Chester Municipal Electric Light Department

15 Middlefield Road, Chester, MA 01011

Commissioner’s Meeting

March4, 2015


Commissioners: Terry Murphy, Deryck Savoy and Mike Hickson

Manager: Jill Moretz Guest: Gene Watters

Meeting was called to order 7:00pm

  • Minutes of the February 4, 2014 meeting were read by Mike. Terry made a motion to accept the minutes as read. Deryck seconded and the motion passed.
  • CMELD still has not been contacted by WG&E on the RNS charges we owe them. It could be as high as $161,000 now. Jill reached out to WG&E but has not heard back yet. On the recommendation of Chris Pollart, Atty. and Tim Hebert, ENE; CMELD will become a Market Participant with ISO for the future RNS charges. Jill has started the process.
  • Frank received quotes on different LED bulbs. Jill handed out a sheet showing the difference in the price to purchase LED bulbs, overall cost operating themover a 20 year period, cost of old bulbs and the overall cost of operating those over a 20 year period. The cost savings of buying the new LED bulbs could be around $100,000 over the 20 year period. Jill will go to the Town of Chester to see if they would be willing to split the cost of changing over all the Street Light Bulbs in town. We have 136 street lights and the total cost will be around $24,000. Price includes the bulb and head attachment.
  • Jill informed the Commissioner’s that CMELD paid the Town back to much for the Street Light electricity bills. It looks like we paid the town $1000 to much. Jill has brought this to Pat Carlino’s attention and Pat said the town will pay CMELD back. Jill will talk to Pat about just paying for the bills outright instead of giving them to the town to pay and then CMELD reimbursing them.
  • Jill spoke with Pat Carlino and she will post approved CMELD’s meeting minuteson the town web site.
  • Terry asked why we shouldn’t be talking about negotiating on the rate seeing the price of Natural Gas is down. He stated the cost of Natural Gas influences the cost of electricity. Deryck did not agree that the cost of Natural Gas is down. Jill will check with Tim Hebert on this and get back to the commissioners at the next meeting.
  • Terry signed a resolution for adoption by NEPOOL for CMELD to apply to become a Participant in the New England Power Pool
  • Next meeting is scheduled forWednesday, March 18, 2014.

With no other business to discuss the meeting was adjourned at 7:35pm

Respectfully submitted,

Jill E. Moretz