Farm Environment Plan Template– NZPork

READ FIRST: how to use this template

This Farm Environment Plan will assist compliance with district and regional rules and resource consents, as well as managing environmental risk and issues. It aims to support sustainable land management, efficient use of resources, and provide a framework to progress environmental protection and enhancement. Measuring, monitoring and mitigating potential impacts will have economic, social and environmental benefits.

Important Note: any grey text can be deleted from your plan and is provided as information only. Please read the NZPork Farm Environment Plan Pork Enterprises Guide– this has been designed to assist in writing this plan.


Section 1- Farm and Owner/Manager Information

Section 2: Adverse Environmental Effects and Risk Assessment

Section 3: Management Objectives & Actions
Section 4: Odour Management Plan
Section 5: Record Keeping
Section 5– Biosecurity Plan
Appendix A – Maps
Appendix B – Resource Consents and Compliance Monitoring
Appendix C – Record Keeping

NZPork Environment Canterbury FEP Template v2 March 20171 | Page

Farm Environment Plan Approval

As the person, responsible for implementing this plan, I/we confirm that the information provided is correct to the best of my/our knowledge. I/we are committed to ensuring that all activities on the property are undertaken regarding environmental sustainability. I/we agree to regularly measure our performance in meeting the objectives in this plan and take appropriate action to address any issues as they arise:
Name: / Position:
Signature: / Date:

Farm environment plan prepared by:

Section 1 – Farm and Owner/Manager Information

Property Details:

Property name:
Physical address:
Legal description of property and farm identifier:
District Council (and contact person):
Regional Council (and contact person): / Pollution Hotline:

Resource Consent Details:

Consent number / Regulator / Purpose/description

Owner Details:

Property Owner:
Postal Address:
Phone Numbers:
Email Address:
Leasee Details:
Postal Address:
Phone Numbers:
Email Address:
Proportion of farm leased:

Day to day Management Details:

Postal Address:
Phone Numbers:
Email Address:
Property area (ha): / Effective area (ha):
Is property part of an irrigation scheme? Yes/No / If yes, Irrigation Scheme Name:
Contact person (Environmental Manager) details:
Area under irrigation (ha): / Water: / Effluent:
Irrigation type: / Water: / Effluent:
Annual rainfall: / Composting area: / Total Annual N loss: / Total Annual P loss:

Farm Description

Type of on farm activities, stock numbers, date of stock reconciliation etc.

Summary of Key Actions

Management Area / Action / Person Responsible / By When / Records
Nutrient Management
Composting Management
Livestock Management

Review/Audit of Plan

A self-audit of this plan should be undertaken at least annually and involve all staff – see more information in the NZPork Farm Environment Plan Pork Enterprises Guide.

Date / Type of Review/Audit / Results/comments/actions to be taken/implementation and recheck dates / Name/signature

Section 2: Adverse Environmental Effects and Risk Assessment

Follow the method described in theNZPork Farm Environment Plan Pork Enterprises Guide and assess each management area individually. A Land Management Unit is a homogenous block of land that responds in a similar way under similar management. The units should align, as far as possible, with nutrient budget blocks used in Overseer. It is important that all inherent risks are captured, so do not discount weaknesses or risksjust because good management should overcome them.A separate table must be completed for each management area or block that is part of the farm enterprise. Add or delete management areas/land management units (LMUs) as required.

Management Area/LMU 1 (as shown on map XXX):

LMU / Area (ha) / Slope / Irrigation / Soil Type / Land Use / PAW100
Block Strengths / Block Weaknesses
Environmental Risk Assessment
Risks from Activities / Stock Grazing / Fertiliser Application / Irrigation / Effluent / Cultivation / Other
N Leaching
P leaching
Mahinga Kai

Management Area/LMU 2 (as shown on map XXX):

LMU / Area (ha) / Slope / Irrigation / Soil Type / Land Use / PAW100
Block Strengths / Block Weaknesses
Environmental Risk Assessment
Risks from Activities / Stock Grazing / Fertiliser Application / Irrigation / Effluent / Cultivation / Other
N Leaching
P leaching
Mahinga Kai

Copy and add more blocks as required.

Section 3:Management Objectives & Actions

You must include a description of how each of the following management objectives will be met for each key management area. If any of the objectives listed are not applicable on your property, simply note that as being the case. Some examples are given in the accompanying NZPork Farm Environment Plan Pork Enterprises Guidefor each objective and these should be added to or deleted as appropriate.

Objective: 1) Use nutrients efficiently and minimise nutrient losses to water and 2) Nutrient losses do not exceed permitted or consented nitrogen limits.

Targets: Farmer defined, measurable / Actions: Description of Good Management Practices together with actions required to achieve objective and targets. / Person responsible: / By when: / How is performance measured? Records/methods to measure achievement.
Example: Understand and apply nutrient budgeting / Nutrient budgets are prepared annually / Manager/Nutrient Management Advisor / 31 July each year / Nutrient budget records

Objective: 1) The amount and timing of irrigation is managed to meet plant demands, minimise risk of leaching and runoff and ensure efficient water use. 2) Other water use is efficient.

Targets: Farmer defined, measurable / Actions: Description of Good Management Practices together with actions required to achieve objective and targets. / Person responsible: / By when: / How is performance measured? Records/methods to measure achievement.

Objective: 1) The physical and biological condition of soils is maintained or improved in order to minimise the movement of sediment, phosphorus and other contaminants to waterways.

Targets: Farmer defined, measurable / Actions: Description of Good Management Practices together with actions required to achieve objective and targets. / Person responsible: / By when: / How is performance measured? Records/methods to measure achievement.

WATERBODY MANAGEMENT (riparian drains, rivers, lakes, wetlands)
Objective: 1) To manage wetlands, riparian areas and surface waterbodies to avoid damage to the bed and margins of the waterbody, and to avoid the direct input of nutrients, sediment, and microbial pathogens.

Targets: Farmer defined, measurable / Actions: Description of Good Management Practices together with actions required to achieve objective and targets. / Person responsible: / By when: / How is performance measured? Records/methods to measure achievement.

Objective: 1) Animal effluent and solid animal was being managed to minimise nutrient leaching and run-off.

Targets: Farmer defined, measurable / Actions: Description of Good Management Practices together with actions required to achieve objective and targets. / Person responsible: / By when: / How is performance measured? Records/methods to measure achievement.

Objective: 1) To manage wetlands and water bodies so that stock is excluded as far as practicable from water, to avoid damage to the bed and margins of a water body, and to avoid the direct input of nutrients, sediment, and microbial pathogens.

Targets: Farmer defined, measurable / Actions: Description of Good Management Practices together with actions required to achieve objective and targets. / Person responsible: / By when: / How is performance measured? Records/methods to measure achievement.

NZPork Environment Canterbury FEP Template v2 March 20171 | Page

POINT SOURCE DISCHARGES (e.g. offal pits, silage, rubbish):
Objective: 1) To manage the number and locations of pits to minimise risks to health and water quality.

Targets: Farmer defined, measurable / Actions: Description of Good Management Practices together with actions required to achieve objective and targets. / Person responsible: / By when: / How is performance measured? Records/methods to measure achievement.

CULTURAL VALUES: (this is applicable to farms in the Lake Zone or River Area of the Cultural Landscape/Values Management Area)
Objective: 1) To protect mahinga kai and manage waterways and drains recognising their cultural and ecological sensitivity to discharges of contaminants.

Targets: Farmer defined, measurable / Actions: Description of Good Management Practices together with actions required to achieve objective and targets. / Person responsible: / By when: / How is performance measured? Records/methods to measure achievement.
Mahinga Kai values are protected by implementing all other FEP Objectives and Targets taking mahinga kai values into account.
Mahinga Kai species and habitats are protected when waterway (including drain) management and vegetation clearance occurs.
Mahinga Kai habitats and species are sustained through management of remnant native vegetation and wetlands.
Properties within the Selwyn District Council Drainage Scheme comply with any District Council discharge of land drainage resource consent.

To avoid incursion of disease and unwanted organisms.

Targets: Farmer defined, measurable / Actions: Description of Good Management Practices together with actions required to achieve objective and targets. / Person responsible: / By when: / How is performance measured? Records/methods to measure achievement.

Section 4: Odour Management Plan

Note: It is recommended to complete an odour management plan for any farming activity that has a risk of offensive or objectionable odour. If odour has been identified as high risk in the environmental risk assessment, an odour management plan should be completed.

Section 5– Biosecurity Plan

This is a voluntary section of this plan, and you may choose to record or add your biosecurity plan here to maintain these records in one place

Appendix A – Maps

Insert farms map here. There are several maps that are mandatory to include in this plan. Refer to the NZPork Farm Environment Plan Pork Enterprises Guide for more information.

Appendix B – Resource Consents and Compliance Monitoring

Insert a list of your resource consents here and a copy of any recent compliance motoring reports from council.

Appendix C – Record Keeping

It is important that you keep good records including the data and information and that has informed the nutrient budget and this plan. You can keep a copy of the records within this plan or if the information is stored electronically then document where the information can be found here.

NZPork Environment Canterbury FEP Template v2 March 20171 | Page