Present: Steve Willis (Chair), Ethel Ransom (Treasurer),
Pat Beetlestone (Secretary), Mick Braddick,
Chris Harris,Howard Morse, Isobel Morse,
Margaret Deem, Richard Ward, Jennifer Bateman (Minutes).
Minutes of the last general meeting (14th November 2012)
These were circulated and signed as a true record.
Matters arising
There were none
Chairman’s Report
On the evening of 23rd January 2013 invited guests, who help and support the work of Chiddenbrook Surgery, were able to view recent purchases by the League which help both patients and clinical staff to receive/provide an excellent service. Surgery Staff were on hand to demonstrate some of these purchases; there was also a finger buffet, featuring several samples of game, which had been prepared by ‘The Devon Chef’, Tim Harris. Despite the inclement weather, the event was well attended, and received a good report in the local newspapers.
It was decided that a similar event should be held in the future with a different guest list, in order that the work of the League could be highlighted to a wider audience.
Treasurer’s Report
Total - £5010.88 with an outstanding invoice of £1500 to be paid for the surgery’s annual equipment maintenance.
Doctor’s Report
- Dr Jan Shorney is improving slowly; we were pleased to see her on 23rd January.She had another operation on 12th February and anticipates being able to return to work after another 3 months;
- Dr Mick Braddick has also been hospitalised recently; we were pleased to see him this evening at the committee meeting. He anticipates being able to return to work on 4th March, working mornings only for the first fortnight and then, hopefully, being able to return full time;
- Richard Ward reported that, with the illnesses of staff, it had been a difficult 2-3 months but that everyone had worked extremely hard to cover the absences, with both Doctors Murphy and Twomey working additional shifts . The committee wish to place on record their thanks to all the staff for their work, and for coping so ably with the additional pressures at this time;
- Owing to Government cutbacks we have now entered a financially ‘tight’ time within the Health Service which is unlikely to improve for the next few years. The PCT is to be replaced by the NEW Devon Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) on 1st April 2013;
- An upgrade of the computer system recording the details of the 7 ½ thousand patients will happen during the summer when the surgery hopes to be less busy;
- The heating system has been fluctuating in its efficiency, but work is to be carried out shortly;
- Photographs of doctors previously serving our community since 1862 are now in situ near the waiting room, together with printed leaflets giving information about their life and work;
- Telephone consultations were discussed. These are proving to be more convenient for many patients, but harder to manage for the surgery. Each doctor has 14 scheduled appointments and 8 phone calls each morning.
Requests from the Surgery
- Cardiocall ECG machine to replace one of the earlier ones that is no longer functional. The cost is £566.50;
- Following requests from some patients, it is proposed to place 2 or 3 hand sanitizers around the surgery, in order to limit the spread of some germs. The cost of these will be £147 for 6 months’ supply.
Both of these requests were granted.
- A skittle evening has been arranged for 23rd March 2013, starting at 7.30pm, to be held at Crediton Bowling Green. The cost of admittance will be £4, and it will be advertised in the surgery and on our Facebook page. A light supper will be provided. Discussion followed concerning alternative venues, and it was decided to investigate these for future events.
Any other business
- The date for preparing the newsletters and renewal notices for distribution was arranged for 2pm on 8th May 2013;
- The positioning of the League’s notice board in the waiting room was discussed. It was felt that its current position made reading difficult without seeming to be either leaning over other patients or else staring at them! It was also suggested that, as it was often not filled, the notice board could be smaller.Dr Braddick said that a different location would be considered.
Date of next meeting
Wednesday 12th June 2013 at 7.30 p.m. This will be the Annual General Meeting.
The meeting concluded at 8.50p.m.