CheckPoint: Full-Sentence Outline

Thesis Statement: There are those who resent technology but it has become advanced to the point that it is quite convenient for many.


I. Telephones are a huge way to communicate with other people around the world and the technology would not be here today if Alexander Bell would not have invented it.

A. Alexander Bell went through his life being interested in the education of deaf people.

1. His interest in the education of deaf people is what led him to invent the microphone which is now called the telephone.

2. He set up the first telephone exchange in New Haven, Connecticut and in 1884 long distance connections were made between Boston, Massachusetts and New York City.

B. Since Alexander Bell died in 1922 the telecommunication industry has had an amazing revolution.

1. In present day deaf people are able to use special display telephones to communicate.

2. What is improving the quality and speed of telecommunications today is the use of fiber optics.

II. Computers were the next step from telephones on communicating through technology.

A. Between 1939 and 1942 Professor John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry invented the first electronic-digital computer at the Iowa State University.

1. Their computer had capabilities such as parallel processing, a binary system of arithmetic, regenerating memory, and a separation of memory and computing functions.

2. This development of the digital computer led to a more advanced version in 1946 that was invented by John Mauchly and J Presper Eckert that the military sponsored.

B. Over many years computer technology advanced into the PC (Personal Computer).

1. IBM (International Business Machines), a name heard much today, incorporated in 1911 and created computers that advanced over the years.

2. In 1981 they created the first ever personal computer that was called the IBM PC.

Where did you place the most effective arguments in your paper? Explain your reasoning. Toward the end of the body paragraphs because people will remember the most important part which is how the technology of telecommunications has advanced into computers of today.

How did you address counterarguments without weakening your own premise? By stating that these advancements in technology have become convenient to the world and providing credible information to back it up.