Chesterfield Panthers RUFC
Committee Meeting Minutes
Wednesday12thApril 2017
Minutes submitted by:Mike Curley, Hon. Secretary
The committee met at 7.30 pm at The Clubhouse, 2012 Dunston Road, Chesterfield. S41 9BF
Phil Arnold – Chair
Mike Curley – Hon. Secretary
Pete Amos – President
Darren Burton
Ben Perrin
Natalie Lawless-Laughton
Mark Preece
Also present: Jack Preece
Paul Giller
Senior rugby
No representative attended the meeting.
Ladies rugby
Following the success of the Ladies’ 10’s tournament last year a similar event is being organised this year over the weekend 21st/23rd July. Seven visiting Ladies teams will take part, camping over Friday and Saturday nights. Much of the organization is well in hand.
The Committee fully supports the event.
Minutes of previous meeting on 8th March, 2017
No issues were raised and the Minutes were approved as a true record.
Pitch maintenance
A suspicion that the grass is being cut too short is to be investigated. The fact that the grass has not been cut recently and adverse growing conditions were acknowledged. Arrangements will be made to check the mower is set correctly when the grass is next due for cutting. The sparsity of grass, especially on pitch1, was commented on and is probably due to over usage throughout the season.
End of season social for all coaches and volunteers across the club
A date is to be determined for the Club to show appreciation for all the work done by coaches and volunteers throughout the Club.
Subsidised coach tops
Coaches are to be asked to choose the style of top they would prefer and an order will be placed.
NLD Senior Finals Day on Saturday 29th April
Four matches are to be played.
Vase Bourne v Keyworth (11:30 kick-off)
Plate Buxton v East Retford (12:30 kick-off)
Shield Melbourne v Stamford(13:30 kick-off)
Cup Derby v Glossop (15:30 kick-off)
Volunteers are being sought to help run the event smoothly.
Date for AGM
The date for our Annual General Meeting will be on Wednesday 14th June at 7.30 pm in the Clubhouse.
All members of Chesterfield Panthers RUFC are urged to attend.
- Our Pitchero website is active. Many squads already use the site to publish fixtures, results, match reports, photos and videos. It is freely available to all squads. The Club also publishes upcoming events and many Club documents can be accessed on the site. Our site can be found at
- A recent communication from NLD Safeguarding Team reminded clubs that it is unacceptable practice to encourage drinking games involving young players. The substitution of alcohol with soft drinks does not make this practice acceptable as it continues to promote and endorse a drinking culture and it is against the RFU’s core values and best practice guidance.
With regard to senior teams clubs should ensure that they are complying with the October 2014 Amendment Order to the Licensing Act 2003. This introduced a new mandatory condition to all licenced premises. The responsible person(s) must ensure that they do not promote games or other activities which require or encourage, or are designed to require or encourage, individuals to:
- drink a quantity of alcohol within a time limit (other than to drink alcohol sold or supplied on the premises before the cessation of the period in which the responsible person is authorised to sell or supply alcohol), or
- drink as much alcohol as possible (whether within a time limit or otherwise).
The application of this prohibition is no longer subject to a judgment of risk so any game or activity that falls within the definition is in breach of the mandatory condition and the responsible person(s) “must ensure” that such breaches do not occur.
This is a significant change to the law that applied before October 2014, where licence holders only had to “take all reasonable steps” to prevent irresponsible drinking and where such games were allowed if they posed “low risk”. Now any and all such games are a breach of the licensing conditions.
We have reviewed our current practices with all parties concerned and by implementing agreed changes we now feel that we adhere to the revised legislation.
Close Meeting
The meeting closed at8.30 pm.
Date of the next meeting
Wednesday 10thMay, 2017. In the Clubhouse at 7.30 pm.