2016 - 2017
Living Environment Syllabus: 2016 - 2017Instructors: Ms. Guercio/Ms. Iversen
Course Description: This follows the New York State Living Environment curriculum. It is a study of life and how living organisms interact with other organisms and the environment. Topics of study include: Scientific Inquiry, The Nature of Life, Cell Structure and Function, Biochemistry, Homeostasis, Human Body Systems, Reproduction and Development, Genetics, Evolution, Classification of Life, Ecology, and the Human Impact on the Environment. This course provides preparation for the NYS Regents Living Environment Exam.
Regents Lab Requirements:
●The New York State Education Department requires all students taking a Regents science course to complete a laboratory requirement.
●The Valley Central High School laboratory requirement consists of 90 laboratory periods which must be documented by student WRITTEN REPORTS. These written reports must be handed in on time and receive a passing grade of 65. These lab reports will be kept on file by the teacher.
●A maximum grade of 65% will be given on labs that are 6 or more days late.
●Any labs handed in after each 10 week marking period will only receive lab credit and not a grade.
●Failure to complete this laboratory requirement will result in a student being barred from taking the Regents exam in June and possible failure in science for the year.
●When a lab is missed due to absence, students must stay post session to make it up.
●Regents Exam Lab Deadline: May 18th, 2017
Classroom Rules:
1) Be On Time and Prepared for Class!
○3 lates = 1 detention
2) Quietly Start the ‘Do Now’ when the Bell Rings.
3) Be Respectful
4) Follow Directions
5) Be Productive not Disruptive!
6) All School Rules Apply
○All Electronics will be Confiscated Immediately!
If you choose to break a rule:
Level I: Warning/Seat Change
Level II: Detention (today or tomorrow)
Level III: Detention (today or tomorrow) + parent phone call home
Level IV: Detention (today or tomorrow) + removal from class + referral + parent phone call home
Severe disruption: Student sent immediately to office with a referral.
Failure to attend detention will result in a phone call home and a referral. Repeat offenders should expect higher level consequences without warning. Phone calls home may be made at anytime for both positive and negative reasons.
●Praise (daily)
●Positive phone calls home (random)
●The joy of learning (each day of the school year)
Classroom Guide:
●Paying attention in class will help you to be a successful student. If you do not understand the material, please ask! If you are staying for post session you must sign up for that day.
●All collected assignments must be handed in within five days of the initial due date. Assignments may be made up during post session within those five days. It is your responsibility to set aside time to complete any assignments. Class work, homework, activities and projects cannot be made up after the five day grace period and will not be accepted late.
●If you are missing three assignments (class work, homework, labs, etc.) or a major project, expect a phone call home.
●If you are absent on the day an assignment is due or a test is given, then the assignment will be due the next day or the test will be taken when you return to school.
●You are responsible for any work you miss due to absences. Work needs to be made up as soon as you return to school.
●Do your own work. Copying another person's work or having someone else do your work will result in zeros for all students involved. Do not let others copy your work. You are not helping yourself or others if you are involved in this behavior.
●Creating a comfortable learning environment is important to us. We expect all students to work together to create this. Any situation upsetting the balance will be dealt with accordingly.
Leaving the room:
●Please do not leave the classroom during the first five minutes of class. Complete your “Do Now” first!
●If you need to use the restroom, ask for permission. You must fill out a pass to be signed by a teacher. You must sign out and back in. One person is allowed out at a time.
●We dismiss you, not the bell. The bell is a signal for us that formal instruction has ended. Remain in your seats (not by the door) until we give you the signal to leave.
Quarterly grades will be calculated as follows:
1) Tests – 45%
2) Quizzes – 15%
3) Labs – 20%
4) Homework/Class work – 10%
5) Projects/Activities/Vocabulary Notebook – 10%
Grades will be available on eSchool
Required Materials:
∎Loose-leaf paper
∎ Highlighter
Course Updates: Students and parents may choose to sign up for remind.com text message/email updates for this course. Messaging is also available through this service. See instructions below to sign up:
Period 5 Class:
AFTER READING ALL THE INFORMATION IN THIS SYLLABUS, please fill out the info requested below and return this page to Ms. Iversen/Ms. Guercio so that we know you have read and are in agreement with all of the statements and policies put forth in this entire packet.
Student’s Name______
Student’s Address______
Student's home telephone number:______
Mother/ Guardian Name______
Mother/ Guardian’s daytime phone number______
Father/Guardian’s Name ______
Father/ Guardian’s daytime phone number______
Home e-mail______
Is there anything that you would like me to know about your child?
Student SignatureParent/Guardian Signature
Thank you in advance for your support!
Ms. Iversen and Ms. Guercio