Chief Minister's Reading Challenge

Author List 3 - 4page 1 of 16

Title / Author / Year
Hello New / Agard, John / 3-4
Bravest Ever Bear, The / Ahlberg, Allan / 3-4
Please Mrs. Butler / Ahlberg, Allan / 3-4
Cat Who Got Carried Away, The / Ahlberg, Allan & McEwen, Katherine (ill.) / 3-4
Man Who Wore All His Clothes, The / Ahlberg, Allan & McEwen, Katherine (ill.) / 3-4
Burglar Bill / Ahlberg, Janet & Allan / 3-4
Jeremiah in the Dark Woods / Ahlberg, Janet & Allan / 3-4
No Hat Brigade / Airey, Miriam / 3-4
Hairy Story, A / Alexander, Goldie & Cammell, Sandra / 3-4
Captain Gallant / Alexander, Goldie & Hamill, Dion (ill.) / 3-4
DK Guide to Weather / Allaby, Michael / 3-4
Anthology for the Earth / Allen, Judy (ed.) / 3-4
Black Dog / Allen, Pamela / 3-4
Kate, the Cat and the Moon / Almond, David & Lambert, Stephen (ill.) / 3-4
Camille and the Sunflowers / Anholt, Laurence / 3-4
Boyz Rule Series (new) / Arena, Felice / 3-4
India the Showstoppers / Argent, Kerry / 3-4
Police Officer / Artis, Lara / 3-4
Rude Ramsey and the Roaring Radishes / Atwood, Margaret & Petricic, Dunsan / 3-4
Very Messy Inspection, The (Piccolo & Annabelle 1) / Axelsen, Stephen / 3-4
Nigel / Axelsson, Carina / 3-4
Drac and the Gremlin / Baillie, Allan / 3-4
DragonQuest / Baillie, Allan / 3-4
Imp (Aussie Bites) / Baillie, Allan / 3-4
Old Magic / Baillie, Allan & Wu, Di / 3-4
Hidden Forest, The / Baker Jeannie / 3-4
Home in the Sky / Baker Jeannie / 3-4
Story of Rosy Dock, The / Baker, Jeannie / 3-4
Crock on the Loose / Baldwin, Grace MacDonald / 3-4
Emily Eyefinger Series: Any Emily Eyefinger Book Can Be Read Here / Ball, Duncan / 3-4
Emily Eyefinger: City in the Sky (new) / Ball, Duncan / 3-4
Selby (series) / Ball, Duncan / 3-4
Selby's Stardom (new) / Ball, Duncan / 3-4
Selby Shattered (new) / Ball, Duncan Stomann / 3-4
Longman Animal lifestyles (any book in the series) / Ballance, Alison / 3-4
Mousehole Cat, The / Barber, Antonia & Bayley, Nicola (ill.) / 3-4
Aboriginal Peoples of Australia / Bartlett, Anne / 3-4
Spiggie / Bartlett, Maureen & Milne, Sally (ill.) / 3-4
Dougal's deep-sea diary / Bartram, Simon / 3-4
About This Little Devil and This Little Fella / Barunga, Albert & Mueche, Stephen & Dowling, Julie / 3-4
Eleventh Hour, The (new) / Base, Graham / 3-4
Animalia / Base, Green / 3-4
Hold-up Heroes, The / Bates, Dianne / 3-4
Cinderella (Aussie Nibbles) / Bates, Dianne & Viska, Peter(ill.) / 3-4
MusterMe a Song: Anne Bell Reciter / Bell, Anne / 3-4
Sniffy the Sniffer Dog / Bell, Krista & Smith, Craig / 3-4
If the Shoe Fits / Bell, Krista & Smith, Craig (ill.) / 3-4
Madeline / Bemelmans, Ludwig / 3-4
Madeline's Rescue / Bemelmans, Ludwig / 3-4
Dare to be Different: A Celebration of Freedom in association with Amnesty International / Bergin, Elana (& others) / 3-4
Nick Mack's Good Luck / Bergman, Mara & Barton, Jill (ill.) / 3-4
Black Skin, White Cow / Bersaconi, Pablo / 3-4
Human Body (Eyewonder series) / Bingham, Caroline / 3-4
Minou / Bingham, Mindy & Maeno, Itoko / 3-4
Swimming / Bizley, Kirk / 3-4
Princess and the Unicorn, The / Blaxland, Wendy & Millard, Kerry / 3-4
Superfudge / Blume, Judy / 3-4
Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing / Blume, Judy / 3-4
Enchanted Wood, The / Blyton, Enid / 3-4
Magic Faraway Tree, The / Blyton, Enid / 3-4
Crossing of the Blue Mountains, The / Boardman, Alan & Harvey, Roland (ill.) / 3-4
Eureka Stockade / Boardman, Alan & Harvey, Roland (ill.) / 3-4
First Fleet, The / Boardman, Alan & Harvey, Roland (ill.) / 3-4
Bear Called Paddington, A / Bond, Michael / 3-4
Paddington Goes to Hospital / Bond, Michael / 3-4
Maddy in the Middle / Bone, Ian / 3-4
Philomena Wonderpen is a Very Naughty Teacher / Bone, Ian & Dawson, Janine (ill.) / 3-4
Chaucer the Cat and the Animal Pilgrims / Borlenghi, Patricia / 3-4
Aphrodite Alexandra (new) / Bouras, Gillian & Pignataro, Anna (ill.) / 3-4
Aussiemaze / Bowring, Jane & Fossell, Judith / 3-4
Mr Trim and Miss Jumble / Boxall, Ed / 3-4
Here Come the Heebie Jeebies and Other Scary Poems / Bradman, Tony & Roberts, David (ill.) / 3-4
All Aboard the Toy Train / Bradman, Tony (comp.) & Cunliffe, Ian (ill.) / 3-4
Sherlock Bones / Brecon, Connah / 3-4
Growing Up at Uluru Australia / Breedon, Stan / 3-4
Nature's Way A to Z / Brian, Janeen & Leitch, Helen (ill.) / 3-4
Jim and the Beanstalk / Briggs, Raymond / 3-4
Ug, Boy Genius of the Stone Age (new) / Briggs, Raymond / 3-4
Flat Stanley / Brown Jeff / 3-4
Turtle's Song / Brown, Alan & Toft, Kim (ill.) / 3-4
Changes / Browne, Anthony / 3-4
Piggybook / Browne, Anthony / 3-4
Outside the lines / Burg, Brad & Gibbon, Rebecca(ill.) / 3-4
Kupi-Kupi and the Girl / Burton, Daphne Punytijina / 3-4
Giraffe Who Got in a Knot, The / Bush, John & Geraghty, Paul (ill.) / 3-4
Karate Star / Caisley, Raewyn / 3-4
Queen's Cubby, The / Caisley, Raewyn & Hurst, Elise (ill.) / 3-4
All Dressed Up / Campbell, Margaret & Pignataro, Anna (ill.) / 3-4
Cockroach Cup, The / Caraher, Kim / 3-4
Big Bazoohley, The / Carey, Peter / 3-4
Eddy the Demon Bowler / Carroll, Jane / 3-4
Billy the Punk / Carroll, Jessica / 3-4
Thunder Egg Thief, The / Cason, Sue & Foye, Lloyd / 3-4
Hyram and B / Caswell, Brian & Ottley, Matt (ill.) / 3-4
Not Quite a Mermaid / Chapman, Linda / 3-4
Teacher Alligator / Charles, Fausten &Wojtowycz, David / 3-4
Lighthouse Kids, The / Chase, Diana / 3-4
Killer plants and How to Grow Them / Cheers, Gordon / 3-4
Lord of the Cranes / Chen, Kerstin / 3-4
One Child / Cheng, Christopher & Woolman, Steven / 3-4
Clarice Bean, That's Me / Child, Lauren / 3-4
Hubert Horatio Bartle Bobton-Trent / Child, Lauren / 3-4
I Will Not Ever Eat a Tomato / Child, Lauren / 3-4
My Uncle is a Hunkle Says Clarice Bean / Child, Lauren / 3-4
That Pesky Rat / Child, Lauren / 3-4
Pincess and the Pea, The / Child, Lauren & Borland, Polly / 3-4
My Home in Kakadu / Christophersen, Jane & Christophersen / 3-4
Convicted: The Unwonderful World of Kids, Crims and other Convict Capers / Clark, Anna & Crowley, Kate (ill.) / 3-4
Littlest Pirate, The (Aussie Nibbles) / Clark, Cheryl & Jellet, Tom (ill.) / 3-4
Crackle (Aussie Bites) / Clark, Margaret / 3-4
S.N.A.G.: Sensitive New-Age Gladiator / Clark, Margaret / 3-4
Sheila the Heeler / Clark, Margaret / 3-4
Meatball's Good Dog Day / Clark, Margaret & Hayes, Phil (ill.) / 3-4
Very Best of Aesop's Fables, The / Clark, Margaret & Voake, Charlotte (ill.) / 3-4
Batter Up (Aussie bites) / Clark, Sherryl / 3-4
Tiger Trouble (Aussie Bites) / Clark, Sheryl / 3-4
Too-Tight Tutu, The (Aussie Bites) / Clark, Sheryl / 3-4
Journey to the Stars / Clark, Stuart / 3-4
Insects / Claybourne, Anna / 3-4
Mammals / Claybourne, Anna / 3-4
Plants / Claybourne, Anna / 3-4
Secret World of Lizards, The / Claybourne, Anna / 3-4
Mouse and the Motorcycle, The / Cleary, Beverly / 3-4
Counting On Frank / Clement, Rod / 3-4
Frank in Time / Clement, Rod / 3-4
Just Another Ordinary Day / Clement, Rod / 3-4
Louisa May Pickett: The Most Boring Person in Class / Clement, Rod / 3-4
Mammals / Clutton-Brock, Juliet / 3-4
Mieko and the Fifth Treasure / Coerr, Eleanor / 3-4
Animals Scare Me Stiff / Cole, Babette / 3-4
Long Live Princess Smartypants / Cole, Babette / 3-4
Princess Smartypants / Cole, Babette / 3-4
Friends of Emily Culpepper, The / Coleridge, Anne / 3-4
Legend of Spud Murphy,The / Colfer, Eoin / 3-4
Legend of Captain Crow's Teeth, The / Colfer, Eoin & McCoy, Glenn (ill.) / 3-4
Birds / Collins, Fergus / 3-4
Home Run / Collins, Paul & Brecon, Connah / 3-4
Albert Ironstain / Condon, Bill / 3-4
Miss Wolf and the Porkers (Aussie Bites) / Condon, Bill & Magerl, Caroline (ill.) / 3-4
So Much / Cooke, Trish & Oxenbury, Helen / 3-4
Magician's Boy, The / Cooper, Susan / 3-4
Red-Eyed Tree Frog / Cowley, Joy & Bishop, Nic (phot.) & / 3-4
Kangaroo Who Couldn't Hop, The / Cox, Robert & Robins, Jim (ill.) / 3-4
King's Shopping, The / Crebbin, June & Johnson, Cadwell, Warwick (ill.) / 3-4
Fish For Breakfast / Cresp, Gael & Pignataro, Anna / 3-4
Saw Doctor, The / Crew, Gary & Cox, David / 3-4
Rainbow, The / Crew, Gary & Rogers, Gregory / 3-4
Arno the Garbo / Crew, Gary & Smith, Craig / 3-4
Esio Trot / Dahl, Roald / 3-4
Fantastic Mr Fox / Dahl, Roald / 3-4
George's Marvellous Medicine / Dahl, Roald / 3-4
James and the Giant Peach / Dahl, Roald / 3-4
Magic Finger, The / Dahl, Roald / 3-4
Twits, The / Dahl, Roald / 3-4
Enormous Crocodile, The / Dahl, Roald / 3-4
Dirty Beasts / Dahl, Roald & Blake, Quentin (ill.) / 3-4
Eyes in the Dark / Dale, Kim / 3-4
Minpins, The / Dalh, Roald & Benson, Patrick (ill.) / 3-4
Fair, Brown and Trembling: An Irish Cinderella Story / Daly, Jude / 3-4
To Everything There is A Season / Daly, Jude / 3-4
Bernice Knows Best (Aussie bites) / Dann, Max / 3-4
Cat Chocolate / Darling, Kate / 3-4
Extreme Adventures Series (new) / D'Ath, Justin / 3-4
Goldfever (Aussie Bites) / D'Ath, Justin / 3-4
Robbie and the Dolphins / D'Ath, Justin & Johnson, Jessica / 3-4
Birds (Kingfisher Young Knowledge) / Davies, Nicola / 3-4
Deserts (Kingfisher Young Knowledge) / Davies, Nicola / 3-4
Oceans and Seas (Kingfisher Young Knowledge) / Davies, Nicola / 3-4
One, Tiny Turtle / Davies, Nicola / 3-4
Roland Wright, Future Knight (new) / Davis, Tony & Rogers, Gregory (ill.) / 3-4
No Cat, and That's That (Aussie Nibbles) / Dawe, Bruce & McLean, Andrew (ill.) / 3-4
Show and Tell (Aussie Nibbles / Dawe, Bruce & McLean, Andrew (ill.) / 3-4
Luke and Lulu (Aussie Bites) / Dawe, Robert / 3-4
Story of Babar, The / de Brunhoff, Jean / 3-4
Just You Wait / De Kantzow, Megan & Smith, Craig (ill.) / 3-4
Just Shocking (new) / Denton, Terry / 3-4
Wombat and Fox, Summer in the City (new) / Denton, Terry / 3-4
Days of the Blackbird / dePaola, Tomie / 3-4
Strega Nona / dePaola, Tomie / 3-4
Our Rooster, Jack / Dodd- Farrawell, Kathryn & Russell / 3-4
Badly Drawn Dog / Dodson Emma / 3-4
Fairy Tales / Doherty, Berlie & Ray, Jane (ill.) / 3-4
Charlie Cook's Favourite Book / Donaldson, Julia & Scheffler, Axel (ill.) / 3-4
Bermuda Triangle / Donkin, Andrew / 3-4
Birds (Eyewonder series) / Dorling Kindersley (pub.) / 3-4
Bugs (Eyewonder Series) / Dorling Kindersley (pub.) / 3-4
Dinosaurs (Eyewonder Series) / Dorling Kindersley (pub.) / 3-4
Dolphins and Whales (Eyewonder Series) / Dorling Kindersley (pub.) / 3-4
Eyewonder Series: One Eyewonder book can be read using this number / Dorling Kindersley (pub.) / 3-4
Most Loved Monster / Downey, Lynn & Davis, Jack E (ill.) / 3-4
Usborne First Encyclopaedia of Space, The / Dowswell, Paul / 3-4
Isador Brown's Strangest Adventure of All (Aussie Bites) / Dubosarsky, Ursula / 3-4
Two Gorillas, The (Aussie Nibbles) / Dubosarsky, Ursula & Vane, Mitch (ill.) / 3-4
Sea Turtles / Dunbier, Sally / 3-4
John Eales: Rugby Facts and Fun for Kids / Eales, John & Batchelor, Lindy / 3-4
Pigstail the Pirate / Elliot, David / 3-4
My Map Book / Fanelli, Sara / 3-4
Rockets and Other Spacecraft / Farndon, John / 3-4
Eureka Gold / Farrer, Vashti / 3-4
Lulubelle and Her Bones / Farrer, Vashti / 3-4
Ned's Kang-u-roo / Farrer, Vashti / 3-4
Mr Noah and the Cats / Farrer, Vashti & Curtis, Neil (ill.) / 3-4
Australia at the Beach / Fatchen, Max / 3-4
Terrible Troy (Crazy Tales 4) / Fatchen, Max / 3-4
Tashi and the Forbidden Room (new) / Fienberg, Anna / 3-4
Magnificient Nose and Other Marvels, The / Fienberg, Anna / 3-4
Tashi and the Stolen Bus (new) / Fienberg, Anna / 3-4
Tashi (series) / Fienberg, Anna & Brabara & / 3-4
Horrendo's Curse / Fienberg, Anna & Gamble Kim (ill.) / 3-4
Tashi and the Mixed Up Monster (new) / Fienberg, Anna & Gamble, Kim / 3-4
Charm School / Fine, Anne / 3-4
Lily and the Wizard Wackoo / Fitzpatrick, Judy / 3-4
Story About Ping, The / Flack, Marjorie & Wiese, Kurt (ill.) / 3-4
Ranger's Apprentice series (new) / Flanagan, John / 3-4
On the Team / Flynn, Rachel & Smith, Craig (ill.) / 3-4
Rainbow Jackets / Forrestal, Elaine / 3-4
Pet Poems / Foster, John & Paul, Korky (ill.) / 3-4
Rhyme Around the Day / Foster, John & Thompson, Carol (ill.) / 3-4
Fireworks: A Book of Wordplay Poems / Foster, John (ed.) & Hughes, Rian (ill.) / 3-4
Not Again, Dad / Fowler, Thurley & Smith, Craig / 3-4
Pet Palace / Frater, Adrienne / 3-4
Corduroy / Freeman, Don / 3-4
One Perfect Day / French Jackie / 3-4
Café on Callisto, The / French, Jackie / 3-4
How the Finnenigans Saved the Ship / French, Jackie / 3-4
Pete The Sheep / French, Jackie / 3-4
Stamp Stomp Womp and Other Interesting Ways to Get Rid of Pests / French, Jackie / 3-4
Stories To Eat with a Blood Plum / French, Jackie / 3-4
There's A Wallaby at the Bottom of My Garden / French, Jackie / 3-4
There's an Echidna at the Bottom of My Garden / French, Jackie / 3-4
My Dad the Dragon / French, Jackie & King, Steven Michael / 3-4
Space Bug, The / French, Jackie & Vane, Mitch (ill.) / 3-4
Diary of a Wombat / French, Jackie & Whatley, Bruce (ill.) / 3-4
Shaggy Gully Times, The (new) / French, Jackie & Whatley, Bruce (ill.) / 3-4
Kingfisher Book of Fairy Tales, The / French, Vivian / 3-4
Brian the Giant / French, Vivian & Heap, Sue (ill.) / 3-4
Lifecycle of a Pumpkin / Fridell, Ron & Walsh, Patricia / 3-4
Lifecycle of a Silkworm / Fridell, Ron & Walsh, Patricia / 3-4
Lifecycle of a Spider / Fridell, Ron & Walsh, Patricia / 3-4
Nardika Learns to Make a Spear / Fry, Chris / 3-4
Game or Not (Aussie Bite) / Fusillo, Archimede / 3-4
Gruesome Truth, The / Gallate, Bernard / 3-4
Lighthouse Secrets, The / Garnsworthy, Penny / 3-4
There's a Wardrobe in My Monster / Geoghegan, Adrienne & Johnson, Adrian / 3-4
Tortuga / Geraghty, Paul / 3-4
Ballet Class, The / Geras, Adele & McNicholas, Shelelagha (ill.) / 3-4
Big Rain Coming / Germein, Katrina & Bancroft, Bronwyn (ill.) / 3-4
Materials (Kingfisher Young Knowledge / Gifford, Clive / 3-4
Robots (Kingfisher Young Knowledge) / Gifford, Clive / 3-4
Dolphins / Giles, Bridget / 3-4
Something From Nothing / Gilman, Phoebe / 3-4
Great Bear, The / Gleeson, Libby / 3-4
Hannah and the Tomorrow Room / Gleeson, Libby / 3-4
Hannah Plus One / Gleeson, Libby / 3-4
Ordinary Day, An / Gleeson, Libby / 3-4
Ray's Olympics / Gleeson, Libby & Cox, David (ill.) / 3-4
Belly Flop (new) / Gleitzman, Morris / 3-4
Bumface (new) / Gleitzman, Morris / 3-4
Dirt Experiment, The / Glover, Richard & Gordon, Gus (ill.) / 3-4
Day I turned Ten, The (Aussie Bites) / Godwin, Jane / 3-4
Solar System (Kingfisher Young Knowledge) / Goldsmith, Dr Mike / 3-4
Trucks, Tractors and Cranes / Gore, Bryson / 3-4
Long-Long's New Year / Gower, Catherine & Zhihong, He (ill.) / 3-4
Kuia and the Spider, The / Grace, Patricia / 3-4
Our Big Island / Greenwood, Mark & Lessac, Frane (ill.) / 3-4
Florizella and the Giant / Gregory, Philippa / 3-4
School For Girls, A / Grice, Natalie / 3-4
100 Australian Poems for Children / Griffith, Kathryn & Scott-Mitchell, Claire (eds) & / 3-4
Cat on the Mat is Flat (new) / Griffiths, Andy / 3-4
What Bumosaur is That? (new) / Griffiths, Andy / 3-4
Captain Pepper's Pets / Grindley, Sally & Parkins, David (ill.) / 3-4
Dear Max / Grindley, Sally & Ross, Tony (ill.) / 3-4
Sardine in Outer Space (new) / Guibert, Emmanual / 3-4
Travelling Solo To... (series) / Guthridge, Bettina / 3-4
Alan the Alien / Hall, Penny / 3-4
Fixing the Tiger / Hall, Penny / 3-4
Fraidy Cats / Hall, Penny / 3-4
Little Elephant's Song / Hanel, Wolfram / 3-4
Psycho Gran / Harris, Christine & Guthridge, / 3-4
Climbing Mount Sugarbin (Aussie Bites) / Harvey, Pam / 3-4
At the Beach: Postcarts from Crabby Spit / Harvey, Roland / 3-4
In the Bush, Our Holiday at Wombat Flat / Harvey, Roland / 3-4
Caravan Kids / Hathorn, Libby & Connor, Julie (ill.) / 3-4
Mustara / Hawke, Rosanne & Ingpen, Robert (ill.) / 3-4
Collector, The / Hawke, Rosanne & Pignataro, Anna (ill.) / 3-4
Ships and Other Seacraft / Hawkes, Nigel / 3-4
Fairytale news / Hawkins, Colin & Jacqui / 3-4
Astronaut: Living in Space / Hayden, Kate & Dennis, Peter / 3-4
Horse Show / Hayden, Kate & Dennis, Peter / 3-4
Gift, The / Haythorn, Libby / 3-4
Guinea Pig / Head, Honor & Burton, Jane (phot.) / 3-4
Rabbit / Head, Honor & Burton, Jane (phot.) / 3-4
Rats and Mice / Head, Honor & Burton, Jane (phot.) / 3-4
Treasury of Poetry / Hedley, Alistair & Aldous, Kate / 3-4
Pete Paddock-Basher / Heffernan, John / 3-4
Boof Thief, The (new) / Heffernan, John & Axelsen, Stephen (ill.) / 3-4
Two Summers / Heffernan, John & Blackwood, Freya / 3-4
Island, The / Heffernan, John & Sheehan, Peter (ill.) / 3-4
Chrysanthemum / Henkes, Kevin / 3-4
Poetry to the Rescue / Herrick, Steven / 3-4
Mabel Dancing / Hest, Amy / 3-4
River Boy / Hill, Anthony / 3-4
In My Backyard / Hilton, Nette / 3-4
Tough Lester / Hilton, Nette / 3-4
Strays / Hilton, Nette & Millard, Kerry (ill.) / 3-4
Star of the Circus (new) / Hilton, Nette & Stewart, Chantel (ill.) / 3-4
How Tom Beat Captain Najork and his hired sportsman / Hoban, Russell / 3-4
4F for Freaks / Hobbs, Leigh / 3-4
4F for Freaks (new) / Hobbs, Leigh / 3-4
Fiona the Pig / Hobbs, Leigh / 3-4
Freaks Ahoy! (new) / Hobbs, Leigh / 3-4
Horrible Harriet / Hobbs, Leigh / 3-4
Birth of the Moon, The / Hol, Coby / 3-4
Space (Eye Wonder Series) / Holland, Simon & Stott, Carol / 3-4
Not a Nibble / Honey, Elizabeth / 3-4
Thank You For My Yukky Present / Hooper, Meredith / 3-4
Islands in My Garden / Howes, Jim / 3-4
Abel's Moon / Hughes, Shirley / 3-4
Alfie Wins a Prize / Hughes, Shirley / 3-4
Dream of Bunyips Dancing, A / Hurst, Elise / 3-4
Misha's Treehouse / Hurst, Elise / 3-4
Night Animals / Hussein, Iqbal & Boller, Gary / 3-4
Polar Lands (Kingfisher Young Knowledge) / Hynes, Margaret / 3-4
Bad Bears and Good Bears / Impey, Rose / 3-4
Hairy Toes and Scary Bones / Impey, Rose / 3-4
Knock, Knock, Who's There / Impey, Rose / 3-4
Over the Stile and Into the Sack / Impey, Rose / 3-4
Sneaky Deals and Tricky Tricks / Impey, Rose / 3-4
Bear Tale, A / Ingpen, Robert / 3-4
Run Damon Run / Ingram, Anne / 3-4
Lili Backstage / Isadora, Rachel / 3-4
Poke in the I: A Collection of Concrete Poems / Janeczko, Paul B (comp.) / 3-4
Cabbage Patch Fib (new) / Jennings, Paul / 3-4
Cabbage Patch War, The / Jennings, Paul / 3-4
Come Back Gizmo / Jennings, Paul / 3-4
Gizmo, The (new) / Jennings, Paul / 3-4
Round the Twist (new) / Jennings, Paul / 3-4
Sink the Gizmo / Jennings, Paul / 3-4
Unreal (new) / Jennings, Paul / 3-4
Wicked (new) / Jennings, Paul / 3-4
Secret County / Johnson, Jane & Stower, Adam (ill.) / 3-4
Senses (Kingfisher Young Knowledge) / Johnson, Jinny / 3-4
Limpopo Lullaby / Jolly, Jane & Huxley, Dee (ill.) / 3-4
In Flanders Fields / Jorgenson, Norman & Harrison-Lever, Brian (ill.) / 3-4
Most Magnificent Mosque, The / Jungman, Ann / 3-4
Little Lunch #5 (new) / Katz, Danny Vane / 3-4
Goblin in the Bush / Kelleher, Victor / 3-4
Gorilla Suit, The (Aussie Nibbles) / Kelleher, Victor & King, Stephen Michael (ill.) / 3-4
Magic Violin, The / Kellerher, Victor & King, Stephen Michael (ill.) / 3-4
Min Min, The / Kelly, Joy & Russell, Shane / 3-4
Solo Wildlife: Elephant / Kennet, David / 3-4
Solo Wildlife: Lion / Kennet, David / 3-4
Jaleesa the Emu / Kerr, Nola & Brindle, Susannah / 3-4