April 25, 2016
Dear Senior Parents and Seniors:
In August during the first senior class meeting, I spoke about the special role seniors play in setting the tone and providing the driving force that builds “spirit.” I asked this Class of 2016 to join the administration and faculty in a partnership to lead Bishop Hartley to new heights in achievement. I can say without hesitation that their maturity and attitude this year did more to determine the successful year we had than almost any other single factor. On Friday, April 22, after the spring Activity Assembly, I had the opportunity to speak with your sons and daughters at a class meeting. I read them a poem entitled “The Builder” (see last page) that addressed the importance of leaving a legacy of leadership as so many senior classes have left before them. I also spoke to the idea that four years of character and integrity can be wiped out with one, single and thoughtless action. In the last decade of my principalship, the tradition of our seniors has been to graduate with great legacies intact. Past graduating seniors have expressed a love for their teachers, counselors, coaches and moderators despite our imperfections. And although anxious to move on to the next phase of their life, they did so with a great deal of gratitude for their school. I am certain that this senior class will do the same.
The purpose of this letter is to make you aware of all the important information during this last month of school, in particular the information pertinent to Baccalaureate, Commencement, and the Graduation Policy. Please review the contents of this letter with your son or daughter.
Final Exam Week: A senior is exempt from the final exam in any class in which he or she has carried a B average or above each quarter, and has no more than seven absences in the fourth quarter, including the exam date exemption day.
The schedule of exams is as follows:
Monday, May 23 Seniors must attend periods 1-5. Exams for periods 6 & 7.
Tuesday, May 24 Seniors must attend periods 1-3. Exams for periods 4 & 5 A & B (exams will be 5 A & B, no lunch). Dismissal following 5th period.
Wednesday, May 25 Seniors must attend period 1. Exams for periods 2 & 3.
Dismissal following 3rd period and locker cleanout.
Thursday, May 26 Exams for period 1.
*Mandatory graduation meeting in the gym following period 1
exam – 8:45 am.
*Mandatory Graduation Practice will be at the Celeste Center from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm.
**Students must attend in order to participate in graduation.
Baccalaureate Mass rehearsal for Liturgical Ministers will be after the graduation practice (approximately 1:30 pm) at St. Matthew Church, 807 Havens Corners Road, Gahanna.
Thursday, May 26 Senior Picnic, 4-6 pm at Bishop Hartley (weather permitting).
Friday, May 27 Senior Breakfast and Senior Honors Assembly
9:00-10:00 am Senior Breakfast – Students only. House parents are needed to work at the breakfast. Please use this link to sign up: www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0a4aabaa2aa2ff2- senior1
Please contact Ms. Denise DePalma at with any questions.
10:00 am All seniors present.
10:15-11:45 am Senior Assembly – Seniors must be present in order to participate in graduation. Seniors will dress in gowns (no caps necessary. See Dress…). Parents are welcome to attend the assembly.
Friday, May 27 Baccalaureate Mass will be at St. Matthew Church, 807 Havens Corners Road, Gahanna. Students will need to assemble in the undercroft by 6:45 PM. Seniors must be present in order to participate in graduation. Seniors will dress in gowns (no caps necessary. See Dress…). A reception for families and friends will be held in the Noble Center following the service. No photographs or flash photography are allowed to be taken in the church sanctuary.
Sunday, May 29 1:00 pm, Graduation, Celeste Center, Ohio State Fairgrounds. Students will assemble in the Celeste Center at noon. Parking is $5.00 per car. You will need to enter from 17th Avenue entrance; 11th Avenue entrance will be closed.
Please note the following:
**1. Graduation Contract: Bishop Hartley does not consider senior pranks, graduation disruptions, or vandalism as harmless. The Bishop Hartley School Board unanimously approved a policy that eliminates these and other inappropriate actions. This letter serves as official notification that the following policy is in effect for the 2016 graduates:
a. All diplomas will be mailed out to individual families during the week of June 6-10, 2016.
b. No diploma or transcript will be mailed out to a student who participates in the following:
· Senior pranks;
· Disruption during Baccalaureate and Graduation practices and ceremonies;
· And, in particular, returning to Bishop Hartley on June 1, 2, or 3.
c. Before a diploma or transcript is mailed out to those participating in the aforementioned activities the following consequences will occur:
· $100 fine is paid;
· 3 weeks of community service at Bishop Hartley is
2. Graduation Requirements: Please remember that unless your child has completed all credit requirements and has passed all 5 Ohio Graduation Tests, he or she will not receive a diploma.
3. Graduation Fee/Campus Life Fee: This is the second year that the graduation fee was included in the Campus Life Fee. That fee must be paid completely before Thursday, May 26th so that your student can get their cap and gown.
4. Graduation Tickets: Each student will receive twelve (12) tickets for graduation. Should your family require more, we suggest that you talk to other families who may not use all of theirs.
5. Graduation Program: We need your help! We want to include each senior’s plans for next year in the graduation program, e.g. school, military and/or full time employment. We include the name of the school your student plans to attend and the name of each scholarship your student has received. To publish a scholarship, we need a copy of the award letter. Seniors have already been asked to give this information to their counselors by Friday, May 6th.
6. Also, final transcripts will be sent to colleges/universities by June 15. If your student’s plans change before then, let us know so that his/her record is sent to the correct school.
7. Financial Reminder: It is the School Board Policy that unless all tuition, fees, library fines, dress code fines, lost textbooks, athletic uniforms, iPads and charger, etc. are accounted for and paid in full, your child will not be allowed to take final exams or participate in any graduation ceremonies.
8. iPad Turn-In: Seniors may turn in their iPad beginning Monday, May 23rd. Details may be found in the attached document. iPads, chargers or payment must be turned in prior to your student receiving their cap and gown.
9. Service Hours: By May 23rd, any senior who has not met the service requirement for the 2015-2016 school year will not receive their diploma or transcripts until service hours are complete.
10. Caps and Gowns: Once the Campus Life Fee is paid and all other obligations are met (financial and otherwise), seniors can pick up their caps and gowns from the School Secretary, Mrs. Samuelson, on Thursday, May 26.
11. Dress and Decorum: Gowns are to be worn for the Honors Assembly and Baccalaureate. Caps and gowns will be worn for Graduation. No message, signs, etc. should be placed on the cap and gown and no extra attire should be worn over the cap and gown. In addition, we are asking our young men to wear dress pants, dress shirt, dress shoes, dress socks and a tie. No earrings for young men are to be worn during this ceremony. Dresses or skirts and dress shoes are required for young ladies.
No slacks, jeans, shorts, boots, athletic shoes, flip flops, facial jewelry other than earrings are acceptable for young women. No sunglasses or extreme hairstyles are allowed. We also are asking that parents, students and guests keep in mind the dignity of each of these ceremonies, and as such conduct themselves accordingly. We do not consider senior pranks as harmless and will stop any and all proceedings if behavior is disruptive.
Graduation is a time to relish the fruits of past achievements, a time to set new goals, and even more importantly, a time to renew our commitments to ourselves and those values that make us the individuals that we are. Graduation serves also to remind us how closely our lives are intertwined, how our successes reflect more than just our efforts, and how much certain people mean to us. For those senior parents leaving us this year, remember that you and your family will always be a part of Bishop Hartley and will remain in our thoughts and prayers.
Michael R. Winters
I saw them tearing a building down
A team of men in my hometown.
With a heave and a ho and yes yes yell,
they swung a beam and a sidewall fell.
And I said to the foreman, “Are these men skilled?”
“Like the ones you’d use if you had to build?”
And he laughed and said, “Oh no, indeed…
the most common labor is all I need…
for I can destroy in a day or two
what takes a builder ten years to do.”
So I thought to myself as I went on my way…
Which one of these roles am I willing to play?
Am I one who is tearing down as I carelessly make my way around?
Or am I one who builds with care, in order to make the world a
little better…because I was there?