3 credits - 3 hours
Fall 2015 / CRN:13301
Marsha Sanford / E-mail:
Class Days:
M, T, TH, F / Phone Number: none – email is the best way to reach me.
Class Time:
12:18pm – 1:15pm / Office Location: Location arrangements to be made with the student; in the class room
Class Location:
Office Hours: 8:15 – 8:45am and 3:45 – 4:15pm
Course Description: / An introduction to and application of fundamental biological concepts for non-science majors. The emphasis will be on major biological concepts such as cell structure and function, biochemistry and metabolism, genetics and the interrelationships among organisms. Students may use BSC 1005 or BSC 2010 to fulfill the general education science requirements but not both.
Co-requisite: BSC1005L
Course Materials: / Textbook: What is Life? A Guide to Biology, 2nd edition, Jay Phelan, Freeman, ISBN: 978-1-4641-0244-8 (The edition may change to the 3rd edition – TBD later.)
Pen, #2 pencils, paper or notebook for taking notes, notebook for keeping papers organized, Engineering or Drafting eraser (optional), access to a computer and printer.
Tutoring: / Free on-campus tutoring is available in the Academic Support Center, SAC Room L124.
Free online tutoring is available through Smarthinking via the student tab on the MySJRstate portal.
Student Learning Outcomes and Course Content: / During this course, students will be able to:
A. Identify the chemicals that form living organisms and apply them to the processes of living organisms.
B. Differentiate among the various structures and functions of the parts of the cell.
C. Demonstrate an understanding of the molecular basis of inheritance and Mendel’s laws.
D. Compare the unique characteristics of groups of organisms in order to distinguish among them.
E. Understand evolutionary processes of living organisms.
F. Assess the factors that control various communities and ecosystems in order to study the interrelationships among organisms and their environment.
This course will cover the following topics:
A. Cell structure and function
B. Basic chemistry and biochemistry
C. Energy transfer and metabolic processes in living organisms
D. Cell division: mitosis and meiosis
E. Genetics
1. DNA: structure and replication
2. Gene function and protein synthesis
3. Patterns of inheritance and human genetics
4. Biotechnology
F. Classification
1. Viruses, Bacteria, Achaea
2. Protista
3. Fungi Kingdom
4. Plant Kingdom
5. Animal Kingdom
G. Evolution
H. Ecology
Attendance and Withdrawal: / A student may receive a warning to their student e-mail account when the equivalent of three 50-minute class periods have been missed and may be withdrawn from the course after the fourth 50-minute absence during the withdrawal period. The last day to withdraw will be announced at a later date. I expect all students to be on time and attend every class meeting. I will call roll at the beginning of class to verify attendance. If you are late for class, please let me know at the end of that class. If the student does not (check-in) he/she will be counted absent. See me if you are having a problem with attendance.
It is the student’s responsibility to withdraw from class. Do not assume that the instructor will withdraw students who have stopped attending class. Do not stop coming to class without withdrawing officially – protect your GPA. Withdrawals are done on-line at My SJRstate. (Dual Enrollment students withdraw through the Dual Enrollment Office.)
Academic Integrity: / Students in this class must know, observe, and not compromise the principles of academic integrity. It is not permissible to cheat, to fabricate or falsify information, to submit the same academic work in more than one course without prior permission, to plagiarize, to receive unfair advantage, or to otherwise abuse accepted practices for handling and documenting information. The grade for this course includes the judgment that the student’s work is free from academic dishonesty of any type. Violations or infractions will be reported to the Vice President for Student Affairs and may lead to failure of the course and other sanctions imposed by the College.
Disability Services: / Students with disabilities who require a note taker or other accommodations should notify their instructor as soon as possible so those accommodations can be coordinated with the appropriate office. Students who would like to be a note taker should notify their instructor as well.
Assessment: / Homework:
Homework is only assigned to further your understanding of the material presented in class and from your textbook. Homework will not be graded but feel free to ask any questions regarding answers to any homework questions. An announcement will be made in class if an assignment is given for a grade.
Exams and Quizzes:
Your final grade may be based on any one of the following homework/class work, class presentations, quizzes, and tests. I use a point system for this course. Tests will be worth more points (approximately 100) than quizzes (25) and homework or presentations (varying points). There will be at least 6 tests and possibly a few quizzes as needed. Assessments are worth 90% of the overall course grade, the other 10% is participation in classroom discussions or homework assignments. Due dates are always given 1 week in advance.
Grading Scale: / Letter grades will be based on the following scale:
A 90-100 C 70-79 F 0-59
B 80-89 D 60-69
Make-Ups: / Exams will be announced at least one week in advance. Only in extreme cases will a makeup be considered for a special makeup time. In the event there is a makeup needed, you will only be allowed one makeup test/assessment. This will be given the last week of class and will be during your class time. Therefore, you may have to make-up a test on the same day as your final exam. If you miss more than one exam, a 0 will be given for each additional missed exam. If a student is late for an exam, they will not be given any additional time for the exam. No student will sit for any exam event if he/she is more than 10 minutes late, NO EXCEPTIONS! Tests and Quizzes have a time limit. Please be on time for every test, quiz, or class project. Test dates are subject to change; students will be notified in advance. There are no dropped tests/exams in this course. Please bring at least one #2 pencil with you on test/exam days. Pencils will not be provided on exam/quiz days. Your final exam will be determined at a later date; December 2015.
Class Policies
Cell phones and Laptops
No food will be allowed in the classroom at any time, including chewing tobacco. Please remove your hats when you enter the classroom; especially during testing times. All cell phones should be off or on silent AND put away. No text messaging is allowed during class time. If a cell phone is used or is visible during a test or quiz, a “0” will be given for the grade. Students may not video or record the class lectures.
Tentative Course Calendar
St. Johns River State College
Ms. Sanford’s Fall Semester 2015
Dual Enrollment Biology (M, T, TH, F)
Lecture Outline
Testing dates are subject to change.
Week / Week of… / Topic1 / August 10 / Introduction of Biology – CH 1; Introduction to the course
2 / August 17 / Scientific Method – CH 1; Basic Chemistry CH 2
3 / August 24 / CH 2 Biochemistry
4 / August 31 / CH 3 – Cells – Cell Structure and Function
5 / September 7 / Test 1 (CH 1-3); CH 4 - Energy
6 / September 14 / CH 5 – DNA/RNA
7 / September 21 / Test 2 (CH 4) CH 6 – Cell Division (Mitosis)
8 / September 28 / CH 6 – Cell Division
9 / October 5 / Test 3 (CH 5-6); CH 7 – Genetic Heredity
10 / October 12 / CH 7 – Genetic Heredity
11 / October 19 / Test 4 (CH 7); CH 8 – Natural Selection
12 / October 26 / CH 8 – Natural Selection
13 / November 2 / CH 10 – Biodiversity
Tuesday November 3rd last day to Withdraw with a “W”
14 / November 9 / CH 15 - Ecosystems
15 / November 16 / Test 5 (CH 8, 10, 15); CH 11 – Kingdom Animalia
16 / November 23 / CH 11; Thanksgiving Holiday
17 / November 30 / CH 12 – Kingdom Fungi; CH 13 - Microbes
18 / December 7 / Test 6 (CH 11-13) - Final Exam Review and Completion of both a course exam and a departmental exam from SJR State.