The Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”) is responsible for leading the day to day management of Family Nursing Home Care (“FNHC”) and execution of its longer term strategy. The CEO will direct FNHC to ensure that all operations, responsibilities and delegated powers as a Third Sector provider are effectively and appropriately discharged.

The CEO sits on the Board of FNHC under the authority and direction of the Chairman, and communicates on behalf of FNHC to employees, Government authorities, other stakeholders and the public.


The responsibilities and duties of the CEO include the following:

Leadership and Strategic Planning

•  Lead, in conjunction with the Board, the development and implementation of FNHC’s long and short term strategy and business plans

•  Actively identify and evaluate commercial opportunities to grow and develop community healthcare services

•  Promote and develop a high performance culture, ensuring all staff understand and are committed to consistently delivering high quality, integrated nursing and home care in the community

•  Demonstrate and share professional and operational expertise to support senior management teams

•  Reinforce key management practices, coaching and communication processes to enhance individual and team performance and address performance issues

•  Lead by personal example and encourage all employees to conduct their activities in accordance with all applicable laws, standards and FNHC’s policies and procedures

•  Support the development and nurturing of talent through review of succession planning, staff resourcing, deployment, recruitment, and training and development strategies

•  Provide advice, information and guidance to the Chairman and Board, States Members, Scrutiny Panels and other departments and agencies in order that they can discharge their duties effectively

Financial Stewardship

•  Direct, co-ordinate and drive business performance and strategic change aligned to business plan expectations

•  Direct the production of required financial management information and monitor and effectively manage expenditures of FNHC, including all controllable costs and staffing levels, in line with the approved annual budgets

•  Be responsible for the propriety and regularity of FNHC’s finances including States Funding for outsourced services

Governance and Risk Management

•  Ensure appropriate risk management framework is in place and that risks are identified and managed

•  Ensure that FNHC has appropriate systems to enable it to conduct its activities both lawfully and ethically, maintaining high standards of corporate and social responsibility

•  Ensure FNHC is appropriately organised and staffed to achieve its approved strategy

•  Participate in the development of policy relating to all aspects of community health and social care, including Third Sector issues, for consideration by the Board

•  Keep abreast of all material undertakings and activities of FNHC and all material external factors affecting the organisation to ensure the CEO and management of the organisation are adequately informed

•  Lead, direct and manage FNHC to comply with all statutory, legal and global provisions so as to protect FNHC interests

•  Request special meetings of the Board be called when appropriate and participate in committees of the Board as determined by the Board

Relationship and Stakeholder Management

•  Develop and maintain effective working relationships with colleagues in FNHC; other associated services; Politicians and agencies of government; and professional contacts to ensure the timely implementation of strategic objectives and policies affecting the wider Health Social Care agenda

•  Act as a liaison between management and the Board and ensure all appropriate information is provided to the Board

Fundraising Public Relations

•  Promote FNHC’s image and profile in the local community through leading the development and maintenance of an effective public relations strategy, and through communication with employees, clients, Government authorities, other stakeholders and the public

•  Support the continued development of FNHC’s fundraising strategy to build a sustainable programme of individual, corporate, legacy and trust donations, to ensure a long-term sustainable income

•  To act as an ambassador for and be the public face of the organisation, ensuring key messages and policies are communicated and promoted to members, policy makers in government agencies, practitioners, the media and the general public; and representing FNHC at external events and publicity opportunities


•  Strong business acumen with ability to guide the financial performance of the organisation and identify and advance commercial opportunities

•  Experienced leader with the proven ability to deliver business results and build highly successful and motivated teams to consistently achieve goals

•  Previous experience and background in the Health sector highly desirable

•  Ability to foster strong relationships both internally and with external stakeholders, including the Board, Politicians, agencies of government, and the local community

•  Impactful presence and able to motivate and inspire others to change

•  Exceptional influencing, communication and negotiation skills

•  Knowledge and understanding of the Health and Social Care agenda, policy making process of government, as well as the Third Sector environment

•  Strong customer focus

•  Hold a relevant degree or professional qualification