Chemistry Course Guidelines

We are so excited to have you joining our team for ajourney through the exciting world of chemistry. We look forward to helping you delve deeper into the study of matter and energy. This field is providing new opportunities in our world every day and we are so thrilled to help you explore some new ideas and strengthen your skills as scientists! / The Chemistry Team
Mr. Patrick Boylan Rm. 629 464-6286
Ms. Nin Emery Rm. 623 464-6279
Ms. Kristina Lestik Rm. 632 464-6296
Ms. Sarah Park Rm. 631 464-6295
Ms. Katy Korzekwa Rm. 625 464-6281
Mr. Chad Sanders Rm. 631 464-6295
For webpages and email, please see the Round Rock High School Website
Grading Policy*
Grading for Chemistry will occur through daily work, tests and lab work.
TESTS will account for 40% of each six week grade.
LABS will account for 40% of the each six week grade.
This category will be divided into 2 types of labs.
Minor Labs will count for 20% and will include a focus
on specific skills and lab processes.
Major Labs will count for 20% and will include labs in
which multiple skills, processes and content will
be assessed.
DAILY WORK will account for 20% of asix week grade.
*Grading policies are subject to change! Please see teacher website for current policies. / Late Work*
To be successful in chemistry, it is important that work be submitted in a timely manner. This ensures that students are receiving feedback in an equally timely manner. Our goal is for the late work policy to assist students in keeping current with their progress.
Late work policy:
  • Each assignment will have a set due date.
  • Work that is not submitted on time will receive a 10% point deduction for each consecutive school day the assignment is late.
  • Work that is more than 2 consecutive school days may receive a highest possible grade that may be earned at this point is a 70%.
*Please refer to RRHS grading policy for greater detail.
Opportunities for Improvement
Daily Grades and Minor Labs
  • Grades less than a 70% on these assignments will be eligible for an “upgrade” if you can demonstrate you have learned the material on the unit test or corresponding major lab.
  • Upgrades will be for a maximum of 70%.
  • To be eligible for an upgrade, you must submit your assignment with corrections made on the day of the unit test.
Major Labs
  • Low grades on major labs will be eligible for a lab rewrite for up to a 70%.
  • Lab rewrites MUST be completed and submitted during tutorials.
/ Absences
  • It is the students’ responsibility to collect missing assignments, complete and submit all work.
School related or scheduled absence: 2 Days
  • Students must notify teacher in advance. Students out for school related absencesmust make up all assignments within two consecutive school days.
For example: Ivorymissed a chem test when she was absent four daysfor gymnastics. Her first day back at school isTuesday, so Ivorymust take her chemistry test by Thursday.
Documented illness absence:
  • Sick students have as many days to make up their work as the number of days they were absent.
For example: Elliottmissed a chem test when he was absent four dayswith the flu. His first day back at school is Tuesday, so Grantmust take his chemistry test by the following Monday.
According to research, homework is best used as practice for concept mastery. Homework will be assigned on a regular basis. Students are expected to do homework in preparation for graded daily work, quizzes, tests, and labs.
Problems Completing Homework?
  • Complete homework the DAY it is assigned so you can come to tutorials the next morning if you’re stuck.
  • Come in and check homework using solution keys in class.
Tips for Parent Support:
  • Check student objective sheets, agendas and teacher websites to help track assignments.
  • Create a quiet work environment to help focus study time.
  • Encourage your child to seek help as often as needed!
/ Retest Policy
Students who earn less than a 70% on a test have the option to retake that test for up to a 70%. All retests MUST be completed within 7 consecutive school days from the return of the assignment. The student will have one opportunity to retest. In order to qualify for a retest, the student must complete relevant assignments and/or supporting activities as directed by the teacher.
This may include, but is not limited to:
  • Completion and/or correction of related assignments.
  • Come to tutorials and correct test.
  • Get your teacher’s signature and determine retest date.
The retest assessment will be different from the original assessment.
Supporting Chemistry Success
Tutorials- Chemistry tutorials are available Monday, Tuesday, and Friday mornings from 8:15-8:55. Wednesday and Thursday morning tutorials are available by appointment only (talk to your teacher beforehand!) Monday – Thursday afternoon tutorials are from 4:15 -5:00. These tutorials will not always be their teacher but during those times there will always be a chemistry teacher able to assist any student.
To see the schedule by teacher and room number, please see your chemistry teacher’s website. A physical schedule will be posted in each chemistry room.
When attending tutorials, please bring all materials, supplies, and your objective sheet.
  • Please keep track of your students’ progress through our Home Access Center. This may be checked at any time from home.
  • Progress reports/Report cards are sent home by the school every 3 weeks.
To enroll in HAC, go to the RRHS homepage and there is a link in the upper right hand corner. Follow this link. For questions, contact your students’ alpha office. / Required Materials
Textbook:Modern Chemistry
1 Composition Notebook OR a 1.5” binder
2 dry erase markers
2 new white cotton socks
At least 2 writing utensils (including a pen and pencil)