-areas. *(Must have a ‘C’ or higher)
*A1. / Speaking & listening
Comm 108 or Thtr 232
*A2. / Writing and reading
Engl 110
*A3. / Writing –intensive critical thinking and logical reasoning
Anth 120, 121,Phil 102 or Soc 120
Area B: Mathematics, Life and Physical Sciences
One course from each of the sub-areas. Higher level science courses taken for a major or minor also satisfy the areas found below
B1/B3. / Physical Sciences and lab: Chem 100A, 100B, 100C, 100D, 100E, Geol 100, 110, 120, 201, 205, or Phys 110
B2/B3. / Life Sciences and lab: Biol 100 or 103
*B4. / Mathematics (Must have a ‘C’ or higher)
Math 140 or Psyc 200.
STATS only accepted B4.
(Math 192 or higher level mathematics courses satisfy Area B4 and earn a maximum of 5 quarter units toward the general education program. Math 221, 222, 320, 321 and 477 do not satisfy Area B4. Upper division math courses that satisfy Area B4 are not treated as one of the three upper division general education courses.)
Area C: Arts and Humanities
One (1) course from three (3) of the following five sub-areas
C1. / Art or Performing Arts
Art 101, 201, 202, Mus 101, 105, 295, Thtr 101 or 273
Required area: C1.
C2. / For Lang: Fren 102. 103, 201, 202, Span 102, 103, 105, 201, 202 or 210
C3. / History: Hist 102, 202, 204, 206, 210,211, 212, 222, 240 or 250
C4. / Literature: Engl 101, 205, 207, 208, 235, 272, 290, 294 or 295
C5. / Philosophy/Religious Studies: Phil 100, 101, RS 100, 110 or 111
Area D: Social and Behavioral Sciences
One course from three (3) of the following five sub-areas
D1. / Anthropology: Anth 100, 104, 106, 253
D2. / Economics: Econ 100, 105, 201, 202
**D3. / Political Science: Plsi 101 or PPA 275 (Need to graduate)
D4. / Psychology: Psyc 100
D5. / Sociology: Soc 100
Freshmen Orientation CSUB 101
Part 2: Upper-Division Component - Need 90 units to take
Theme 1: Natural Sciences and Technology – 1 course (Need ALL Area A & B)
Inst 312, SCI 351A, 351B, 351C, 352A, 352B, 352C, 353, 354A, 354B, 354C, 355A, 355B, 355C, 355D, 355E
Theme 1
Theme 2: Arts and Humanities – 1 course (Need ALL Area A, B & C)
Art 382, 388, 483, Comm 345, 378, 407, 460, Engl 362, 363, 365, 366, 373, 395, 414, 475,Fren 301, 302, 380, Hist 303, 309, 325, 401, 426, 443, 445, 453, InSt 312, 363, Mus 380, 390, 395, Phil 302, 308, 310, 316, Phil/Plsi 333, 342, 363, RS 313, 316, 320, 323, 336, 378, 465,Span 301, 302, 303, 416, 419, 427, 428, Thtr 371, 372, 385
Theme 2
Theme 3: Social and Behavioral Sciences- 1 course (Need ALL Area A, B & D)
Anth 310, 340, 350, 351, 475, BA 374, BehS 307, 382, CrJu 310, 340, 380, 494, Econ 305, 310, 311,370, 410, INST 363,PLSI 304, 308,328, 332, PPA 300, 340, Psyc 312, 332, 435, Soc 312, 339, 350, 352, 405 or 450
Theme 3
2. US Institutions Graduation Requirement
a. / Hist 231 or 232
3. Gender, Race and Ethnicity Graduation Requirements
a. / GRE (CAFS 320)
4. Satisfaction of Graduation Writing Requirement
a. Admin 510, Comm 304, 306, 311, Engl 305, 310, 311, Hist 300 or PPA 493 (Must have junior standing, 90 units or more, prior to completing course or test. Students may test out of GWAR course by scoring 8+ on the Graduation Writing Exam.
‘C-’ or better in all major courses
CAFS 200 (5)*
CAFS 110 (2)
Field Experience
EDTE 300 (3)
Math 140 pre-requisite for all core coursework
Core coursework– All required
CAFS 208*,350,or 360** (5)
CAFS 280, 230 or 430(5)
CAFS 320 (5) GRE
CAFS 311**or 313(5)
CAFS 312 (5)
(Take following courses sequential) (Math 140 pre-req)
CAFS 400 (5) (F, W)
CAFS 410 (5) (W, S)
CAFS 490 (3) (S, F)
MINOR: (Composed of an approved minor or special minor)
REMINDER: Foreign Language Graduate requirement
Credential Courses – Stage 1 courses are used for BA degree (180 units). I f not needed for degree students must request for post-bac credits.
Foun / EDSP 301 (3)
EDTE 410 (4)
EDTE 416 (3)
S-1 / EDTE 415 (3) (CTAP)
EDTE 401 (1) TPA 1
EDEL 460 (4)
EDEL 461 (4)
EDEL 462 (4)
S-2 / EDEL 463 (4)
EDEL 464 (4)
EDEL 465 (4)
EDTE 402 (1) TPA 2
Post bac units
S-3 / EDEL 499 (10) (449)
EDTE 403 (1) TPA 3
EDTE 404 (2) TPA 4
NOTE: This track will require all Credential Foundation, Stage 1 & 5 units of Stage 2 coursework to equal 180 units required to graduate. (11/7/2013)
*Need these 3 courses to meet core requirements for CCTC Child Development Associate Teacher Permit. (CAFS 200, 208 & 220)
** Need these 3 courses to meet core requirements for CCTC Child Development Master Teacher Permit. (CAFS 250, 311 & 350)